Buzz Kill Stout

Kurt, we had a bet. A case of beer was the wager on if the odds would get better or worst for NRafter they implemented the Credit card payment gig last year. I said they would get badm you said they would get better. Care to dig into 2013 and tell me who won that bet?
Kurt, we had a bet. A case of beer was the wager on if the odds would get better or worst for NRafter they implemented the Credit card payment gig last year. I said they would get badm you said they would get better. Care to dig into 2013 and tell me who won that bet?

Oh and BTW, I am done with buying points for MT's big 3. It's just stupid seeing that with the units NR were even allowed to apply in how many had not even one tag awarded. Biggest waste of money in the western application system at this point. I may still apply but I am not buying a point anymore.
OK, don't bother looking up the odds from 2013. I win. Look at the number of MR applicants with 0 points in each draw unit. I say odds about were cut by another 30-40% with the new CC fee system.
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I'm good for a case, but you like Old Mil right? If I remember right, last time you couldn't handle the Coldsmoke. Same time/place this fall? How bout this - made near home..

Where the odds are truly dismal are for those with few or no points.. Wow. Last year my 169 total points (from squaring) went up against about 20,000 others. One would think 13 years would give you better than 169/20000. But imagine 1/20000. Ouch.
I wont quit applying in Montana, but its literally like winning the lottery anymore. I remember sheep odds for lower rock creek were 1:20ish for the first couple years I applied there. I also remember when odds crept up to 1:40-50 and I thought those were "terrible odds".

I feel fortunate to have drawn moose and goat in Montana. I still feel like I'll draw 1 or 2 more of the big three before I cash it in.
I've been thinking about writing something about draw odds nowadays. Perhaps maybe we should be calling them lottery odds. Many folks don't get it and perhaps never will...look bud if'n you're 20 years old and you start applying for XYZ tag in OR/CO/MT/WY you will be dead before you draw it. That's just a fact jack. There's a reason that people expect everyone with XYZ tag to shoot a 381" bull, you waited 18 years to shoot that bull, that's a sizable percentage of your entire hunting career. I believe we are at the precipice of preference/bonus points/point creep. I have some points in some states, e.g. 6 in WY for deer and elk. Once I use them there is no way that I'm going to be holding out for that same unit or another tough to draw unit...I will be going to two or three pointville and that's where I will live out the rest of my hunting career, when I'm not in OTCville:D I'm not playa hatin on the draw/point system; it is what it is. It's a lottery that gives you way better odds than powerball or it's just a waste of money which is basically just like powerball, it all depends how you play it. It's a big numbers play to win the game. Greenhorn I hope you get your tag eventually, sorry for the hijack:W:
I'm impressed with the amount of 0 point holders who applied last year. The "no money down" must have been a decent money maker for the state.

You think odds are bad, consider NR permits issued...

2014 Permits by residency
Moose--------12--------353 (3.3%NR)
Sheep*--------68--------421 (14% NR)
* Unlimited---54--------179 (23% NR)
**Draw---------14---------242 (5.5%)
Goat------------25--------257 (8.9%)

** includes 2-4 ewe tags, didn't look up the actual number.
I'm good for a case, but you like Old Mil right? If I remember right, last time you couldn't handle the Coldsmoke. Same time/place this fall? How bout this - made near home..

Where the odds are truly dismal are for those with few or no points.. Wow. Last year my 169 total points (from squaring) went up against about 20,000 others. One would think 13 years would give you better than 169/20000. But imagine 1/20000. Ouch.

Could not handle Coldsmoke? Laffin.:rolleyes: Even though you owe me a case I will bring a wisconsin version of Coldsmoke along. We will see who's liver taps out first.


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Could not handle Coldsmoke? Laffin.:rolleyes: Even though you owe me a case I will bring a wisconsin version of Coldsmoke along. We will see who's liver taps out first.

If you are going to bring WI beer to him, bring Central Waters, maybe the Brewers Reserve Bourbon Scotch Ale if you find any....good stuff. Just my opinion of course :)
If you are going to bring WI beer to him, bring Central Waters, maybe the Brewers Reserve Bourbon Scotch Ale if you find any....good stuff. Just my opinion of course :)

Keweenaw's Widow makers black ale is one of my favorite, but harder to find.
I quit the point game years ago. Had points in 3 states.
I was at one time 2 points from a Books cliff or Henry's,four years later I was 8 points out...?

I quit with 16 and they are 28 points now....
Points were a way for us to get better odds in drawing a tag. But they have turned into a way for states to get additional revenue and with the number of applicants with points kind of defeat the original purpose of the point system.
I wonder what this will do to the OTC units. I had already planned on dumping my points on a ewe tag once I move back and start hunting one of the OTC every few years. After looking at the stats from last year, starting to think that a few guys might jump ship and give the OTC units a try too.
Keweenaw's Widow makers black ale is one of my favorite, but harder to find.

Its really easy to find here in the land of no big game (except wolves and black bears), just place an order and we can arrange delivery.

Looks like beer is a better investment than collecting points!
Every once in a while I have a beer that I think might be as good as cold smoke. Then I have a cold smoke and realize it wasn't.

Maybe I'm out there on this, but I feel that if I want to significantly change the suite of species I hunt fairly regularly the best bet is just moving. Lots of factors make that harder for some than others, namely teenage kids or elderly relatives. Or make a ton of money, that would work too.
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