Clumsy Footed Minutemaids Tripping Sensors to Border Patrol's Dismay

In Arizona, we recently passed a law that you have to show proof of citizenship to vote. Has alot of groups uptight, they are afraid this will become law in other states that don't already to this.

If you are here illegally, you take your fake id, proof you are residing in the state (probably your state medical id card and welfare check stubs) , and register to vote. Not too hard to do.
LMAO!!! snicker snicker...
Three of a kind, all great minds!!!
Which three would you be refering to guner/sybil... :D

I just couldn't help it, that was to easy, and we needed some thing a little light hearted around here... :eek: :D:D:D
Washington Hunter said:
Jose, obviously illegals can't vote but still Curly is correct in that both parties do have their reasons for not wanting to do anything to stop illegal immigration.

I think you are mistaken, this issue is an Internal Issue to the GOP. It is a fight between the Right Wing Nuts, the Isolationists, the Uneducated, and the Wealthy within the GOP.

I don't think the Illegal Alien vote wins elections, but the "cater to the ______ nuts in the GOP" vote does....
AprilW said:
In Arizona, we recently passed a law that you have to show proof of citizenship to vote. Has alot of groups uptight, they are afraid this will become law in other states that don't already to this.

If you are here illegally, you take your fake id, proof you are residing in the state (probably your state medical id card and welfare check stubs) , and register to vote. Not too hard to do.

Given that Dubya won the AZ election, and Prop 200 passed with a big margin, do you really think there are that many illegal aliens standing in line at the election booth???
You thought I was serious... That is the reason for the smiley faces, to add a little personality to a two dimensional medium...

guner/sybil.... Your wound just a little to tight... :eek: :D:D:D
JoseCuervo said:
Given that Dubya won the AZ election, and Prop 200 passed with a big margin, do you really think there are that many illegal aliens standing in line at the election booth???

You would be suprised to how many illegals vote in the elections, Believe it or not lots of illegals wanted Bush.

Its a far lower number than the illegals that get welfare checks from our goverment though, there is one border town next to yuma were illegals from mexico come to get there mail. its all welfare checks and free hand outs from our goverment( ie your tax dollars).

Delw said:
You would be suprised to how many illegals vote in the elections, Believe it or not lots of illegals wanted Bush.

Its a far lower number than the illegals that get welfare checks from our goverment though, there is one border town next to yuma were illegals from mexico come to get there mail. its all welfare checks and free hand outs from our goverment( ie your tax dollars).

If you have anything that discusses the number of illegals that voted, please pass it along. I just can't imagine that the number is significant, but I would like to be educated. And I think Curly was just making shit up, and had no clue what he was talking about.

The issue of receiving government benefits and using government services is different than voting for candidates. We give tons of benefits to people who don't or can't vote.
Go look on all the local tv stations here in az on there archievs, I dont have that kinda time to waste like you do. ;) besides you asked I told

It's easy to sit back in his easy chair in his own glass house, demanding others do his bidding... :eek:
Some I suppose were born with silver spoons in their chops and will never see or understand what the real world is like, or who it is that actually creates all of the wonderful luxuries these pie in the sky types have... :)

I will still say I pity them with all my heart, they are really lost souls with no where to go...:(

What does a silver spoon have to do with this topic and gunner asking for proof that illegals vote?

I would also like to see some very well may be a true statement.

This sucks, you cant even get a freaking answer anymore on this board, even to a ligitimate question.

Instead you get a bunch of bullshit silver spoon pie in the sky non-sense.
I doubt a significant number of illegals vote, but I would think there are many immigrants who came here recently who would be in favor of more lenient immigration laws so that their relatives could come here (and stay here) more easily. For example I am sure there are many here who are only legal because their mother gave birth while ILLEGALLY in this country. How do you suppose those people would vote?

I'd have to guess republican judging by how shrub is "dealing" with the illegal issue and how he wants to LEGALIZE them so they can still work here. His idea is to give them temporary workers cards????

I wonder how well that will work???
JoseCuervo said:
Given that Dubya won the AZ election, and Prop 200 passed with a big margin, do you really think there are that many illegal aliens standing in line at the election booth???

I think the key words here are: "are that many illegal aliens standing in line at the election booth?"

If ONE illegal alien is able to vote, that is too many.

Our govenor fought Prop 200 going into effect. The Hispanic community's support (illegal aliens, people on work visas, and US citizens) is a big force in getting votes. As long as she is looking at that community's best interest , she will keep their support.

As was pointed out in a post above, there are many Hispanics who are citizens but it's in their family and friends' best interest to vote for the politician who is most liberal towards illegals.

What is the point of coming here legally, waiting possibly years to be allowed, when you get all the goodies if you can cross right now? While I don't think illegal aliens should be here, I understand they are opportunists. If our government wasn't so lenient, they wouldn't be here.
AprilW said, " but it's in their family and friends' best interest to vote for the politician who is most liberal towards illegals."

I agree and thats why they'll vote for a republican like Shrub.

Tell me how his actions or ideas ARE NOT LIBERAL TOWARDS ILLEGALS.
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