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Corona virus

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Some new estimates from the CDC on the regular lame ass flu that nobody’s worried about.
Estimated 34 million flu illnesses, 350,000 hospitalizations, 20,000 deaths with 136 being children.

What is the current count in the US on the coronavirus, like 16 old people. World wide the last figure I saw was like 3380.

People keep throwing out the 2-3% death rate but for that math to work out you have to believe every single person who contracted the virus has been tested.
From what I've read, this coronavirus is more contagious than the flu. Presently there is no vaccine. With a vaccine shot available for the flu, there are still millions of cases of the flu.

It seems entirely plausible to me that there will be widespread cases of coronavirus in the next few months. It may well subside with warmer weather. But it will be back next fall before a vaccine is available to the public. It is then that it could really cause widespread problems.

Right now, we really do not know how many cases there are in the US. The testing program is a joke. No one could possibly think that the extent of the cases is reflected accurately by the number identified by the test. That does make a precise death rate impossible to determine. It would be a stretch to think coronavirus has a lower death rate than the flu. The incomplete evidence we have shows that its death rate is far higher than the flu.
I don't see anyone on here trying to justify the panic. It is what it is. That doesn't mean that there is no cause for concern.
Also as far as politics go I haven't looked on the news to see left vs right but I have watched the leader of the free world go from "everything is good its a hoax" to not meeting with the CDC because someone in the building might have Corona virus.
I doubt he would have canceled the meeting if 1 person in the building had the flu and was sent home.
“It only takes out old people”
Great...until that is your grandma or mom or uncle.
If you are healthy and young probably not a huge cause for concern . If I had chronic Asthma, COPD, CHF, or otherwise damaged lungs. I would be worried.
Everything takes out old people people are higher rate. Shit happens! It is part of growing old, you fall in your 30s it’s no big deal you fall in your 90s you got a broken hip and arm and or wheelchair-bound the rest of your days.
This will probably be a rough 18 months for public health and healthcare. Hope people make good choices about their own wishes and those of their loved ones.
I work in one of the leading research hospitals in the United States that has been actively engaged in the development of potential vaccinations. We have received constant e-mails as far as updates as to what is going on throughout the quarantine process. From the standpoint of the officials informing us, it is all about proper precautions. As of right now, our department is allowed to buy a maximum of 10 boxes of face masks per week (this is not a high quantity considering the number we're going through on a daily basis), and hand sanitizer is on backorder at this point. Most of the masks that the general public are buying are not of a quality that will make any sort of difference. Wash your hands frequently. That is the most effective precautionary action you can take at this point. In my opinion, we need to focus on the elderly and individuals that are medically compromised. For the rest of us, our immune systems are going to be entirely capable of defeating this virus, and then our internal systems will have an innate method to fight this virus more efficiently in the future.

So I went to Costco this morning to get some TP. And only one hour after opening they were completely sold out of that and paper towels. (Not to mention it was like a zoo in there.) There were people standing in a line that wrapped clear around the store 2 hours before it even opened. The guy that worked there said it would be the same way tomorrow. I I really don’t feel like standing in a line for that long.

This used to be stacked high with TP before people got freaked out.


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Listen of course any flu like virus is bad. There will be more cases. There will be a vaccine and drug treatments and confident medical understanding. Why the panic? This is being politicized by the left. Hell there are people who want it to rage and be a pandemic. It's not going to be! Where was the hysteria when mers virus killed 12% of infected. It is scary for older people and the weak. Hell the flu typically kills 12,000 to 60,000 a year in the usa. We are less than 300 total infections with this Corona 19. Flu season will be over soon. It may pose a serious threat to wildlife that we won't completely know for years. Other corona viruses have infected other mammals.

Covid-19 is its own beast. This virus has mutated once in the past few weeks. Could mutate again. And again. There is no vaccine. There is no magic pill. Most of us will have Covid-19 during the next 18 months. Remember chicken pox before the vaccine? Was a right of passage. Covid-19 will not miss many of us. Spanish Flu mutated and was in the second winter became the efficient killer. The only question per researchers left to answer that impacts us is by the end of 2021 will 250,000 Americans have died or 25 million.I have a son and DIL that are pediatricians and the challenge is caregivers are getting sick, hospital critical care facilities are near capacity just because and they know that the upcoming decisions they will each make during triage of incoming patients will create PTSD because effectively you just sentenced that person to death unless they have family members willing to work a hand respirator for a few days without interruption. Laugh, ignore, ban, whatever. The only reason more people are not scared is they skipped on their science studies and want to believe science is not real nor predictable for Covid-19. Is very real.
Covid-19 is its own beast. This virus has mutated once in the past few weeks. Could mutate again. And again. There is no vaccine. There is no magic pill. Most of us will have Covid-19 during the next 18 months. Remember chicken pox before the vaccine? Was a right of passage. Covid-19 will not miss many of us. Spanish Flu mutated and was in the second winter became the efficient killer. The only question per researchers left to answer that impacts us is by the end of 2021 will 250,000 Americans have died or 25 million.I have a son and DIL that are pediatricians and the challenge is caregivers are getting sick, hospital critical care facilities are near capacity just because and they know that the upcoming decisions they will each make during triage of incoming patients will create PTSD because effectively you just sentenced that person to death unless they have family members willing to work a hand respirator for a few days without interruption. Laugh, ignore, ban, whatever. The only reason more people are not scared is they skipped on their science studies and want to believe science is not real nor predictable for Covid-19. Is very real.

This thing kicked off what a month and a half ago and we’re at 3400 deaths worldwide. 25 million or 250,000 deaths in the U.S.... come on man.
This is one slide from a webinar given to hospitals around the country 1.5 weeks ago on how they need to be preparing. Not saying it’s right or wrong. It’s just the professional best guess on what to expect given what we know about the current version of the virus.
Covid-19 is its own beast. This virus has mutated once in the past few weeks. Could mutate again. And again. There is no vaccine. There is no magic pill. Most of us will have Covid-19 during the next 18 months. Remember chicken pox before the vaccine? Was a right of passage. Covid-19 will not miss many of us. Spanish Flu mutated and was in the second winter became the efficient killer. The only question per researchers left to answer that impacts us is by the end of 2021 will 250,000 Americans have died or 25 million.I have a son and DIL that are pediatricians and the challenge is caregivers are getting sick, hospital critical care facilities are near capacity just because and they know that the upcoming decisions they will each make during triage of incoming patients will create PTSD because effectively you just sentenced that person to death unless they have family members willing to work a hand respirator for a few days without interruption. Laugh, ignore, ban, whatever. The only reason more people are not scared is they skipped on their science studies and want to believe science is not real nor predictable for Covid-19. Is very real.
Though the threat of COVID 19 is very real, your statements are quite alarmist here. There is no way of knowing what the spread will be so statements such as most of us will get it are baseless at this point.
Remdesivir could be a magic bullet and maybe not. We should have a first read on the PIII trial by the end of the month. That is why Gilead rallied on Friday. We just happen to be lucky that was already in advanced development for another indication, Ebola, and in the lab it works on covid 19 too. Let’s hope we see efficacy in patients too.
Moreover, as everyone knows, multiple companies are working on a vaccine. We will have one available in 12 to 18 months, but if remdesivir works, it will be available long before that.
Once we see more widespread contagion, we will see lock downs here too and that will limit spread. Look at Milan, under lock down today.
Bottom line, this isn’t 1918, and though we could have been more proactive, we’ll get a handle on this thing. Count on it.
I read reports a few days ago that cases in China are decreasing. That’s after 2 months, less than 100,000 cases, and in a country with a population much larger than ours. Hopefully that same scenario plays out here in the US.
I read reports a few days ago that cases in China are decreasing. That’s after 2 months, less than 100,000 cases, and in a country with a population much larger than ours. Hopefully that same scenario plays out here in the US.

Pretty much nothing in China adds up, how does a virus go from a couple people to over 80,000 in a month in a population of 1.38 billion people and then all but stop? No way were they that good at containing it?
Pretty much nothing in China adds up, how does a virus go from a couple people to over 80,000 in a month in a population of 1.38 billion people and then all but stop? No way were they that good at containing it?
Have you seen the videos of people welded into their apartment buildings and families screaming on the balconies that somebody was sick inside - and nobody would come?

There's a lot we don't know from over there.

The Chinese response isn't justified by the numbers they're releasing.
Living in NYC has me a little worried, but odds are that if we get it we’ll be ok.
There’s a lot of dangerous shit out there...this is just the thing we are focused on. If I got an alert on my phone every time someone died from the flu or a car crash I’d probably be afraid to leave the house.
That being said, this virus could be the motivation I need to finally pack up and move to our cabin full time
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