PEAX Equipment

Chugwater Wyoming


New member
Mar 29, 2016
Greene County, PA
Getting ready to head to Wyoming next week for antelope and mule deer. Just curious if anyone has hunted around Chugwater/Wheatland area (antelope area 34, Deer Region T)? The biologist said things look good out there this year when I talked to him a couple months ago but I haven't been able to get a hold of him since he did the aerial survey in August. Just thought I'd see how things are going out there. I know it has been very dry. Thanks fellas!
A lot of irrigated fields in that area. Keep checking areas every couple days for new antelope bucks. The rut and hunting pressure will move them. 1 good tip Ive learned over the yrs hunting eastern WY is that mule deer will always bed in the shade, unless its cloudy. So always think where is there shade as you hunt. Doesn't have to be a big area of shade. A single rock, tree, washout or cut can hold deer. Generally, not always, deer don't like to bed around cattle.
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Thanks for the wisdom Trigger. This will be my first time out there. I have been reading and researching for hours on end trying to give us a good chance to fill tags. I have certainly found some shady green areas on north facing slopes that seem like the perfect fit for deer. Google earth has been a big help in weeding out some of the good and the bad because they just updated their images for the area I am looking to hunt this past July. Thanks again for the help!
I'm not sure as of now but Chugwater does not have a gas station for those of you hunting near there. They are supposed to build one this year don't know if it is open yet. Plan accordingly.
Well...we found the antelope. I was beyond tickled to shoot my first one ever! I also filled my doe tag and we hunted some mulies as well. Had a blast and can't wait to go again.





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