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  • Ive mostly scouted the areas listed on the G&F website as holding most elk. Again, thanks for any help. I hope to get out there mid summer and do some in person scouting.
    Trailrider, I will draw Unit 100 cow elk this yr (3 pts ave w 2 guys). Ive sent some PM's out but no replies. Looks like you may know the area. I've done a lot of map scouting and location of water, etc. Seems like RockSprings allows hunting and maybe Aggie. Anyway to confirm that? Any other info welcome also. Lonnie
    I have a deer hunt coming up next weekend in all 5 of the 16 units. I am reaching out to see if you seen any good bucks during your hunt and if you'd give me some areas if you did. Any help would be greatly appreciated! My email is [email protected] and my number is 928-215-0036 if you have any info. Thank you and congrats on the bull again! Way to get it done!
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