CRUD! Shoula went anyway


New member
Sep 6, 2014
I wanted to go, Have the day off, and cleared it with the wife. After I took the little granddaughter to kindergarten I was going to bug out and see if I could get 3 or 4 sets in north of town and maybe kill some sharpies too. :eek:
BUT NO I listened to the forecast early this morning, calling for wind and rain... So here I sit, in front of my fire pit watching the fire, pounding on the keys of my PC ( with one finger by the way). Not a drop of rain yet and very calm. WAT UP WIT DAT ??? I did get the lawn mowed and a bunch of the lawn furniture put up for the winter but I wanted to go hunting, CRAP !
I'm going goose hunting Sat and sun but a midweek coyote fest would have been GREAT.I know better, I checked the NOWA site and it said a SLIGHT chance of crappy rain but that was last night, here you can't plan anything on the weather, you just have to PLAN and go see... Silly me.
Another misted chance.
I hate it when that happens. I've decided if I come back in another life I'm going to be a weatherman. I can be wrong more than half the time, not get in trouble, and still get paid. :D
The weather doesn't always win as this mess of dead coyotes can attest from my season year before last. I didn't get out much last year, but this year I intend to do as well or better than what is pictured below.
Is that about 40 dogs?:hump:
Nice deer too.
We did 55 but the snow stopped a LOT of trips . :BLEEP:
WEATHER permitting hope to hit 100 this year.
It's close. I think there are 38 in the photo. I got 43 that year, but obviously I didn't haul 5 of them out. Sometimes they choose to die in places I don't have any desire to follow them into. If you counted all mine and added the coyotes I called in and let partners shoot it would be up around 75 or so. Still if you guys got 55, that is a heckuva good year!
That's between Me, the Boy and his wife. GOOD thing we have the Boy to back us up and drag out the coyotes !!!!! We got $55 finished .Didn't start to keep the heads till this year, I have a guy that wants them and has the bugs !!!:eek:
Sounds like both of you guys are pros! I am going to start coyote hunting here in West Central Minnesota this year. I am an avid hunter, but haven't done the coyote deal. If you could give me one tip, what would it be?
In all seriousness, it would be a good idea to watch/memorize Randy Anderson's Mastering the Art of Predator Calling. It's from the Randy Anderson Primos series. Also do not expect to rack up the numbers like some coyotes hunters do out west.
Sold everyone of the coyote skulls to some guy back east. I have no idea what he does with them. Wish I did know, as it would be nice to have a market figured out for them. I sold him 50 or more the year before. He didn't call last year so I don't know if he's still buying or not.
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