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Crossbows OUCH!

I'm no fan of them. For medical reasons with legitimate doctors notes I'm okay with it, but simply because someone chooses not to practice and be proficient with another bow its not a reason I can support.
I'm like many people here. I would never begrudge those who have a legitimate need to use a crossbow. It's those who are just lazy and don't want to put in the time to practice that I have a problem with. Those that just use a crossbow as an excuse to kill more animals rather than hunt them.
To those that say there is no difference between a crossbow and a bow, you have eliminated the motion of drawing and holding the string back. All you have to do is sit there with your finger on the trigger for perhaps hours or days on end and should never be legal during archery season.
pretty funny to see guys that don't believe that crossbows should be used, but shoot bows with 79.99% let-off, mechanical broadheads and run a line of game cameras
Mr older brother lives in whitetail country and blew out his shoulder one summer but was able to hunt that fall with a crossbow. He likes being in the woods hunting when not many people there and is quiet. Had surgery in the spring and was good to go with the bow again by fall. Then his elbow acted up a couple of years later and was arthritis. Hurt to practice. Not a fan of pain pills so retired the bow and upgraded the crossbow. Still likes being in the woods when is quiet so hunting during muzzleloader or rifle season would not be as enjoyable. If those were his options, he would use the crossbow over a muzzleloader or rifle depending on the land he was hunting. No matter the weapon, you only get to shoot if are able to get in position where there are animals so you are still hunting.

My elbow got sore a few years ago and gutted it out shooting the bow for two more years. Hurt everyday I would practice and for a few days after so basically I had elbow pain daily from June through end of hunting season. Would hurt to carry a bag of groceries with that arm. Would wake me up at night. Gave away my bow and gear since i knew if I had the bow then I would use it. Only hunt with a muzzleloader or rifle now.

Oldest brother still shoots a bow. We all grew up with same view on what was ethical hunting and here we are decades later with a bowhunter, a crossbow hunter and retired bowhunter.
I agree, if it's legal it's ok. I wasn't arguing that point, just don't think crossbows should be legal during archery season.
As always crossbows and politics become the most useless threads on here. I'm embarrassed I even commented on it. Has anyone's opinion changed? Does the op feel any better about it? I say doubtful to both. Carry on so I can read more and then errase my response before posting. Its just a pissing contest at this point.
pretty funny to see guys that don't believe that crossbows should be used, but shoot bows with 79.99% let-off, mechanical broadheads and run a line of game cameras

Yeah. If it's legal, then go for it.
I know a guy that is missing his right arm at the shoulder. He shoots a long bow with a leather strap on the sting and draws it with his teeth. He kills as much game as anyone. I also think he would be happy to put up with a little shoulder pain shooting a bow if he had that right arm back.
As always crossbows and politics become the most useless threads on here. I'm embarrassed I even commented on it. Has anyone's opinion changed? Does the op feel any better about it? I say doubtful to both. Carry on so I can read more and then errase my response before posting. Its just a pissing contest at this point.

As the OP I feel fine with my decision. The funny part is seeing so many responses that were similar to how I felt prior to arriving at this point and circumstance. I drew the Wyoming tag early this year and after a 10 year wait I am not willing to eat it prior to the season (special draw) though perhaps at the end which will be fine with me. Yes, there is rifle season after archery but that is apples to oranges in comparison. Much like a long bow to a compound or primitive muzzleloader to an inline. We all have that line we don't want to cross. Mine is the elk woods in September and the chance at an ethical kill or no September hunt. I choose to hunt. If one reads my post I have archery hunted for many years, shot many 3D tournaments and have managed to put a stick through a few animals. I also have a 70 yard range out my back door. In recent years it was used nearly every day from March to Sept, To go from being comfortable at 60 yards to spraying the target at 20 in one year was a shock.
I just found "Draw loc" options for Montana and Colorado which I will investigate if the time comes that I can once again hold a bow out in front of me. Otherwise Montana Archery will end for me.
As to the comments about the tracked wheel chair, I had a friend and his kid I hunted with since he was 14. It ended when he went to Afghanistan. On his second tour he lost both his legs. Should he give up hunting? It's a rhetorical question...
I have it way better than him. I'm only 50% disabled (not counting my shoulders) a couple months shy of 70 and I'm not looking for special treatment. Crossbows are legal in Wyoming. I like the different perspectives voiced here. It's always interesting to peer through someone else's binos...
As the OP I feel fine with my decision. The funny part is seeing so many responses that were similar to how I felt prior to arriving at this point and circumstance. I drew the Wyoming tag early this year and after a 10 year wait I am not willing to eat it prior to the season (special draw) though perhaps at the end which will be fine with me. Yes, there is rifle season after archery but that is apples to oranges in comparison. Much like a long bow to a compound or primitive muzzleloader to an inline. We all have that line we don't want to cross. Mine is the elk woods in September and the chance at an ethical kill or no September hunt. I choose to hunt. If one reads my post I have archery hunted for many years, shot many 3D tournaments and have managed to put a stick through a few animals. I also have a 70 yard range out my back door. In recent years it was used nearly every day from March to Sept, To go from being comfortable at 60 yards to spraying the target at 20 in one year was a shock.
I just found "Draw loc" options for Montana and Colorado which I will investigate if the time comes that I can once again hold a bow out in front of me. Otherwise Montana Archery will end for me.
As to the comments about the tracked wheel chair, I had a friend and his kid I hunted with since he was 14. It ended when he went to Afghanistan. On his second tour he lost both his legs. Should he give up hunting? It's a rhetorical question...
I have it way better than him. I'm only 50% disabled (not counting my shoulders) a couple months shy of 70 and I'm not looking for special treatment. Crossbows are legal in Wyoming. I like the different perspectives voiced here. It's always interesting to peer through someone else's binos...

Good luck and happy hunting, I admire your determination and hope that I too will be on the hunt at 70. My Dad hung it up a while back and it makes me sad he doesn't even take my boys out. So I'm sorry if I or others sounded off about our opinions when we should have been thanking you for a fine example of we could be doing at 70 rather than giving up on something we love.
I think as we get older our views change,at least mine have.When you "walk in someone elses shoes" and realize what people are going thru and how they may be suffering in a certain way, it humbles you a little. Your a hunter, 70 years old God bless! If you want to hunt with a xbow do it! I know I will do whatever I have to do, to keep myself hunting by any legal means, weather it is with a xbow, motorized chair, or on the back of my wife! Don't for a second feel "guilty", Happy hunting and good luck!
I know a guy that is missing his right arm at the shoulder. He shoots a long bow with a leather strap on the sting and draws it with his teeth. He kills as much game as anyone. I also think he would be happy to put up with a little shoulder pain shooting a bow if he had that right arm back.

This^ Have you ever seen the guy with NO arms who still shoots a bow? Oh, he competes too, and he won a national title...
So at this late date; This thread got hijacked right out of the gate. I. Wasn't asking for feelings about crossbows or permission. I'm nearly 70 and have hunted since I was 9. It sould be clear that I know who I am. I was asking for options for those of us that are planning to keep hunting. One gentleman offered the draw loc possibility which was helpful for options in the future. Many comments were understanding and supportive and that was appreciated. Those that would suggest quitting well you may lack fire in your belly. This isn't a hobby for me, it is my passion. As to guys with no arms or one arm shooting, great. Can you do it? Nuff said...
Good hunting to all and have fun this season. I will be in the elk country of Wyoming in two days with this year's solution.
So at this late date; This thread got hijacked right out of the gate. I. Wasn't asking for feelings about crossbows or permission. I'm nearly 70 and have hunted since I was 9. It sould be clear that I know who I am. I was asking for options for those of us that are planning to keep hunting. One gentleman offered the draw loc possibility which was helpful for options in the future. Many comments were understanding and supportive and that was appreciated. Those that would suggest quitting well you may lack fire in your belly. This isn't a hobby for me, it is my passion. As to guys with no arms or one arm shooting, great. Can you do it? Nuff said...
Good hunting to all and have fun this season. I will be in the elk country of Wyoming in two days with this year's solution.

Hope you get a whopper!
Crossbows have been legal here in MO for a couple years. I said I would never but I sighted in my new crossbow today. I still have both arms but I like it. I think the wife and kids will too. I hope you kill a giant OP.
Maybe you guys can help me with a decision I have to make. I'll be 75 in a couple of months and as anybody my age I have a bunch of medical problems. I won't bore you with the long list. Those i've told tell me to retire from hunting including my doctor. I can't do that. I feel like I have a couple of elk hunts left in me with a little help.
I've gotten to the point that I can't handle the recoil from a rifle/muzzleloader. I won't bore you with the reasons. Another problem is my vision. I've lost the sight in my right eye completely. I'm right handed and had to learn to shoot left handed. Not that hard and it feels ok now. The problem is the vision in my left eye is failing too and I can't use open sights anymore. The DOW here in Colorado gave me a special license to use a scope in muzzleloader season. I've had it now for 5 years, but never used it. I felt guilty using a scope when others couldn't. So, I struggled with open sights having to get within 25 yds with a muzzleloader. Now that isn't close enough. Between that and not being able to take the recoil I sold my last muzzleloader last week. All guns are gone now.

Sorry for the long winded post. I felt I had to give some background so you'd understand. When the DOW gave me the license to use a scope on a muzzleloader. They also gave me a license to use a crossbow in archery season and to use a scope on it. Two separate licences. I'm undecided if I should use those and buy a crossbow? I have a good friend who's 100% Lakota Indian who hunts with a longbow he made. He said to hunt with him and he's haul out the meat for me. He's a big guy and looks like he could bring out an elk in one trip. In return i'd show him some of my secret elk hunting spots. I just want the meat, so probably a cow hunt. I've always hunted solo, so hunting with someone elase might be fun for a change. I want to do it, because i'm sure it's my last chance at another elk hunt.

I'm still bothered by using a crossbow in archery season. I know i'll get flak from the other bow hunters. I can handle it, but I still feel guilty. What do you guys think? Should I do it? It's legal, but is it right?

edit...This of course would be for next year. Too late for this year.
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I'm still bothered by using a crossbow in archery season. I know i'll get flak from the other bow hunters. I can handle it, but I still feel guilty. What do you guys think? Should I do it? It's legal, but is it right?

If it gets you out hunting, yes you should. There is nothing to feel guilt about
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