Bush policies anger hunters and fishermen


Well-known member
Jan 9, 2001
Laramie, WY
Bush policies anger hunters, anglers

WASHINGTON - When hunting and fishing enthusiasts gathered at President Bush's ranch last week to talk about protecting wild places that are dear to outdoorsmen, Scott Stouder wasn't among them.

And that's probably just as well, since this coordinator for the 135,000-member Trout Unlimited might have given Bush a piece of his mind.

Stouder has a solid history of voting Republican - for Nixon, Ford, Reagan, Bush Sr. and George W. But this year, he says, "I would vote for John Kerry. The things this administration is doing to our public lands are inexcusable."

Stouder's feelings reflect widespread disappointment among a traditionally Republican stronghold - hunting and fishing enthusiasts - who say White House policies are destroying millions of acres of Western lands for fish and wildlife. Their recent activism puts them hand-in-hand with an unlikely ally - environmental groups that typically represent Democrats.

"A lot has been made about the differences between environmentalists and hunters and anglers," said Chris Wood, vice president of conservation for Trout Unlimited, whose Republican members tend to outnumber Democrats 2-to-1. "But they share most of the same goals - healthy habitat for fish and wildlife, clean air, clean water. What's uncomfortable for the hunting and angling community is that (until now), we viewed our relationship with the federal (government) as a collaborative one."

The White House insists it is listening to outdoor enthusiasts, and points to meetings the White House held last December with sportsmen's groups, and the one Bush hosted last week for 15 gun and sportsmen's clubs at his ranch in Crawford, Texas.

"We've had a long-standing, constructive relationship with these conservation and sportsmen's groups," said James Connaughton, chairman of the White House Council on Environmental Quality. "Does that mean all the time a specific interest group will get everything it wants? Certainly not."

Forty-seven million Americans over age 16 hunted or fished in 2001, and collectively spent $70 billion doing so, according to the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. Hunters and fishers are often conservatives interested in gun-owners' rights, and typically, they are a reliable Republican voting block.

But it's not clear that Bush can count on their support this year.

Last fall, 486 gun and sportsmen's clubs signed a letter to Dale Bosworth, chief of the U.S. Forest Service, complaining about Bush's decision to open the Tongass National Forest - nearly 17 million acres of old growth forest in Southeast Alaska - to logging. "These people are flat-out furious with a lot of the public land policies of the Bush administration," said Greg Petrich, director of the Northern Sportsmen Network of Juneau, Alaska, which led the letter-writing campaign. "This is not the kind of treatment they want to see for their public lands."

Sportsmen's groups have expressed similar concerns about Bush's efforts to open public lands along the eastern front of the Rocky Mountains to oil and gas drilling, and his reluctance to more tightly interpret laws protecting wetlands from developers and farmers.
:rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: I still don't see where any water or air is being muddied by any of the things being passed, it is only those on the extreme left wing nut radicals that have had their feelings hurt that there every wish and whim about what the feel about the earth isn't coming true!!! You want to put labels on others, theres one for you... :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:
Originally posted by ELKCHSR:
I still don't see where any water or air is being muddied by any of the things being passed, it is only those on the extreme left wing nut radicals that have had their feelings hurt that there every wish and whim about what the feel about the earth isn't coming true!!!
Can we get an interperter in here????
Nope. Muddied air??? ;)

Elkchsr- You are calling these people 'extreme left wing nut radicals' yet their voting record is 2-1 in favor of voting for Republicans. How's that left wing?
I only put the name in there because for some reason, there are a few on here that seem to think they need some radical label on a few of us, so I was just passing on the love... ;)
Trout Unlimited does not represent me. The local TU Chapter are abunch of lawyers that like to order pretty clothes out of LLBean. They have a hard time catching fish at the local Safeway store let alone in the river. Sitting around talking about some unheard of fly does not make one an outdoorsmen. We are having record runs of native Chinook and Steelhead on the local rivers here and these idiots want to rip out a one hundered year old dam, release one hundered years of sediment into down stream spawning beds. They want to make my river fly fishing only. How are hypocrate yeppy fly fisherman stomping around in spawning beds correct. But flotting over the top of the same beds in a drift boat is wrong? I've been fly fishing my entire life, I didn't own a spinning rig as a kid, I was fly only. But now the first thing every californicator does when they move here is take up fly fishing and join TU.
Well said..
That is the big thing I haven't seen as the fix. How and what are they going to do with all of that sediment, they are ignorant enough to think that just blowing the dam will fix the whole problem? I say all it amounts to is a few whiney special interest groups beating drums and singing of fanatasy ideals... ;)
Rouge, I grew up the same way in the same kind of place... I could catch more fish on my cummy home tied flies with my Kmart rod and real combo than those idiots with $2000 worth of crap.
Its not about the money we all spend way to much on hunting and fishing. My brother worked at a yeppy fly shop durning college. It was fairly common to have some dude walk in and plop 2k on his Visa for a full set up. Most often the guy had never fly fished a day in his life, but now the slick invisions himself as Brad Pitt in a movie. These are the guys in TU, not real sportsmen. TU is no better than the sierra club or headwaters.
Anybody that works to keep our water clean can't be all bad. I think it's a damn good thing we have these type of people around. Both the Sierra Club and Trout Unlimited do a lot of good, a lot more than the average person who mostly just don't give a shit. Rogue have you done anything to make our air and water cleaner? Yeah I didn't think so. Probably shouldn't be bad mouthing the people that do then.

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