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CJ Alexander Indicted


Active member
Nov 29, 2022
CJ Alexander has been Indicted on 23 charges in relation to the potential record buck he killed in OH last fall. For those unfamiliar he has been under investigation for some time and has vehemently denied the allegations. Once the court proceedings begin it will be very interesting to see how this plays out. Given what happened with the Muley Freak guy, I'll remain skeptical until we see what evidence the DNR actually has. Alexander was on an episode of the HUNTR podcast telling his side which was compelling, but did leave me puzzled in some ways. Link to the story below. This will be an interesting case to watch.

People thought the Bowmars were compelling when they were on kifarucast. A lot of big names that should’ve known better.
Same thing can be said about Adam Greentree, Muley freak both times, etc.

It’s called trying to control the narrative
I know, innocent until proven guilty and all that, but we as hunters need to start doing a better job of throwing the bullshit flag. This idea that we all need to stick together as total horse crap.

It doesn’t look good for the kid and I hope he gets hammered.
People thought the Bowmars were compelling when they were on kifarucast. A lot of big names that should’ve known better.
Same thing can be said about Adam Greentree, Muley freak both times, etc.

It’s called trying to control the narrative
I know, innocent until proven guilty and all that, but we as hunters need to start doing a better job of throwing the bullshit flag. This idea that we all need to stick together as total horse crap.

It doesn’t look good for the kid and I hope he gets hammered.
Yeah if the charges are in fact true then absolutely throw the book at him. That kind of thing has far reaching effects on the rest of us as hunters. The reason I am remaining objective until we know more is because there have been plenty of times with alleged poaching cases that "things aren't always as they seem." I mentioned the "Muley Freak" case in Idaho which initially seemed like clear cut poaching, but turns out was really a crock of crap and borderline corruption by some officers in Idaho fish and game. Reference link below. The point being two fold.

1. Regardless of how it looks, we should all reserve our judgement until we actually see the case play out.

2. If any law abiding ethical hunter is ever blessed with taking a potentially record breaking specimen, Document. Everything. You will be scrutinized. Take care to protect yourself.
The hntr podcast guys (why can’t they spell hunter right? Are they stupid?) are absolute c*ck glazers. None of their “interviews” provide actual information for those interested in the truth. It’s jabronis who don’t want to get a real job looking out for each other.

These shmucks know all they need to say is the magic “corruption” word and the bozos that actually buy their inferior products will believe them.
The hntr podcast guys (why can’t they spell hunter right? Are they stupid?) are absolute c*ck glazers. None of their “interviews” provide actual information for those interested in the truth. It’s jabronis who don’t want to get a real job looking out for each other.

These shmucks know all they need to say is the magic “corruption” word and the bozos that actually buy their inferior products will believe them.
I would only ask one thing. Have you listened to it? If so I'd be curious as to your full perspective on it and how it differs from my take
People just cant quit taking pics and posting them. This idiot even wanted and interview to " look at me" . Well they did.

I promise you'll never see a pic of me on Facebook, x or whatever, because i have never had any account with them nor will I. Its bad enough I have to have a phone. Besides who wants to see a pic of me anyways or give a crap about what I ate for breakfast
As far as CJ his cell phone will be his demise.
That's been my biggest question with the whole thing, he claims he "forgot his cell phone" which I guess is possible but seems unlikely, so I wonder if there is location data that blows up his story.
That's been my biggest question with the whole thing, he claims he "forgot his cell phone" which I guess is possible but seems unlikely, so I wonder if there is location data that blows up his story.
I read a piece on it a couple weeks ago that said something to the effect that locations data of his phone doesn't match his story.
I would only ask one thing. Have you listened to it? If so I'd be curious as to your full perspective on it and how it differs from my take
I didn't listen to the whole HUNTR podcast, but I did listen to VanWerkem's story on his The Grind (wow very original name) podcast.

At no point did he point to any actual corruption. Literally none. Just baseless claims that the corrupt DA was out to get him. Again, zero evidence of this claim, and didn't even say as to why a DA would have a hard-on for him other than he's from Utah. I also haven't forgot his whole "#1badfishcop" campaign in which he claimed it was all just a bad cop. Based on everything I've read the conservation officers were just doing their job. Wildly disrespectful to law enforcement. People that refer to COs and game wardens as "fish cops" are generally the lowest wrung of sportsmen. They're on the opposite side of the same coin from the people who refer to regular cops "pigs".

Both podcasts were just a big poor me cry fest. Ever wonder why he had to hunt in Tajikistan??? The dude got caught trespassing Utah and had was charged with 3 counts of killing protected wildlife, which he plead down to to just trespassing. Hard to believe someone who does stuff like that.

At the end of the day, he plead guilty of trespassing. Innocent people don't plead guilty, guilty people plead guilty for expediency and a lesser sentence. They especially don't plead guilty to 100 hours of community and 18 months supervised probation. None of which he mentions in his podcast. "oh it was just a fine" He's so full of shit, I actually feel bad for people that fall for it.

The moron drove an ATV over a planted ag field. Anyone with any common sense would know how incensing this would be a farmer.

And yeah I didn't proofread for typos.
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I didn't listen to the whole HUNTR podcast, but I did listen to VanWerkem's story on his The Grind (wow very original name) podcast.

At no point did he point to any actual corruption. Literally none. Just baseless claims that the corrupt DA was out to get him. Again, zero evidence of this claim, and didn't even say as to why a DA would have a hard-on for him other than he's from Utah. I also haven't forgot his whole "#1badfishcop" campaign in which he claimed it was all just a bad cop. Based on everything I've read the conservation officers were just doing their job. Wildly disrespectful to law enforcement. People that refer to COs and game wardens as "fish cops" are generally the lowest wrung of sportsmen. They're on the opposite side of the same coin from the people who refer to regular cops "pigs".

Both podcasts were just a big poor me cry fest. Ever wonder why he had to hunt in Tajikistan??? The dude got caught trespassing Utah and had was charged with 3 counts of killing protected wildlife, which he plead down to to just trespassing. Hard to believe someone who does stuff like that.

At the end of the day, he plead guilty of trespassing. Innocent people don't plead guilty, guilty people plead guilty for expediency and a lesser sentence. They especially don't plead guilty to 100 hours of community and 18 months supervised probation. None of which he mentions in his podcast. "oh it was just a fine" He's so full of shit, I actually feel bad for people that fall for it.

The moron drove an ATV over a planted ag field. Anyone with any common sense would know how incensing this would be a farmer.

And yeah I didn't proofread for typos.
See that's very interesting I did not know about his other incident in Utah. You raise a good point about innocent people not pleading guilty, though I have personally seen it happen. The sad reality is most average people cannot afford to actually defend themselves with good attorneys. DAs know this and use it as a tool. They offer a plea deal, defendants see it as the only way out, DA still gets a conviction without having to go to trial, "everyone wins" . As for the whole "1 bad fish cop" thing, unfortunately I have to say, we may never know for sure, but it is possible. I have personally worked with people who care a helluva lot more about padding their stats to advance their careers than with actually doing a good investigation and doing the right thing. But anywho, to get back on topic before the lock (lol) my whole point with this thread is to bring some awareness to the Alexander case and see what exactly shakes out in the courtroom.

One other thing, I hail from the "pig" side of LE and I say absolutely, Amen, 'fish cop's is disrespectful. It's properly pronounced 'trout trooper '. (I'm kidding I love them they do great work 😂)