Yeti GOBOX Collection

Camping on NF


Well-known member
Oct 13, 2021
In National Forest or BLM land, can you just pull over and camp on the side of the road, or even go into the forest a quarter mile and set up camp? What about fires, of there aren't fire bans in place?
In National Forest or BLM land, can you just pull over and camp on the side of the road, or even go into the forest a quarter mile and set up camp? What about fires, of there aren't fire bans in place?

Go to the NF or BLM website and search for dispersed camping. It'll basically tell you it's allowed in most cases. It's always good to check for the specific area you're going. I've spent many of trips back country camping on NF land.
As some have said, just call the office they answer those questions every day. Each Forest is different especially closer to large metro areas.

When in doubt use the golden rule and leave it better than you found it. If you didn't bring firewood don't just start chopping a tree, if there isn't a pull out, don't drive over the vegetation to create one.... To be honest unless I have a bunch of friends on a trip that's really mellow, I usually don't even make a fire.

Best of luck
In National Forest or BLM land, can you just pull over and camp on the side of the road, or even go into the forest a quarter mile and set up camp? What about fires, of there aren't fire bans in place?
Get a map. Read the regulations. Call the USFS or BLM regional office. The information is readily available and does vary area to area.

Do not rely on internet forum chat information.
Been doing it for many years and never had problem outside of raging fires or conditions for such an event.
There's always a turnout....
We were just boondocking in an area with great camping west of Las Vegas. Just found a flat spot off the edge of the road, Fires were permitted, but not within a mile of homes or other structures. Took Catherine about seven minutes to figure out the regulations for that area.
In general you can camp most anywhere in the backcountry. If car camping, you usually have to use a designated campsite but not all the time. You certainly can't drive off the road that far to make camp. Fires are generally allowed unless there is a specific ban. Can be different from area to area. I'd check with the local rangers office before you go.
Thanks to all that responded to my questions. I'll follow up with the forestry people. Greatly appreciated to all.

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