Clintons plan for public lands

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Hogwash? Hogwash is the stuff you are spreading here. Thank you for proving my point about racist Trump.

Unless you are a Native American you are also an unwanted immigrant.
I was born here, so was my parents, grand parents, great and great grand parents. How am I an immigrant????:confused: And somewhere in there was some native American seed as well. cats? Maybe I'll start keeping my cat inside...the rodent population of my neighborhood would prob go up astronomically though.

I mean, I don't know about you guys. But I've never been more excited to watch the Presidential debates in my entire life. Maybe I'll throw like a Super Bowl Party equivalent for the first one. This is an excellent precursor: View attachment 58438

100% agree they won't be substantive, but these debates are going to probably be the most entertaining debates since debates were put on television.
Only an idiot doesn't care that the Sec of State makes classified information available to foreign governments.

I am with you somewhat. Poor decision and the reason I won't vote for her (classified or not), calling her an idiot is not accurate. Then I look at the alternative and I would be embarrassed to check that box. I will be in the booth, but doubtful the top box will be checked.
I don't think Trump is a racist or misogynist. I think he is a troll. I think he sees thin skin and likes to prick it. And when he gets the reaction he knows is coming, he finds some self-confirmation, having proved his point. I think he looks for results and could not care less what color or sex they come in.

I consider myself a left wing liberal with a certain brand of socialism thrown in, but if there is one thing I can't stand it's a fkn emoter. Here's an example: Remember the movies where silence and/or self-control was crucial to the survival of all, yet there was always that screamer, or bawler or whiner or mover giving the position away to the bad guys? A good movie director could make a person like me want to implode when I saw that S. LOL! Well, I perceive a lot of my fellow liberals as being like those screamers/bawlers/whiners/movers. And I empathize with, and feel the pain of those who wish those Chicken Little MFrs would just STFU already. I understand why so many conservatives hate us. I see Trump as pricking those people because he is the bad guy who likes to watch them scream, bawl, whine and move. The bad guy is about two inches, in my mind, from becoming the good guy just because of that.

And the corporate media feeds all this and gives air time to the whiners. Anyone remember how many fools said they were "horrified" by what Trump said? Oh, for Christ's sake, they weren't horrified! I'd show them what horrified really means, but I'd be guilty of assault. They have their own hyperbole and rhetorical BS on the opposite side of what Trump is doing. It's all a big S show and both sides are guilty.

Now, compare Trump, above, with the clique-types I referred to earlier; the ones who like to sting people just because they like it, and because they have black hearts. What's the difference? Well, personally, I think the difference is that which you find between a practical joker who really doesn't want to hurt anyone, except maybe those who seems to like getting all butt hurt; and the sadistic, evil freaks who thrive on power and for whom mere money is not good enough. I don't think Trump has a black heart. I think Clinton does.

I could be wrong. I've been wrong before. But those who dislike Trump do themselves no favors by allowing themselves to be trolled by a troll. All with the help of a corporate media that is eating it up. Doing so just makes him grow. Here we have a guy who has single-handedly destroyed the Republican Party as we know it and the liberals are all up in arms? He should be their freaking hero. No good deed goes unpunished. LOL!

Now we have all the libs as butt-hole buddies with the likes of Gingrich and Ryan, et al. Everyone expressing their collective angst over the Donald. If that doesn't prove that the ultimate hand behind the curtain controls both Parties, then I don't know what is. Donald just might have that hand worried.

End rant.

I like your assessment. I think it is spot on
True. It is amazing to me that anybody would even consider throwing this country even farther under the bus by electing a person that hopefully will be going to jail. She has lied and cheated her way through he entire life and mysteriously, over 50 people that had dirt on her have ended up dead. It goes on and on. People that are willing to vote for trash like that, are the reason that this country is in dire straights.

The hog wash about Trump being a bigoted racist etc., etc., is pure crap. You don't like him because he tells the truth!? I have come to the conclusion that people in this country can no longer handle the truth, but instead have replaced the truth with political correctness and a willingness to turn everything over to the government. One of the tenants of communism to dumb down the population, so that they believe the government can take care of them. Obama and all of the stupid people that have supported his brand of nonsense has pretty well made this obviously true and Hellary is more of the same putrid caca.

It shows me something when so many on this site and in the population in general, are willing to throw the country away, just because Hellary spews some crap that they like to hear. What good is your public land (even if she does what she says) if you have no firearms to hunt on it, or suddenly have no permission to be there because of one of her off-the-wall edicts?

The judge that Trump was railing against is a member of La Raza, which is a blatantly racist organization that has pilfered millions of tax dollars for such things as "community improvement", "housing improvement" etc., etc., and un-tolled other travesties. Try starting a whites-only, racist organization to try the same stuff. You will be treated like the KKK, no matter what your reason was.

Continue to hide your head in the sand, vote for hellary and then await all of your Bernie free stuff. Somebody is going to pay dearly and it will be the honest, working Americans-however few there are left.

God help us, because this population has thrown in the towel and no longer can.

What scares the hell out of me is that you might actually believe what you just wrote, and I don't scare easy. Wow.
Venezuela was an oil state, one trick pony. The others have been at it for a long, long time and aren't headed down. You never run out of other people's money. Greed and the incentive to earn can be kept alive and taxed. It's the loss of hope when everything is owned by a few that causes loss of incentive to earn. Just as CEOs put their peons in their Human "Resources" department, so too those CEOs can be put in *our* human resources department. We'll keep their greed alive and well, tax them and make them earn their keep. We'll let them have more, and live better lives than us, but they won't be allowed to keep it all for nothing. They must pay for the benefits they receive under the social contract. After all, it our society they choose to live in. They can always go to Somalia if they don't like socialism.

1) just a guess Riley but I doubt you are self employed or work for a business. Gov't employed. Not tryig to be ugly, just calling as I see it.
2) Socialists always run out of others people money because you didn't have to work for it. So they spend it frivolously. No one ever has to earn anything.
3) Venezuela's one trick is a good one. Oil production that they "took over" should have been easy enuf to take care of everything. Greed knows no bounds. The gov't down there then tried to run everything and gov't does nothing well, except spend money. Now it's all fallen apart and anarchy reigns.

As for your and everyone's favorite example: Denmark
The have a sales tax of 25% and on top of that their gov't applies duties and fees. a gallon of gas is abt $10 per gallon and there is a tax of 180% on cars.
Ave tax rate of 80% on every dollar earned. they have the highest personal debt in the world.
The suicide rate for the past fifty years is 20.8 per 100,000 people with a high of 32. The US ave is 11.1 per 100,000 with a high of 12.
More than 11% of adults are on anti depressants. Hardly the American dream
As for your and everyone's favorite example: Denmark
The have a sales tax of 25% and on top of that their gov't applies duties and fees. a gallon of gas is abt $10 per gallon and there is a tax of 180% on cars.
Ave tax rate of 80% on every dollar earned. they have the highest personal debt in the world.
The suicide rate for the past fifty years is 20.8 per 100,000 people with a high of 32. The US ave is 11.1 per 100,000 with a high of 12.
More than 11% of adults are on anti depressants. Hardly the American dream

Just a guess, you didn't fact check that meme you found on Facebook.
1) just a guess Riley but I doubt you are self employed or work for a business. Gov't employed. Not tryig to be ugly, just calling as I see it.
2) Socialists always run out of others people money because you didn't have to work for it. So they spend it frivolously. No one ever has to earn anything.
3) Venezuela's one trick is a good one. Oil production that they "took over" should have been easy enuf to take care of everything. Greed knows no bounds. The gov't down there then tried to run everything and gov't does nothing well, except spend money. Now it's all fallen apart and anarchy reigns.

As for your and everyone's favorite example: Denmark
The have a sales tax of 25% and on top of that their gov't applies duties and fees. a gallon of gas is abt $10 per gallon and there is a tax of 180% on cars.
Ave tax rate of 80% on every dollar earned. they have the highest personal debt in the world.
The suicide rate for the past fifty years is 20.8 per 100,000 people with a high of 32. The US ave is 11.1 per 100,000 with a high of 12.
More than 11% of adults are on anti depressants. Hardly the American dream

1. I am self employed, a small business owner, with employees, for over two decades. The only time I sucked the federal tit was as a Recon Team Leader in the Marine Corps.
2. Socialists don't ever run out of other people's money for the reasons I taught you but you didn't learn.
3. You missed the mark on Venezuela and their dependence on oil. It tanked but it gave. Other's didn't tank because they didn't give. When you are one trick, that can happen.
4. As to Denmark, it's not my favorite example. Please don't pretend to tell me what I think. You will be just as successful as you were in guessing about my employ. I don't know much about Denmark. Ask Jose. I'm sure he can educate you. America is my favorite example. We are socialist. Just one of the many flavors of socialism. And we were much better, and our American Dream was much more alive when our tax rates were higher, and when enlightenment was part of our self-interest. But you'd have to have studied these things to know about them.

You guessed about me. Let me guess about you: No, never mind. That's not my thing.
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I find it very interesting how many people would rather hold on to the conspiracy theories and made for news (and politics) stories about emails and servers than deal with the reality we are faced with. To put it plainly, the Republican Party supports the transfer and privatization of our public lands, I do not believe there is any doubt here.

I know I am late to the thread here, But Trump has said multiple times during the debates that he is against the transfer of public lands to the states. He has not danced around the issue at all. Trump supports “shared governance” of federal lands between federal agencies and state and local governments in many circumstances. Under such management, he said state and local government would benefit from better access to minerals on federal lands and would retain revenues. (from Seattle Times)
It's disappointing to see all the Trump haters on here. I've been a Trump supporter from the beginning. I've always wished someone would run who is not a worthless career politician. Now that it's down to Hillary or Trump, if you're not for Trump you're for Hillary. And why would anyone want the Clintons back in the White House? If you don't care about having our second amendment rights taken away and if you like open borders, vote Hillary. I have to say this is the only hunting site I've seen that supports Hillary Clinton.
I have to say this is the only hunting site I've seen that supports Hillary Clinton.
You seriously can't believe this either, can you?
Read more slowly and carefully. Do not form conclusions based on a few assertions and your emotional reactions.
I have to say this is the only hunting site I've seen that supports Hillary Clinton.

That is not my impression from this site. I've seen a balance, with people all over the spectrum. But's that's just my subjective impression. I haven't done a real search. Maybe someone could do a poll. The questions would have to be considered but it might be interesting. My suspicion is lots of people would be holding their nose and voting strategically, one way or the other. A few would write someone in or go off the reservation.
Many do not support either,and never will.
Your choice, crooked political insider or crooked business outsider.
Now that it's down to Hillary or Trump, if you're not for Trump you're for Hillary.

This is the ultimate defense of the indefensible. That is exactly what both sides will tell you about the other. Step away from the Koolaid.

I don't recall seeing anyone on this thread say they think Hillary is a good option, they just appreciate her stance on public lands. The question is whether she really cares and will do something, or if her staffers were just crafting a message to try and grab as many sportmen votes away from the R's as they could, and they found a chink in the armor. My guess is the latter.
if you're not for Trump you're for Hillary.

That is 100% untrue. I think they are both opposite sides of the same coin. Neither have earned nor deserve my vote. I give less than two shits about who about who someone marries or whether a woman decides to have an abortion or which bathroom anyone uses. I care deeply about the future of this country and the deficit spending that is will put my children and grand children in debt prison. Trump has zero ideas that will do anything but add to the debt, he is the king of leverage. Go look at how many times he has stiffed his creditors and walked away from his obligations, he isn't a successful businessman other than the bankruptcy laws favored his brand of busting the bank.

Hillary is a shrill highly flawed candidate who will continue the never ending wars and the never ending debt cycle. She will be unable to govern because of her complete lack of political capital and the fact that there will be no honeymoon period with congress.

So writing in a candidate of my choice, who will be neither Hillary nor Trump, will assuage by conscience enough to keep me from puking on my ballot.

Now that it's down to Hillary or Trump, if you're not for Trump you're for Hillary.

This is exactly why we're in our current situation. Years ago I was of the same mentality. Not anymore. In the last three elections I haven't voted R or D. The added bonus is you can complain about whoever gets in and state "well I didn't vote for them." The easiest way to get better candidates to vote for is to not vote for any that are "less bad."
If not voting for Trump, is equal to voting for Hillary, wouldn't not voting for Hillary be equal to voting for Trump. This would mean that not voting for either would be equal to voting for both, which would make voting for both equal to voting for neither. And now we have entered the realm of illogical Circular thinking.
Don't forget, both of Donald Trump's older sons are avid hunters. I'm excited about the chance of having Trump as president just for that reason alone. I also love that all the liberals and illegal immigrants hate him with a passion. And yes, he's for keeping our public lands public. Probably thanks to the influence of his sons.
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