Divorce, do you ever see it coming...


Sorry to hear that. It’ll probably hurt for a while, but it will subside. Time heals all wounds.

I never saw mine coming either. She walked in, said she wanted to talk, told me she filed for divorce, and was gone within the hour.

Since then I have a saying: “Women. Can’t live with ‘em...can’t live with ‘em.” There’s not much more to say.

Be strong, and good luck.
I will take my gun and reloading bench over my ex.
Sorry to hear that man! It sucks. Didn't really see mine coming. But life is good now. I have a girl friend who enjoys the outdoors way more than my ex. She even enjoys hunting with me. Good luck.
My girlfriend enjoys outdoor too, my ex didn’t like outdoor or guns!
Well,lets see.....Never been married,came close a few times,lived with the same woman for 22 yrs and we split when she asked me to leave,last load leaving she said "I can't believe your leaving me" and I replied ,"you asked me to".....we are friends still and she even visited last year. Her friends still tell her that was a mistake and I was the best thing to happen to her after her post 27yr life,kids & divorce...

I grew up with 4 sisters,1 older bro and lots of strong women around me to make up for the male shortfalls post WWII. I was always a loner. I matured early or was forced to. I have always had more female real friends than male. I only dated 2 women at the same time once....wow,that was bad.
Listened to my Grandpa who was a matter of fact kind of guy on life. Never shit in your own nest,never get in over your head,never treat a woman bad.

I have dealt with PTSD,stressful jobs,life & death,others kids and mates. I am a better man when I am around women,but never got in over my head.
Never will. I'm picky that way. I'll walk before I do something I'll regret.
I got more Xmas cards this year than I have in years, the siblings & theirs,3 ex's & their kids I help raise ( I have not heard from them in 30+ yrs) and 2 that I walked on after the 1st date.
I am hopeful my old redhead haircutter friend does come out with her trailer to visit,but I won't hold my breath. That would be over my head.
I held out as long as I could. I know it sounds cliche' but she was a nut case. Still is. That was Winter of '94. Spent most of the next few months living in my van in the Eastern Sierras of CA. It helped.

Been married now to Mrs. Fan for 22 years. It's great in our lives. If it falls apart, which I don't see happening, I'm done. Too many hunts, too many rivers to fly fish, and too many sunrises to miss.

You'll make it. Keep going. Super sorry for it all. It truly sucks. Post here a lot. It might help.
My first marriage lasted 46 years. I met my wife when we were in high school, dated 3 years and got married at 20 years old. We had 5 children that were all wonderful people that grew up and had children of their own, giving us 16 grandkids.

This June will be our 47th anniversary, I can’t imagine life without her. Still living the dream with my first wife...
@Nameless Range , thank you for that quote. I think I have fallen victim to the "overcompensations for misery...and picturesqueness of a struggle with temptation or a fatal overthrow by passion or doubt."

Not only in our relationships with others but with ourselves and learning to be happy while still yearning to improve ourselves.

@neffa3 your words about selfishness ring quite true. I've noticed that happiness runs parallel to fun. We all know there are 2 types of fun. Type one is Fun to DO. Type 2 is Fun to Remember. I'm going to add a Type 3 . Fun to watch someone ELSE having fun.
Divorced after 9 years and the funny thing was that I can remember standing at the alter thinking this won't last 10 years. Was told I was too stupid to go to college among other things that I was not capable of doing correctly more times than I remember while we were married. She left with the kids and I stayed single for a couple of years. The only thing I wanted to know following it all was someone to tell me how long it would hurt. There are times that I dwell too long on the "what might have been" but I realize now that had we stayed together, I would not be the person I am now.

Met my current wife on a blind date and when she asked what my intentions were I told her I was looking for a wife and she was on a job interview. Kissed her good night at the end of the date (only used 1 lip as I knew she couldn't handle it all) and have been with her ever since. Took her to a company Christmas party the first year we together and introduced her as my future ex-wife. Been with her for 25 years and she is the most supportive, caring person I know and is my best friend. The only thing she said when I came home after signing up for college was "You put us $10,000.00 in debt and didn't talk to me!?". Finished a Masters degree with her consistent support and encouragement. What do you know I am not too stupid to go to college LOL!
My first marriage lasted 46 years. I met my wife when we were in high school, dated 3 years and got married at 20 years old. We had 5 children that were all wonderful people that grew up and had children of their own, giving us 16 grandkids.

This June will be our 47th anniversary, I can’t imagine life without her. Still living the dream with my first wife...
Kicking the o.p. in the balls.....
I saw it coming but I know many who were blindsided. It was a rough go but I ended up with a much better wife and we're still going strong 16 years later. PigHuntress is the best!
Damn, we are more vicious, evil, cunning, and difficult to live with than I realized. I didn't read them all, but the ones I read do paint an unsavory picture of the weaker sex.

Makes me wonder if my marriage is as strong and as much fun as I think it is o_O
Damn, we are more vicious, evil, cunning, and difficult to live with than I realized. I didn't read them all, but the ones I read do paint an unsavory picture of the weaker sex.

Makes me wonder if my marriage is as strong and as much fun as I think it is o_O
Never take your marriage or spouse for granted. If a relationship is worth keeping then it's worth attention.
First marriage I was able to last 17 years, I knew after the first 5 it wouldn't last, but stuck it out & sufferred because I wanted to be a constant presence in my kids lives. Looking back....might have been a better choice to cut it off early when the kids were super young and didn't know what was going on, hind-sight it 20-20, we do what we think is the best decision at the time with the information available.

I now share my life w/the woman of my dreams, best friend, hunting partner, best cook in America, fishing partner, etc. etc. etc....... She says fate, I say luck, either way we both gave this time around some deep thought before jumping in.
Damn, we are more vicious, evil, cunning, and difficult to live with than I realized. I didn't read them all, but the ones I read do paint an unsavory picture of the weaker sex.

Makes me wonder if my marriage is as strong and as much fun as I think it is o_O
If you think it’s fun and strong, I bet Mr. Panda would agree.
The problems and faults associated with humanity are not confined to either sex.
I have found that whatever conflict exists between my wife and I usually has shared responsibility between the two of us.
Thankfully, for the past 18 years we have both been very intentional about trying to work out differences and accommodate each other’s needs.
Life has a way of changing all of us and I think a lot of couples get blindsided by that reality. Not growing together through the changes usually results in some serious consequences when one or both people wonder who this person they married even is any more.
Damn, we are more vicious, evil, cunning, and difficult to live with than I realized. I didn't read them all, but the ones I read do paint an unsavory picture of the weaker sex.

Makes me wonder if my marriage is as strong and as much fun as I think it is o_O
7.8 billion people in the world, all individuals. No apple to apples comparisons to be had.
My first divorce after 7 years of marriage was a total surprise to me.

My second marriage started going south the first year but I hang on for 10 years thinking things would get better. They didn't and that divorce cost me more than a grand slam of sheep hunts. That was 20 years ago and I still am paying her and will for the rest of my life.

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