Yeti GOBOX Collection

California toad...


Well-known member
Apr 5, 2001
₵tral Oar-e-gun
Well I was hunting the same unit but (obviously) didn't have the same luck as this guy did...still some big bucks left in Northern California!

He taped out at 28" wide on a 4x4 frame with about 2" eye guards. He gross scored at 173 2/8" and netted 168 4/8".

Yea Ridge its X3B. We saw some good bucks ourselves (though NOTHING like that one) but they were all down in the ag. and I didn't have $600+ in my pocket for local access. We saw between 2-300 deer in four days of hunting but saw a grand total of 6 that were on public ground. I heard that he got that buck up near Fandago Pass but I'm not 100% on that...if so it cold have been a public grounds deer.

I could have popped a couple of different forkys on the first day but ol' Marv didn't wait three years for that tag to shoot a dink...soooo it was tag soup instead. Weather didn't help though H-O-T. :MAD
Marv.. The hunter that took it is named Mel Carter as I have read some of the posts about it. He say's it was taken on BLM land and that he had hiked 15 miles to get it. It might even get a story in Muley Crazy Mag about the whole hunt.Nice buck for sure and always good to see a good one from Cali come up. I know what you mean about the heat.The last 2 weekends were not that bad though as you got some storms didn't you?
Ridge- Dang good buck thats for sure. There is a ton of BLM land up there in 3B (and 3A for that matter) but it would be hard to hike any direction for 15 miles (alternating sections) without crossing private.

....maybe he was just going around in circles and the buck got dizzy and fell down ;) Either way...a dandy Cali deer and one that'd be on my wall in a heart beart!
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