Bear tag in hand, now where to go?


Well-known member
Jul 7, 2001
Alright MT folks, I did my part and have my bear tag in hand. Now someone draw me a map of where to go :eek: (to find bears) :rolleyes: . Coordinates not necessary, but a legal would be nice. If you can tie one up, even better.
HUMmmmmmmm thats Funny BHR, I got an Invite and took the fella up on it that included a Titty bar adventure in Montana..... SCORE !!!!! :D :D
BHR-No dollars bills when I am bear hunting. :D

Moosie, I have a feeling you wouldn't spend much money in the "titty bar". My guess is they will have thrown you out after the first five minutes. :D You always know the right things to say-- "Where can we find some jello and gay porn"?
LOL..... DID I ever tell you what I did To Greenhorn on one or our Scouting trips in Montana ? We walked into a Gas station in a Chit hole town and looking for some Snacks after topping of the tank. I walked up to the Front while he was coming in and I said "Do you guys have any GAY Porn ? My buddys a little on 'that side' and He's to shy to ask". Dude, their eyes lit up and Jaw dropped and it was the first time I seen greeny Speachless for a min ;)

So is there any bear up north were you're at ? You'd think being a Government worker you'd have some time to scout, what do you do all day ?~?~? :p
Yes I'm afraid to stop at the gas station in Broadus anymore. Thanks man. :(

Learned it's best to stick to the classy places when Moosie's along. The next place we visited was the JimTown Bar, a more fitting establishment.
Greeny.. Are you stalking me ? I haven't seen you here in 2 days and when I say your name .. POOF !!! Exactly 20 mins later you're here.... HUMmmmmm ;)