Colo. Cracks Down on Left-Lane Dawdling


New member
Nov 28, 2001
I think more states should do this.

Colo. Cracks Down on Left-Lane Dawdling

DENVER - Colorado is serious about its no-dawdling law in left lanes. Drivers who insist on staying in the passing lane are risking tickets as the State Patrol has begun enforcing a law requiring motorists to use the left lane for passing only.

Since the patrol started enforcing the "Left Lane Law" three months ago, troopers have written about 460 tickets or about an average of five a day to drivers who dawdle in the left lane.

The law applies in zones with speed limits of 65 mph or higher. It took effect July 1, but troopers gave drivers until January to get used to the new law; warnings were issued instead of tickets.

Master Trooper Ron Watkins said that since the ticketing campaign began three months ago about 90 percent of the drivers he has pulled over for dawdling or cruising in the left lane said they didn't know that it was illegal to do so.

Violators of the left lane rule may be fined up to $41 and have three points tacked onto their driver's licenses. The law is not enforced when the highway is too congested to allow drivers to pass.
What happens if the speed limit is 65 and you're "dawdling" along in the left lane at 75 mph, and holding up traffic??? You're already breaking the law by going 10 over, is it possible to get ticketed for speeding AND holding up traffic? :confused:
I'm with you Chaser...more states should stop the pace car synchronized driving thing.
At least there is an exemption for when the freeway is congested, and around here that would be at least 12 hours a day. It would be stupid to say you can only be in the left lane while passing. In order for the freeway to have enough capacity for all the traffic, all the lanes need to be used. The left lane can't just be left open so somebody can pass whenever they feel the need. What I don't get are the drivers who think it's ok to go over the speed limit in the left lane. In fact some drivers get extremely upset if there is a car in the left lane driving the speed limit! :confused: |oo
Ha! You oughta try driving N/S bound I-25 N from Denver, one lane would never cut it, it's Indianapolis every morning!! Ya gotta be Parnelli Jones to survive, and the left lane is no exception. Lately, you see 2-3 state troopers every trip. So, they are making a much greater presence. -West
I would guess that the exceptions would be during heavy traffic.
I have been on I-5 North of Everett plenty of times when there are cars doing the slow race pace game. The one on the left won't go fast enough to pass the car on the right, they just make it so no one can get around them, hence a clog on the freeway when non is needed....
I have seen it a lot coming on I-90, the worst part would be in the Cle Elem Area... :)
They used to have signs here in Florida that simply said "slower traffic keep right." Something like that ought to solve most of the problem. If someone comes up behind you just get over. Makes no difference whether you are at the speed limit or not. But then all the brain dead cellphone users wouldn't have a clue whether anyone was within 50 miles. But thats another topic.
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