Deercam Pictures


Well-known member
Aug 22, 2002
Had 2 cameras out in 3 weeks time. Had 124 pictures on one camera. These are just a few. The other camera had 24 pictures in 4 days and the battery puked out...


This guy must have thought MTmiller had a camera out there


Oh yea, to answer any questions ahead of time, this is my mineral site. I put a mixture of livestock mineral and rock salt in this spot. Once in a while i will put a little livestock Molasses on it for a little treat.
I know how to resize, just too lazy. They arent that frigging big! Here you go.
Never Paid attention Ithica because i move the camera around a bit. Its hard to know how much is getting consumed because rain washes a lot of it into the soil and the salt melts away as well. They will eat the dirt that is salty but I try to keep that from happening by keeping it full so thye dont eat the dirt. If you dont keep it full you end up with a pit that has water in it at times and that really is bad on the salt. They seem to use it the least in the fall is my guess though, going by the amount of tracks i see there. I noticed that some doe seem to hit it almost daily (hence the 122 pictures in 3 weeks) and the bigger bucks were only on there once so far. I put a camera back there again to see if the biger buck will return, i want to get a profile of that one as he is definitly a shooter in my area. As far as i can tell he is only 4 on a side. The bucks are really just getting back into the woods now that the acorns are falling. before then they just lounge in the corn and bean fields all summer.
I know who owns that friggin dog... That guy better have been out there loose instead of with its owner! That fuggin dog never stops barking when the guy is not home, drives everyone in the area nuts.
They probably looked big because I'm on a laptop. Nice buck on the bottom. When do you get to start chasing them?
Oak said:
They probably looked big because I'm on a laptop. Nice buck on the bottom. When do you get to start chasing them?
I think it is the weekend that my Muzz hunt in CO ends. I have not been home for the bow opener in 5 years i think. I think it wil be a slow start this year as the acorn crop is not real promising. Last year the white oaks blew thier load and that only happens about every 4-5 years. I have lots of red oaks too but they dont favor those over the AG crops like the White Oak acorns. So.. not going to get to wound up until the rut fires up in late october
Nice pics! I've always wanted to play with one of those cameras. That's the wierdest looking 'yote I've ever seen!
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