Best type of Broadhead for Elk?

Expandables are being used more and more for large sized game. Faster and more efficient bows, mean that arrows are flying faster, when arrows go faster, many of the fixed blades are difficult to tune, and if wind is in the equation they can fly erratically.
A few nice things about expandables are the safety of the covered blades when you pull them out of your quiver. Also, many of the expandables have large cutting diameters, and much of the enery of the arrow goes directly to mass tissue damage. There's something to be said for a 2" hole in a critter vs 1 1/8".
Choose a good arrow, tune your bow, establish a front of center (FOC) % around 12% and up, and you'll be fine with any modern well constructed broadhead.
On my elk last year, I used Wasp Jak Hammers- 1 3/4" cut, the bull made it less than 50 yds...the wound channel was huge and the blood trail profuse. Similarly, we've shot tons of deer, a good number of black bears, a handful of moose with these heads. The results are always the same, big holes, short blood trails.
Good luck to you.
Prdtrgttr has some sound words of advice there....

Broadhead selection is a personal choice, you should use what YOU are confident with. I'm confident when I release my arrow that arrow will fly where I'm aiming, and that broadhead I chose will do the job.

Interesting fact to close with, people such as Jim Shockey and Tom Miranda use expandable broadheads on large north American game and also in Africa. Something to ponder.
I have shot several deer with Slick Tricks, but have not tried them on elk. I do know that shooting them at a target produces as good of groups as with field tips. If your bow is tuned, it will shoot fixed blades well. Many people use expandables because the fixed won't shoot well. That is usually because the bow is not well-tuned.

I have used expandables on deer and was less than impressed overall. I would not even consider an expandable on an elk, but many of the TV shows are being bought off by the expandables and would make you think that they are the greatest thing going.

My vote goes to Slick Trick and Magnus. Thunderheads are also right there as well as muzzy. Many to choose from, for sure.
A buddy of mine has recommended the muzzy trocar. This guy is an absolute perfectionist with 78 P&Y deer to his name.. I'll be trying them and if they are flying good for me will be in my quiver this fall chasing elk.
I may have missed it but no love for the 2 blade single bevels? I shoot an Abowyer bonehead lite and have been really impressed. For a big two blade they fly really well and are super easy to sharpen.
I've used Thunderheads for years. I also just found 2 doz XX78s. I'm old school...if it works don't fix it. I'm not a speed freak and only once shot an animal past 40 yards.
Buy a quality head whether fixed or mechanical. I am partial to what ever flies best. I've stuffed mechanicals through elk broadside, length wise quartered hard, through the "thin part" of both shoulder blades, never had a problem. Hit a solid bone, doesn't matter whether its mechanical or fixed, its not going through.... Lots of guys have made perfect shots on animals they've lost, only when they're found later, the perfect lung shot was actually liver or leg bone. Over the years I've found a number of broadheads in animals alive and dead. Doesn't matter if its a 2 inch hole or a quarter inch hole... If it hits heart or both lungs, they die quickly...

I've seen lots of archers shoot a broadside animal when the leg is completely back. They hit it 2" behind the shoulder crease 1/3 of the way up and think perfect shot, guess what??? There are no vitals there, just a gut shot animal. Shoot them high and the whole chest cavity has to fill with blood before they spill a drop. Some animals jump the string and what looks like a good shot actually isn't. They can move a foot in a fraction of a second, especially if they are looking at you.

My opinion is buy a quality head... hint: they cost a bit of $$$ and usually aren't sold at Walmart...and make a good ethical shot.
I have used mechanicals (Rocket Steelhead) on elk and deer. I wish I could say that all my shots were perfect…but let’s be real, this is hunting! I had two marginal hits with the Rockets and I was sure I would lose the elk. After a relatively short track I had two different bulls. I would have never expected those heads to do as well as they did.

All that being said, I now shoot the 125 standard Slick Trick. I have killed a number of elk with these heads and they are great. They are sharp, fly great and are very strong. I think mechanicals can work great but I really believe in the KISS principle and therefore shoot the Slick Trick standards now.

JMO… but the broad head issue is a lot like the Ford/Chevy Debate. Everybody will have the personal preferences. There will be hero and horror stories about every broad head on the market. In the end, to me, it’s about a having a tuned bow and making the best the possible shot you can make. I think most broad heads can shot well. Best of luck to you this year.
Like many have said I would avoid the mechanicals as well. 100 Gr. Slick Tricks in the standard blade is my BH of choice. The mag blades where giving me some planning issues out of the RPM 360. I like 4 blades because of the increased cutting surface and the bone splitting capability of them.

I would suggest looking into Simmons Sharks. 2 blade and DEADLY. Concave edge cuts holes wider that the head itself. I shoot 165 grain for most critters and I will bring out the 195 grain for whitetails. 2 inch wide head and I can fit 4 fingers inside the hole it leaves.

Scroll through the pics and see for yourself. Best proof I can show of what these heads can do!
G5 Montec's for me. 3 shots have equaled 2 bulls and a fat old mule deer. I also love the fact that you can purchase practice blades that are the same dimension and weight as the blade you will hunt with
mtbowhunter11, after 30 seasons shooting Zwicky's , I'm gonna have to try those Sharks. Yikes!

Trust me you will not be disappointed! I shoot the same arrow/broadhead combo out of my longbow and mathews compound. They fly amazing out of both bows, deadly accurate every time!

In the last two seasons shooting them out of my compound 4 out of 5 deer went less than 10 yards, the 5th was my second biggest buck and he made it 35!

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