Sitka Gear Optifade Cover

Do it yourself mounts

raybow 1

New member
Dec 19, 2000
bellingham- washington
Hey let's show some of our creative artwork men!!
Here is one of a few I have done.
Hey, those look pretty nice! Are those all blacktails (except for the last pic)? You've got some nice ones!

Those are great Ray..I am going to re-do one I already have and fix a couple others...Thanks..
Nice Burls Ray, and nice bucks too. What kind of burls are those?

I have mounted a few like that, but have no pics of them. My dad is currently taking the horns off a little moose he shot and putting a HUGE set of sheds I found on it. That will be cool.
Ya they are Blacktails exept the white colored one, which is a washington whitetail.

Ya maple burls I have had for quite some time. Never really figured out what to do with all of em so I just started using some for this

<FONT COLOR="#800080" SIZE="1">[ 01-16-2003 11:24: Message edited by: raybow 1 ]</font>
Elkchsr, If you need some company let me know, I can practically spit on the canal from my house, come after june and go home with a mess of dungeness crab, or come in july and go home with crab and salmon, Ray lives close enough to join us too.
Have boat and chainsaw , will travel.
I have a chainsaw, but I can't be in that area that late in the season, I am a wildland fire fighter and that is when we are on call. I don't think I can make it back to Helena Mt. in 2 hours if I get called..LMAO!!!!
I will have to see if we all can't get together when I come out in the middle of next month. We could all meet up in Marysville or some thing, that would kinda be a halfway point for every one..LOL...e-mail me if your interested...
Blacktail boy:
Sounds good to me. Anytime your up in this neck of the woods give me a ring and we'll hook up. Russ-That sounds like a plan to me. Give me a ring when your headed down.
Later guys.