CONGRATS on NOT yet getting him...... BUT, If you don't get him soon..... ALL my BIG A$$ DEER and Elk will burry this Medioker bull you think you're getting HHA
<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Colorado Oak: Schmalts,
Ask Danr55 or Greenhorn. They may have seen it before.
Oak<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> I will post the pic when i get time, its so big its scary. I dont know what the circumstances are because i havent heard anything about it but that it was from the reservation.
<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Delw: That bull wasnt taken last year.. everyone and there brother say it is every year.... here is some info on it
Let me find the link....
Delw<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> yep, you are correct. i was told that
Weelll, I'm back from my hunt in CO and did not score but had a hell of a bow hunt! First afternoon out I called a 6x6 in and got a shot a 28 yds. Lucky me, I clipped a tiny twig that sent my arrow hard to the left by about 8 inches - perfectly squaring the shoulder blade... ZERO penetration and the arrow snapped off at the insert.
The next 5 days I was on 4 different bulls and had shot opportunities at smallish 4x4's and let them go in hopes of something a little bigger. Worked several nice 5x5's but could never get clear shots - even though they were inside 25 yards several times... Could have skewered several cows but I was after the bone and well I came home with NODDA!!!
Great hunt and had a blast - the hunt was great in my opinion even though I did'nt score. Maybe next year?!?
Cute little Raghorn.. ?? Hmm. Seems I've seen that one before also. After the ass chewin I got last time, I will reserve comment until someone else makes an appraisal. That is a big bull regardless of the who/where/when.....
...but it's not the bull that I posted earlier this year..
That's the Shipsey bull rifle-killed on Arizona's San Carlos Apache Reservation in '97. Non-typical that ended up scoring about 487 if I remember correctly. Not in B&C due to previous serious hunting infractions up in western Canada ..., how bad would that suck to be disallowed due to a past of serious hunting infractions! ....he must have a pretty seroius track record to be denied on any future game harvests because of his past actions........any info on what the guy did to earn it?
I believe it had something to do with the taking of wild sheep several years ago in western Canada (involved an area closed to hunting; don't know the particulars) ...