Climate Change

In all seriousness the strong believers you think Global warming is a major contributing factor in any big game animal declining in the lower 48

I think it a likely contributing factor to the moose - tick issue.

The united states is mostly in the temperate/desert/chaparral biomes, flora and fauna of these biomes tend to generalists rather than specialists because of the widely varying weather. Therefore, most of our big game animals are somewhat insulated from the effects of climate change. In biomes with more specialists like the rainforest animals are more likely to be effected. To see these effects you will have to look at population level data over a time, some of this is hard to assess as other factors play a much larger role in their increase or decline. EG burning the rainforest, or reintroducing elk to states that are good elk habitat, without historic predators or hunting (so Kentucky elk are gonna explode your data set).

I think it would be almost impossible to prove cause and effect relationships between climate change and NA big game, likey lots of concerning correlations.
In all seriousness the strong believers you think Global warming is a major contributing factor in any big game animal declining in the lower 48
I see no way that the vicious fire cycle on mule deer winter range hasn't been helped by warmer weather and increased thunderstorms.
I wont post a screen shot but turn on the fire layer of on x and cruise over southern Idaho it seems as tho all of the winter range has burned since 1995
The science was way off on what amount CO2 contributes to global warming. Garbage in, garbage out when using computer models to predict future global temperature increases. Today's "best" science uses new and improved numbers regarding CO2 in the atmosphere. Make sense?
No it doesn't.
You are saying the science prediction was accurate in referenceto outcome. (Increase co2 causes glacier to melt) but it took more co2 than thought so it took longer. It seems like we agree on all things but what is more important timing of outcome or outcome.

I agree that is a hurtful error or worse scare tactic but thats just semantics.

I don't know why people believe science is supposed to be an absolute truth 2+2 =4.
The number one quality of good science is to never trust an outcome until all possible theories and hypotheses are exhausted.
We all know that is not possible on all subjects. So we end up with 2+2 = approx 3 to 5 but most likely 4.
Increased CO2 in the atmosphere has been determined scientifically to increase global temperature. That has been established. The value attributed to CO2 has not. The value initially assigned to CO2 by the 97% consensus was off by a considerable amount. Not a slight error. The global warming hype and dire predictions that insued because of this error (Al Gore, New Green Deal, The Entire list of Democratic 2020 candidates, ect) does not give this science credibility with the public majority.

That is not the public's fault.
This is interesting ! the 97% of scientist was from a John Cook study and has been discredited as it should have been
IMO the earth is warming but what caused it we dont know for sure should we be good stewards of the planet you bet , are most climate policies a joke they sure are, the USA can not solve this by its self look at china and india and their issues and other lesser developed countries
The earth has warmed and cooled many time over the years and we had nothing to do with it could that still be the case we dont know for sure
And any consensus about anything doesnt mean much because at in the 1400s everyone knew the sun revolved around the earth
And everyone knew the earth was flat and in the 1800s everyone knew man couldnt fly
Wolves are eating the moose or allready ate them in North West Wyoming. The moose are doing great in Colorado
The earth has warmed and cooled many time over the years and we had nothing to do with it could that still be the case we dont know for sure

At any one of those warming and cooling times were there ever 8 billion of us on earth?
This is interesting ! the 97% of scientist was from a John Cook study and has been discredited as it should have been
Discredited no but it looks like its less for non publishing studies 83 - 85% ish. :)
Each bar is an independent study of climate experts opinions of whether or not they believe climate change is being caused by humans.

Its from a forbs article debating the 97% those crazy lefties!

I have no idea what this means. Never saw the movie.

Thanos believed the universe was overpopulated and therefore decided the only fair way to protect it was to randomly remove 50% of it's inhabitants from existence.
. The global warming hype and dire predictions that insued because of this error (Al Gore, New Green Deal, The Entire list of Democratic 2020 candidates, ect) does not give this science credibility with the public majority.

That is not the public's fault.
I have got to agree with this although Im more interested in if its really happening and less about public opinion.
Thanos believed the universe was overpopulated and therefore decided the only fair way to protect it was to randomly remove 50% of it's inhabitants from existence.

I see. Thanks.

Not sure what it has to do the the thread, but its the off season and 8 pages in so ya makes perfect sense.
Can I ask you to explain what specific problems you are having with the science that is suggesting otherwise?
For example
Is it that you don't believe that carbon dating is accurate enough time wise?

Or that you don't believe that carbon 14 vs Carbon 13 and carbon 12 as a good enough indicator of a human cause?

Why do you specifically have doubts?

I mean other than "if you believe in god then you can't believe in science or math"
Or the ever popular
"People who believe in climate change are stupid"

There's plenty of science suggesting otherwise. Is it just a solar fluctuations? Can you explain the Medieval warm period?

That is not what is being discussed in the O P. The 97% consensus was with the computer modeling that projected a sharp increase (hockey stick) in the global temperature based on CO2 emissions, and would lead to the melting of Glacier Parks glaciers by 2020. That's the "science" that lead to the making of the signs in the park. The science was wrong. Badly wrong. Admit that fact and we can move on.

They can't admit it. People think scientists are the reason the world goes around. They speculate a lot. Science is not a definite thing which many seem to be missing.

Are the global warming people the same people that always think the worlds going to end by a certain date?
There's plenty of science suggesting otherwise. Is it just a solar fluctuations? Can you explain the Medieval warm period?
GD if you can't take the time to click on a couple of links get-the-f-out.

NASA ain't full of a bunch of people who work a full time job as a building contractor and dabble in climate debates on a hunting forum. They're actually experts at this shit.

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