Buck Down! 2011 Antelope


New member
Sep 6, 2011
Well I got up this morning with every intention of elk hunting but after a few early morning texts from my hunting partners saying they couldn't go, I decided to hot route.

I called another buddy of mine who has the same antelope license as me and we decided to head out to try to kill some goats!

When we got there we saw tons of antelope but also saw tons of trucks and hunters pushing the antelope all over the place. We tried to put a few stocks on but didn’t have any luck. Every time we started to get close, a truck would blow over the hill and blow the antelope out of the country.

We finally decided to climb a hill and see if we could see anything on the other side of the property we were hunting. We weren’t even half way up the hill and I saw a buck that looked pretty big.

After deciding to go after it and driving over to a place where we could try to get close to the buck, we were off!

We made 3 or 4 stocks with no luck and finally watched him go over a hill about a mile from the truck. I looked at my buddy and asked if he wanted to chase after it, we decided that we might as well.

We crested the hill and spotted the buck feeding in an open meadow. He couldn't have been in a better place for a stalk! But he was a long way away.

We made our way down off the hill, across the meadow, and into position for a shot. We got within about 250 yards and got set up. My buddy was running the camera and had a perfect view of the antelope but from where I was laying, I could only see his head through the grass.

After waiting 10 minutes for a shot, one of the does with him spooked and started running away! He was quick to follow! He ran a little way and stopped again perfectly broad side at 410 yards. After getting the okay to shoot from my buddy I slowly squeezed the trigger and 10 seconds later had the biggest antelope of my life on the ground! What a great way to start my 2011 hunting season!!


  • Aaron Antelope 2011 004.jpg
    Aaron Antelope 2011 004.jpg
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