CPW Commission Appointments


Well-known member
Aug 2, 2017
Recommend CO residents check this out and contact CO State Senators. This could lead us to the tragic situation we are seeing play out in Washington state. Snow day so I am calling and emailing CO state senators on the Ag and Natural Resources Committee.

Of note the committee has changed for this session, the CO leg.gov website still has the 2021-2022 members.

Current members are:
Chair Dylan Roberts
Nick Hinrichsen
Janice Marchman
Kevin Priola
Cleave Simpson
Rod Pelton
Byron Pelton
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Confirmation hearing in progress. You can listen here.

Their appointments will be forwarded to the full Senate with either favorable or unfavorable recommendations.
Commissioners Beaulieu's and Skiba's appointments were forwarded to the full Senate with unfavorable recommendations (4-3) and Commissioner Murphy's appointment was forwarded with a favorable recommendation (4-3).
Commissioners Beaulieu's and Skiba's appointments were forwarded to the full Senate with unfavorable recommendations (4-3) and Commissioner Murphy's appointment was forwarded with a favorable recommendation (4-3).
Beaulieu's unfavorable does not surprise me, but other than Skiba liking wolves, seems like he actually gets what the commission should be doing. I didnt have a chance to watch, what came up about him other than wolves?
Beaulieu's unfavorable does not surprise me, but other than Skiba liking wolves, seems like he actually gets what the commission should be doing. I didnt have a chance to watch, what came up about him other than wolves?
During the wolf SAG meetings he pushed to include pets in the damage compensation part of the wolf management plan. He was questioned today on a comment he made back then that he would shoot a wolf if it was attacking his hunting dog, and that it meant he was admitting that he would poach. He stood by his comment today.
During the wolf SAG meetings he pushed to include pets in the damage compensation part of the wolf management plan. He was questioned today on a comment he made back then that he would shoot a wolf if it was attacking his hunting dog, and that it meant he was admitting that he would poach. He stood by his comment today.
Interesting. Not a whole lot of dog owners out there that wouldn’t do the same. Including the people in Boulder and Denver who pushed wolves across the finish line.
Interesting committee hearing. Roberts went at Skiba pretty hard, particularly over Skiba’s testimony against Roberts’ wolf 10J bill last year. I thought they really let Beaulieu off the hook though, lots hard questions could be presented regarding her work with Center for Biological Diversity, Univ of Denver Animal Law Center, testimony in favor of SB22-031 Mtn Lion Hunt Ban, and her proclaiming to be an “avid park user” despite not holding a Colorado state park pass.
Attached is the letter from CWCP with the list of signatories sent prior to the hearing.

Dallas May, the Commission Chairman, gave some introductory remarks which included the statement that all 3 of the appointees have been "involved" in all of the Commission meetings to date. I think I have attended or listened to all of the Commission meetings and don't recall Beaulieu or Murphy saying much of anything.

Director Davis also gave some (rambling) opening remarks. When he stated CPW's mission he mistakenly said "preserve" wildlife instead of "perpetuate." It was probably just a slip of the tongue, but one that I hope he does not make a habit of, especially when speaking on the record in the Capital.

Beaulieu stated in her opening remarks that she is not "anti-hunting."

Senator Will asked if they support the NAMWC and each replied with an unqualified yes.

Senator Roberts' main line of questioning for Beaulieu was her lack of qualifications for the position. He read the long list of possible qualifications listed in the statute that defines the different seats on the commission and the only one that she was able to check the box for was being a "park user." When asked how many annual parks passes she has purchased in the past, her answer was none.

Roberts then moved onto Skiba and pointed out the apparent mismatch between his membership with Defenders of Wildlife and his seat as a Sportsmen representative. He followed with some very detailed questions about his leadership on the wolf ballot initiative (ballot box biology) and his seat on the commission which, prior to his appointment, had rejected forced wolf reintroduction on 3 occasions in the past decade or so.

Colorado Politics Article on Hearing

Audio recording of the Hearing: Hearing Audio Recording


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Commissioner Beaulieu testified in favor of SB22-031 (Prohibit Hunting Bobcat Lynx And Mountain Lion) in 2022. You can listen to her testimony at approximately 4:08:00 at the link below.
Yikes. She basically replayed the Prop 91-CATS talking points in her testimony. It also brings in to question her statements during the committee hearing that she is not an anti-hunter and she supports the North American Model of Wildlife Conservation.

And thanks @Oak for flagging this. Helped me craft another email to Senators. Whether it makes a difference.......who knows?
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If you are a colorado resident Howl has an action now making it easy to message the senate and let them know we don’t approve of Polis’s commission apportionments. Deadline is the end of day March 4th!

e-mail your state senators. this is going to the full senate tomorrow. respectfully pound in to your senators head that Gary Skiba and Jessica Beaulieu were forwarded with unfavorable recommendation from the committee.

avoid the pre loaded take actions e-mails and write your own and be respectful but honest.
