Clumsy Footed Minutemaids Tripping Sensors to Border Patrol's Dismay

WH- If it's that large of an issue (everyone hates illegal aliens), you would think all politicians would jump on the gravy train to (re) election city. They only avoid issues that will NOT get them re elected or elected in the first place.
MattK said:
DelW- I'm not sure of all your examples but I can say Block watch may patrol but they are not a militia. At least here, they are to watch the neighborhood for any suspicious acts or people. They are in no way supposed to follow, act on, or carry weapons.
I'm not sure if you would consider the minutemen a militia but the quote is correct. Most groups act in coordination and are controlled by the local law enforcement. They are not there to prove it can be done better and to make a statement.

everyone I know on block watch has a weapon, there is nothing against the law in carrying a weapon in this state, wether your on block watch or driving down the road.
you would be stupid not to carry a weapon in this day and age.

So now Arizona has a Representative (Raul) and a Senator (McCain) that don't know anything.

Raul is exactly what cj says, he is pro illegal alien. McCain, well he is just a piece of shit and not worth even speaking about.

DelW- How have they been (re) elected? They are worthless, pieces of shit etc., etc....Yet your state elected them. How can this happen?
Hey guys, the latest news I heard on the radio this morning was a border patrol guy saying that it was actually the ACLU legal observers who were tripping the sensors. Appreantly they were out walking the desert near the border looking for illegals before the minuteman spotted them. The minutemen are sitting on a road in a lawn chair, how the hell is that going to set off a sensor??
Matt, George Bush got elected and look at his view on illegal immigrants. He wants them here! He encourages it. All his big business supporters want the cheap labor. It's all about money. Don't you get it? (and us taxpayers are paying the bill)
WH- That's my point...If it were the BIGGEST issue, we wouldn't have elected a President, Congressman, etc. that looked the other way on illegal immigration! Obviously, the citizens in the United States (and Arizona) don't feel it is the top issue to deal with. Everyone knew GWB position yet still elected him PRESIDENT!!!
WH- I recently looked at a newspaper from the day I was born. The headlines were about troubles with Iran...we've come a long way since then. :rolleyes: On the second page was an article quoting Mike Mansfield (senator from Montana). The article was saying how we needed to shut down the borders and become more isolationist. (Ironic since he became the US ambassador to Japan and was originally from Canada). The President at that time was a Republican (Nixon). Since then we have had a few more Presidents, none of which has done anything about the border.

You can not tell me in the History of the United States (even recent history) that these Presidents and Presidential Candidates have not run against people who stood firm against illegal aliens. Why is it that NONE of those candidates won. I say it is because illegal aliens are either 1) a non issue (to politicians) or 2) an issue politicians will not deal with or 3) not nearly as large an issue as you think it is.

That is my point.
I think the idea MATTy is that the issue is growing in concern and now the public eye. When was the last time people "volunteered" to patrol the border. Just because it's an old issue doesn't mean it's time has come to be addressed.
Matt, well I would agree with 1 & 2. It is a non-issue to politicians and it's something politicians don't want to deal with. But that doesn't mean it's a non-issue to the people of the United States. Do you think most politicians really care what we want, or do they only care about keeping their job and maintaining their power, and flow of money?
WH- they do want to keep their job. The only way to keep their job is to get votes (with the exception of President)...or do you know of another way. If it were an issue people would base their vote for or against someone on, they would have to deal with it. Even in Arizona, politicians are not scared of illegal immigration when it comes to getting votes. That would make it a non-issue to the politicians and indirectly, citizens of that state.
Matt, well a lot of people choose to ignore the problem or they are just ignorant and don't realize how big of a problem it is, and how much money it it costing this country (not to mention the lack of security when our borders are pretty much wide open to anybody who wants to come in.) Then there's people like Elkgunner, George W Bush, and Moosie who feel the illegals are good for our economy as they provide a cheap source of labor. Then there are yet other people who live in states like Montana, where it hasn't got to be a huge drain on the economy as it is in the southern border states like Texas, Arizona, and California, and these people know it's a problem for other people, but figure if it isn't directly affecting their bank account then why deal with it. I'm no political expert but I at least have the common sense to know a problem when I see it. Why do you refuse to admit that the lack of a secure border is a problem?
WH- I have never said it wasn't a problem, I just don't think the solution is a 1000 man march into the desert. It really is a non issue in Montana and have not yet heard any politician in Montana speak of it. I wouldn't be able to vote for or against a congressman or senator based on this issue as it is not discussed. I feel it is strange and I can not understand how it is a huge issue in Arizona; yet, a congressman and senator from Arizona both feel it is a non issue or they are pro illegal immigration. You may feel it is a dumb question but how are they getting elected? If it is as large an issue as you and others on this board say...they would not get votes based on that fact a lone. So my conclusion has to be it is a non-issue for those even in Arizona and other border states (most of which voted for GWB also).
Then there's people like Elkgunner and George W Bush, who feel the illegals are good for our economy as they provide a cheap source of labor.

Add Moosie to the list..............
MattK said:
You may feel it is a dumb question but how are they getting elected? If it is as large an issue as you and others on this board say...they would not get votes based on that fact a lone. So my conclusion has to be it is a non-issue for those even in Arizona and other border states (most of which voted for GWB also).

Matt, it is not a non-issue. The reason people like McCain, Raul, Bush, etc. keep getting elected is because most people vote either republican or democrat. Guess what?........neither party wants to do anything about illegal immigration. Republicans like the cheap labor that they can get, Democrats like to think that they can get votes from the illegals by giving them handouts.

I'm sure there have been independents and libertarians running for office in border states that have voiced there opinion about their distaste of illegal immigration, but they just don't have much of a chance getting elected because of the history of voters just being sheep and always voting either republican or democrat no matter what the issues.

You say that you don't think the minutemen are the answer. Well, at least they are trying something. And it seems to be working so far.
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