Yeti GOBOX Collection

California blacktails (With WARNING)


Well-known member
Apr 5, 2001
₵tral Oar-e-gun
WARNING- The bucks you are about to see are Columbian Blacktails...that being said, they will likely be some of the smallest (Moosie sized) dinks that are posted here this year ;)

Well the bro-in-law (Chris) just got back from his public lands b-tail hunt. (B Zone for you fellow CA folks). They went 5-7 with one good 3x3 and the rest mostly forkies. Chris wasn't one of the lucky gunners seeing only a handful of does and a lone coyote for his efforts.

Here's the pics-



[ 09-27-2004, 08:55: Message edited by: MarvB ]
MarvB.. Congrats to your Bro- inlaw and the crew! that's a good hunt for Cali public land! That 4x is a nice buck in any state for a blacktail. Don't worry about the smallest one posted, I think my nephews has that title but hey it's his first so it's a trophy in our eyes. Not asking for coordinates but what area of B zone? Congrats again.
Ridge- those deer were all taken in B2 south of Hayfork-north of Hwy 36. The B's encompass a huge area but there are a lot of deer in those canyons. My problem hunting there is I like to bow hunt and between the topog and the weather (100+ degrees always) the success rate really falls off. I do most of my B zone bowhunting in pockets along the Sacto. River.
