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California Bull 427-5/8 gross

That is friggin huge. Where is the story to go with that bad boy?
We got thoses mangey things all over the state. I had to shoo one bigger than that out of my garden this morning.
Maybe not, the Tejon ranch re-introduced the elk back a while ago. The tejon is a huge ranch (10's of thousands acres)and is not high fenced.
Central and Northern Cal produce some big bulls, both Rocky Mtn and Roosevelt. But that thing has grain-fed written all over it.
The Tejon ranch is a 270,000 acre cattle ranch and is only fenced for cattle...5 strand barbed wire. The elk are rocky mtn. and were released on a neighboring ranch in the 60's. They are free ranging but live in a very mild climate for elk. No bad winter, no migrating to winter areas and virtually no hunting pressure. They are not fed or fenced . I wouldn't consider it a real tough hunt though. He wasn't killed in the pasture he was photographed in and the terrain does get fairly rough. It is a pefect hunt for someone that can't or doesn't want to tackle a very strenuous hunt. I believe the cost is $16500 which is alot of money but reasonable for a very good chance at a 400" wild bull. B&C does accept bulls from his ranch.
