Bugle Report

Devil Diver Down

Well-known member
Dec 7, 2009
Chandler, Arizona
You hearing much calling in your neck of the woods? They just starting to warm up or have the bulls already got love sick eyes?

From what I hear about Northern AZ (last Tuesday), there has been some calling but hasn't gotten into full swing yet.
Seems prime time up in MT NW - Around the 18th of Sept. The weather over this way has been pretty cool so not sure how that will play in this date.

Hmmm... maybe that is why I tend to call in sat bulls... Haha!
I was on a pretty good bull yesterday that had 16 cows herded up. He was pretty interested in them, but they weren't having anything to do with him.
Heard lots of bugling last thursday morning until 8AM and nothing after that. Ran into one big herd with a couple bulls in it throwing bugles back and forth but was unable to make a play on them. This morning I hunted another area close to that one and didn't hear or see anything. Seems as though things are kind of inconsistent at the moment in my area.
Bulls are talking pretty good in parts of AZ. I think some big bulls will hit the ground this weekend.

Hope you are right Stan.

I will be there by Thursday to help AZRed put one on the ground. I hope that by this time next week, we have big pictures to post and stories to tell.

Damn, what better place to be in September, than northern Arizona? Packing my gear tonight and heading out in the morn.
Starting to see some movement in central montana. The local bulls are gathering cows, but the big rush and the big big boys tend to pick up steam around the 16th-20th.
Stan, if you had to guess, do you think they might still be making some noise until mid-October? I was hoping the warm weather would keep them quiet for a couple more weeks.
only heard two bugles last weekend in the sawtooths and had one come in quiet to about 150. i only know becasue as i moved onto the next area there he was in the trail peaking around the trees in the same location where i've had them hold up before. Dang I need a reliable hunting partner! i have never had great luck until after the 15th when thier eyes start rolling behind thier heads.

On another note, normally i see a lot of wolf sign where i hunt and did not see any last weekend.
I've hunted the last five days as I've drawn a premium bull tag here in MT. There is some bugling in the morning as they head up into the timber, and a lot going on in the alfalfa fields at night, but the bulls are unresponsive as can be expected this early in the game. I had a big ol' growler headed my way a few days ago and he was bugling his head off...I wanted to test him out and let out a bugle...he shut up after that. Needless to say, I've not bugled since and it's mostly an ambush/stalking game for me right now. I've taken the month off to do this tag justice and I'm very encouraged by all the large bulls I'm seeing...I was in on two seperate 350ish bulls this morning but didn't get close enough for a shot with my recurve. Wind wasn't right to move closer and the cows were all over the place, so I backed out...but I've got their address and will be back.
Heard one bugle in Central ID last weekend, not a peep other than that. I'm just hoping they hold off till after the 17th, when I can get back up there again.
They are getting fired up east of White Sulfur Spring. Went out with a couple of buddies and while in camp we threw out a couple of bugles to see who sounded better at 11pm, when to our surprise we got an answer from the ridge above camp. That bugle got about 5 other responses. They went on most of the night. But after that not a sound for the rest of the trip.
Stan, if you had to guess, do you think they might still be making some noise until mid-October? I was hoping the warm weather would keep them quiet for a couple more weeks.

Im sure you'll hear bugles in mid-Oct. Most of them will be by small bulls that have got back with the cows after the rut. There are always exceptions of course. The cow my Nephew shot last year was in a herd of 30 that had a 340-350 bull bugling like crazy.
They were pretty quiet last weekend in Western Wyo. We will see what they are doing tomorrow.
I was out yesterday evening(far eastern WA). I drainige 3 bulls over 300 in 100ish cows, two 5pts and several raghorns. One of the best shows I have ever watched. The two big bulls locked up twice, every bull in there was raking trees and chasing cows and each other. I watched for almost 2 hours until it got dark, never went more than 5 min without hearing bugles. I only wish I had the bull tag. I probably could have moved in and arrowed a cow or spike, but watching the show was much better.
I went out near Bozeman this past weekend and found a small 6 about 20min into the hunt. He squealed every 15-30min to about 10-15 cows/calves as the grazed up the hill behind me. I was between the bull and cows for about three hours slowly closing the gap. I could see him most of the time and I had awesome wind. I did not see a need to talk to him much since the cows and calves did that for me. I got close but no good shooting lanes. The smaller bulls are gathering and talking to the cows till the bigger bulls come in for the take over. I did squeal at the bull once and he answered a few minutes later but he did not come down to tear my head off and since I was between him and his cows which, and he did not run which normally is my sure opportunity for action. Leads me to believe they are still a week or so out. Several friends of mine went out and they all saw 3-6 nice bulls together and no cows.

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