CC woes


Dec 23, 2000
Yesterday I get a fraud alert text for the credit card I use for all of my hunting applications, two days before the NV draw. A suspicious $532 charge at a casino in Las Vegas, which indeed was fraudulent. This happened last year two days before AZ was supposed to start hitting cards for elk and pronghorn, with a $531 charge at a Safeway in California. :confused:

So I got the card cancelled and a new one on the way. Now to deal with NV. I go online and sign into HuntNevada to see if there is a way to change my card online. Nope. So I wait until 8am NV time and call customer service.

HN rep: Hello, how may I help you?

Me: The cc I used for my hunting applications was cancelled for fraud, so I need to update my applications with a new number.

HN: Well the drawing is tomorrow. Would you like to do it now, or wait and see if you draw first?

Me: Well I didn't know if you would contact me if my card number was not valid. I didn't want to draw and not receive the tag.

HN: I see....

Me: So I thought I should call and find out.

HN: Well if I fill out this report, it must then go up to my supervisor. It depends on how many he has to go through before yours to know how quickly it will be changed.

Me: Ok...

HN: So would you like to complete a report?

Me: Yes.....

You would think that this must happen hundreds of times a year with wildlife agencies who handle thousands of applications and delay charging cards for weeks. How is there not a standard protocol in place for handling the situation?
Hope that isn't some sort of pattern Oak, my CC got ripped yesterday also, Some SOB was trying to charge rooms in North Carolina and New York. Luckily I didn't use it for any applications as I am staying home this fall caring for my folks.

Good luck!
I've had to cancel 2 credit cards in the past 6 months. One last week. Phony gas charges. 1200.00 of gas in 2 days. Some one was filling tanks
I got rid of all cc's.
Got tired of constant hassles & ripoffs.
I have one bank card and deal in cash on most things now after taking $ out of my CU's redi-teller,the only one in town.
It does make it a pain in this digital/online easy to ripoff age.
Swipe a phone in a strange store to maybe pay or get ripped off? Your choice.
I had to call in and send a e-check this year after a problem with my new fancy chip card....bunch of BS.
Crooks,everyone is a crook it seems.
The credit card company might have something in place for this sort of stuff. You might give them a call and ask if they can process the charge.
That's a bad deal Oak. The Nelson tag that you were going to get just went to me.

We had that happen to us a while ago. Unauthorized charges at the local Walmart. We involved the police and viewed the video was my own kid. :)
I had that happen the week before my trip last fall. I was carrying enough cash to buy all my groceries and last minute stuff where I couldn't write a check. Ended up getting the card two days before. It is doubtful they will issue and get you a new card that quickly and if your company is the same as mine they won't tell you the number either. You may be better off applying for one through your bank or some sort of incentive card like cabelas to get a number quickly. Good luck, that sure is terrible. Hopefully the supervisor will get to the update quickly so another card or a check will cover things.
I have had this happen a few times to me now. The last time was right after the Wyoming draw but before the refunds were applied back to the card. Fortunately, the refund came through and was credited back to my account. Both my credit card and my debit card are now the new type with the chip built in to them. Supposedly it will make them more secure, but it is just a matter of time before the low lives learn how to steal those as well.
You show me a gov agency and I'll show you a building full of outdated technology and glaring incompetence, in which 80% of the leeches could be pink slipped, with a few minor technology upgrades. The state of Montana still faxes like its 1997.
No incentive to upgrade, the parasites wouldn't be able to justify their jobs if efficiency were increased.
There are people in the tech industry that could run all the western states drawing, much better, with 2 employees.
There is zero excuse your situation couldn't be remedied in under a minute.
Updating a client/customers payment method on file is so simple even I can do it.
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You show me a gov agency and I'll show you a building full of outdated technology and glaring incompetence, in which 80% of the leeches could be pink slipped, with a few minor technology upgrades. The state of Montana still faxes like its 1997.
No incentive to upgrade, the parasites wouldn't be able to justify their jobs if efficiency were increased.
There are people in the tech industry that could run all the western states drawing, much better, with 2 employees.
There is zero excuse your situation couldn't be remedied in under a minute.

There is definitely room for improvement with a lot of govt agencies. Certain processes should be changed. But as someone who has worked in Information Technology in high transaction environments in both the public and private sectors, I can't help but say that your assessment is Horsechit - for a plethora of reasons....
You show me a gov agency and I'll show you a building full of outdated technology and glaring incompetence, in which 80% of the leeches could be pink slipped, with a few minor technology upgrades. The state of Montana still faxes like its 1997.
No incentive to upgrade, the parasites wouldn't be able to justify their jobs if efficiency were increased.
There are people in the tech industry that could run all the western states drawing, much better, with 2 employees.
There is zero excuse your situation couldn't be remedied in under a minute.
Updating a client/customers payment method on file is so simple even I can do it.

As someone that consulted in Silicon Valley for 10 years you'd be amazed to find that most companies are not much different that government agencies. Limited budgets, grand ideas killed because of egos or incompetence, dysfunctional management structures, ridiculous reporting requirements. Have you ever seen Office Space? TPS reports are real.

Sure there are some great companies, just like any great sports team it takes great leadership, great teamwork, and most often big budgets to make it all work. Rarely do those things always come together.
I have been in the US Air Force for almost 18 years... When I first joined we had a few computers and a central printer for each office. Hardly anything special. Now today we fix aircraft and bombs with iPads and tablets using Verizon LTE and wifi. Yet we still cant get printer paper with no less then 4 approving people or toner for the dumb printer...

So yes, there is room for improvement and draws can be better planned.
My credit card was fraudulently used at a service station on the other side of the state at 1am, when I was leaving for my first elk and pronghorn hunt in CO at 5am. Cabela's suspended it for fraud immediately, so when I stopped at McD's for an egg mcmuffin to start my drive my card wouldn't work. Card was cancelled after I confirmed it wasn't me, replacements for my card and my wife's were mailed to my home. I had to get by with my debit card and $500 cash I had pulled out at the last minute. Debit card got shut off when I exceeded my daily limit (bought a tag at the sporting counter), had to call and have it turned back on to buy my groceries at the front of the store. Such a hassle. They traced it back to the DQ in my hometown, somebody had skimmed CC's from it or got into their database, sold everyone's numbers.
Oak, Call the CC company on Friday. Explain the situation to them, and be detailed about who you spoke to, date, etc. Let them know what you're intending and see if they have issued a CC number for your replacement card. If so, ask if they will provide that number to you with the exp date and security code. Then authorize the NDOW charge right then and there. There's no guarantees depending on your CC company. But, I had my acct info taken a couple of years ago, and with my CC company they were able to provide the above information to me.

As for this type of thing happening as often as it does. I worked a fraud task force several years ago and frankly, this issue is such a globally enormous, accounting for huge losses to financial institutions annually. Unless your CC company has got their head buried in the sand, they have systems in place to assist consumers. It just takes a little leg work.

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