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Best Odds of a Goat Hunt


New member
May 23, 2016
My dream hunt is a mountain goat hunt. I am 32 years old with no points. If you were in my shoes where would you apply or start building point to try and draw a tag to go on one of these hunts? Looking to develop a strategy so I can make this dream come true one of these days.

I saw an article that said WY is considering OTC tags to eliminate a few groups of mountain goats.
Looking at the GoHunt odds, like jryoung said, your best chance is Idaho at 8.9%. Looks like a rough area which is expected being next to the Middle Fork of the Salmon. I'd stay away from WY with their Non resident wilderness rule unless you have friends in WY or want to hire a guide.
Keep in mind, if you aren't an Idaho resident, that nonresident tags are capped at 10% of the total. So your odds of drawing, if you're a nonresident, are still very tough because of how few tags are available for nonresidents to draw. Last year I believe they dished out 5 nonresident goat tags. Over 200 nonresidents applied. So that gives you a better picture of your true chances of drawing as a nonresident.
Thanks rmyoung. I meant to mention that I'm not very familiar with how ID allocate their non res tags. So I wasn't sure how accurate that 8.9% is.
Alaska.Start putting money into a bank account for the trip.I found a hunt on POW for 6500 plus the tag and getting there.I would definitely put in for Id every year in the mean time.But,Id is far from cheap at over 2k just for the tag
The other thing to think of with ID is that it costs you somewhere around $160 just to apply than you gotta front that tag fee. Thats a lot to accumulate no points.
If this is your dream hunt, you should save and buy a guided hunt. I've seen BC hunts sell for $6k at conservation banquets.
If you really want to hunt goats soon and it be a sure deal my advise is AK. Otherwise apply in as many states as your pocket book will allow and hope you get lucky. Tough odds for goat tags. I'm in your boat think I have 12 mt points and apply in id most years also. About to bite the bullet on a guided AK trip and quit the point game I could have half the money already in bonus points and unused hunting licenses. Same with moose this week I booked a Newfoundland moose trip with a great outfit and no more point/tag games.
Montana for the Crazy Mountains or the units above Yellowstone, I drew 323 a few years back with just 2 points. Good hunt lots of goats in some amazing country, plus that area is early rifle for elk and you can make a fun combo hunt. There is the chance at a really nice billy in 323.

I second brownbear, Alaska is awesome for goats. Since I killed my goat 8 years ago it isn't at the top of my list anymore but if you have the chance book your goat soon. I have watched goat hunts go from 6500 not so many years ago to pushing $20k with one outfitter that emails me hunt info. Granted for 20k you are killing a dang big goat but its the same price as a dall sheep.

just my 2 cents
Might as well try Montana. Drawing odds are not good but you can apply with little cost and the license fee is not due until you draw so that's really sweet.

Might as well purchase a few Supertag chances at $5.00 per pop. You have until June 26 I believe to purchase them, and you can do it on-line! No limit on how many of the "lottery" tickets you can buy. If drawn you can hunt goats in ANY unit open to mountain goat hunting. I need to get mine. I usually purchase a moose, sheep, goat, bison, elk, and deer Supertag. Got nothing to lose!
One way to look at it is most states charge $100 to $200 a year to apply for pts. If it takes 20 years to draw that's $2000 to $4,000 just to apply in 1 state. 4 states x $4,000 is $16,000. Is it worth the wait and cost? You may draw the first year you apply but there is no guarantee you'll draw in your lifetime I'm starting to apply for fewer and fewer tags as I grow older...and smarter!
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