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Backpack and tent suggestions


New member
Dec 11, 2016
Pittsburgh, Pa
Hi everyone, I'm looking for some suggestions on what kinda of pack you use for a backpack hunt and what tent you use. I'm looking at the mystery ranch Metcaf for my pack but I'm not real sure what to look for in a tent. I'll be going in 3rd season rifle in colorado.
For the 3rd season rifle I'd definitely recommend a wall tent and wood stove or possibly some type of camper. You can expect average lows from the 20s up to the 40s. Last year was really mild, but weather extremes usually follow each other. Are you considering backpacking or truck based camping?
Of course you will need a four season tent that can handle wind and rain/snow. I always go bigger than the manufacturer's suggestions, as a two man tent is normally much too small for two men unless there are "special circumstances" that most hunters do not encounter. Even for solo hunts I carry a two man tent at that time of year to have enough room for my rifle and boots inside. Go light but do not go cheap.

I use external frame packs to keep my back cooler when I am hauling camp or quarters. The external frames are too awkward and loud for the actual hunt but they are great for the long trail. Earlier in the year I might use an internal frame pack if I am carrying a sleeping bag and a bivy sack to keep on the move for a day or two.
I know some ppl love the mystery ranch packs and they are supposedly very good quality packs but they just seem overly heavy compared to some other top end packs? As far as tents go, Id say if your third season u need a fairly heavy duty tent. Maybe like a kuiu or hilleberg for backpacking and u have lots of options if your truck base camping.
Lots of tent talk in the backpack forum.

If you're looking for a backpacking trip then you need to consider if you're gonna go 3-4 season backpacking cold tent or a tipi/stove setup. Both can be had for under 10 pounds.

Since it seems like you're fairly new to this style of hunting, I would probably say camp from the truck and find the sturdiest tent you can since weight doesn't need to be a consideration.

Again, packs have been discussed fairly at length. Try a search. Lots of considerations such as if you plan on being a day hunter or plan on packing your whole camp into the woods. The good news is most of the larger packs pack down pretty well for day use, but you can't make a small pack into a trekker. A weekend pack can be had and a pack for week-long trips is still bigger yet.
I think Kuiu and Exo Mountain are probably the best in the under $500 range. Stone Glacier, Kifaru and Mystery Ranch are gonna be the most popular in the higher end packs. Each has their pros and cons. Figure out what kind of hunting it will be used for and how you plan to use it and the choices quickly start to reveal themselves.
It could be a good idea to get a 4 season tent, but you could probably get away with a lighter tent if you want to take the chance. Two years ago 3rd rifle was below 0 degrees at night and snowing. Last year I'm not sure it got below freezing. I wouldn't get a one man tent, but any solid waterproof, breathable 2 man tent should be good. I've always liked Marmot, but I haven't been in the market for years, so I'm not sure what new technologies have come out.
Lots of different directions you can go. If truly backpack hunting, the niche of reasonable options gets pretty small pretty quick because of the weight penalty. I wouldn't carry more than 3 or so lbs of shelter if going solo, a little more if you were to pack a Ti stove. I would recommend getting some experience with about any decent backpacking tent (MH, Marmot, Big Agnes, Sierra Designs, Hilleberg, etc.) and you'll start to narrow down pros, cons, and your preferences real quickly.
I've used many packs over the years and am currently using the Kuiu. So far it's my favorite. I have all the pack sizes with one frame so I can switch from large pack to day pack and still use the same frame which is the best I've used so far. There are several very good packs out there. I've also used the Mystery Ranch which are excellent. Those would be my top two recommendations. As far as a tent goes, a 3 season tent would work well for most situations. Most hunts are not backpack hunts in the middle of winter. One thing I would recommend is a double wall vs the single wall due to the condensation you get with the single wall tents. Northface is my go to tent for most situations. It's durable, handles weather and wind well. I've been using a tadpole for years. It's a little on the heavy side. I have the one man single wall Kuiu for emergencies if I get stuck out overnight or just want to be the first in that spot in the morning without walking out and then back in next morning. It does have a condensation problem due to being a single wall. There are a lot more good tent options then backpacks though. Hope this helps.

Caribou Gear

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