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You waited long enough....

Way off the mark - this is a decision to completely stop selling something. It is not a decision to stop selling people whose life choices you find distasteful. On the simplest of levels, having a choice who you do business with seems logical, but deciding who to sell wedding cakes to presents the same type of problems as telling black people which fountain they can drink from.

Well, one could almost make the case that owning an AR-15 with cosmetic features is a choice that people find distasteful.
If my child were killed by a drunk driver, I wouldn't push for a prohibition on the sale of alcohol. I'd probably want cars to be safer. But I can totally see how a person could arrive at the position of gun control advocates, especially after losing a loved one.

I'm not a hardcore NRA guy but I have been a member off/on for several years. Mainly get tired of the incessant calls. I don't use AR-15 type guns so it wouldn't hurt me if they banned them, I just don't think it would end there. Even if we enacted 10 new gun control laws, some nut will find a way. Then after the next high profile shooting would the gun control crowd say "well, we did what we could" and move on?

It does not end there. The issue with an AR-15 is when it is barebones, it is not an assault weapon. It needs cosmetic features to be an assault weapon, which will lead to a ban on semi-automatics. A ban on semi-automatics would effectively ban all on revolver pistols and a decent amount of shotguns.
It's easier for you to just call someone a bigot .

Liberals claim to want to give a hearing to other views, but then are shocked and offended to discover that there are other views.

When I read that someone equates the down fall of our country to the constitutional rights of same sex couples, as help up by the supreme court, then yes I'll call them a bigot. You are a bigot
You care far too much about my business these days.

RobG, You're on one hell of a sensitive ride lately... The Grammar Nazi that found the joy of posting such is name-less. You happened to portray the perfection of a grammar Nazi.
It does not end there. The issue with an AR-15 is when it is barebones, it is not an assault weapon. It needs cosmetic features to be an assault weapon, which will lead to a ban on semi-automatics. A ban on semi-automatics would effectively ban all on revolver pistols and a decent amount of shotguns.

Your logic in connecting the dots is insane. How many revolvers and shotguns have 30 or 40 round magazines? Or 75 round drum magazines like the ones available for the AK47?
I believe that once we get these machine guns under control we can then focus on sniper rifles. Way too much power. Shoot waaay too far.
RobG, You're on one hell of a sensitive ride lately... The Grammar Nazi that found the joy of posting such is name-less. You happened to portray the perfection of a grammar Nazi.
I decided to give you the benefit of the doubt and changed it, but yes you do seem to be caring way too much about my business these days. That would be fine if you weren't constantly reading the wrong stuff into my writings and wasting my time...

I make far too many grammar mistakes to be a nazi, but sometimes you have to grab the low hanging fruit to annoy the guy trying to get yer goat. ;) Like that time that guy said "Your to stupid to know that most bull elk are taken within a quarter mile of a road." I mean, how else are you going to reply to that?

And how else are you going to converse with a guy who thinks the mass murders are because Heather has two mommies? Or that doing something about the two mommies is going back to the good old days when we believed in the Constitution?
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