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Big buck

Osok, I think you and the Greenman may have mistaken what I meant in my comments...I think Ulmer is pretty much topnotch at what he does and it was likely his determination and commitment in this sport from early on that got him to the point of the sponsors and notoriety he enjoys now! Connections are just part of the picture that we're all trying to paint- I'm not trying to take anything away from the man- jealous? Hell no, envious? You bet! He's not the high fence, lead me by the hand type in any way, shape, or form IMHO!

As far as the "time" thing goes, we all make our own beds. I'm sure that the 99% I spoke of may have the time to spend doing what he does but choose instead to spread that same time amongst a throng of other things (like myself with 3 young kids and their hobbies) instead of the pursuit of game like Ulmer.

Heck Greenhorn said the same thing, though probably, clearer-
99.9% of all hunters could have opportunities animals like that, but aren't committed enough to make it happen
...and I still think it is amazing (just look at that buck) what that commitment (in both TIME and CONNECTIONS) can get you IF you decide to go that way!

Sheeesh guys, I'm admiring a nice animal and you'd a thought I pissed on your favorite trading card :rolleyes:
WH I think that beauty be in the eye of the beholder...and if I was to be the one beholden that buck I probably would have wet myself!

That is a damn fine animal whether you'd want to sleep with it or not ;)
WH, can quit sucking up..we've all been properly admonished. Damn right I'm envious...but pathetically jealous...not in this lifetime Greeny.

Didn't mean to denigrate anyone's sensibilities, especially not your's Trent...but I apologize for any flippancy that might've been taken that way.

It's a helluva a buck...period.
Nothing said that wasn't figured as such. Just get tired of all the Jealous, self righteous, cry-babies that we've all become so accustomed to on other forums....

Heck, I'll be the first to admit, that's straight up a "Dream" right there in that picture and has been since I can remember. Heck, given the opportunity I'd sleep with that buck first before I would a hell of alot of ya'llz wives... :p :D
LMAO- this is great.... Randy Ulmer sucks.... OSOK you definately suck...Hell, everyone on this site sucks and are pathetic hunters...Bunch of wannabe's. Guys that dedicate their time to the endless pursuit of trophy animals suck...Guys that guide and take rich clients are azzez...And I am the GREATEST.hump;) Funny CHIT, thanks for the laughs...

Sure is a helluva buck for sure...I'd hang that beast on my wall...regardless of who killed it and how...
Sweet buck, Randy definitely whacks and stacks the big dudes. Jealousy sure is awesome to watch at times. I see why some people don't want people to know what they kill.

Any bets on whether that is a pre-production 2006 Hoyt in the picture?
I'd bet that is on public land. Nevada has some fantastic trophy management areas. Pulling a tag is the hard part.

Ulmer is hard core hunter. Any guy that can solo hunt hard for 3 weeks straight for desert sheep has my respect.

Kudos to him for figuring out how to make a living in this business.

Ulmer and Schuh are the real deal in my book. Cheezy Chuck agitates me for some reason.

The goobers that disgust me are some of the TV hunting shows. Those 300 pound fat-asses couldn't climb a mountain if there was a pile of Twinkies at the top. They "stalk" animals from a 4x4.....Ha! what fun.
glad he took that ugly thing out of the gene pool--got to say congrats to him though on a great buck---chris
that's a dandy........i bet it took a long time to get that smile off the hunter's face

did someone go and delete all the pathetic jealous wisecrack's.....i like reading those....
well all Nevada dont allow high fence hunts, plus It is also the sleeper state and most of it public land, so those of ya that say it aint so come here and find out yourself, we will more than happy to book ya guys for a shot at a qualty buck like that
I just heard the buck scored 243 and the blood was still flowing to his antlers, so he might have still had some growing to do this year! Great trophy.
awsome buck. I love the Nontype massive ones. I would take this over a 190 typ anyday.
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