PEAX Equipment

Back problems anyone?

I've seen it all - had problems since 1970.

Chirpractors can help me sometimes. sometimes I can help my self.
A good Rolfer will help me every time. Call Mattson Rolfing in Kenai Alaska - he may know of a good Rolfer in your area.907-283-3500.
He has two new lady Rofler's in the office - I don't know them but keep trying to talk to him.
The is the best and if he gives you a name, I would think that person could help you.
go to a knife man and he will use the knife.
The shooting pain you mentioned caught my eye. I was having a shooting pain that would literally put me on my knees. I was in my mid 40's and really started to notice a decrease in my upper body strength which was something I never worried about before. I started a regular upper body weight routine, nothing outrageous but just enough to make up for what I was loosing to age. I have not had that pain now for three years.

I was also a skeptic growing up on chiropractors and certainly did not want to get caught up in the money train of 20 visit plan. I believe they can really help and use one on some occasions. If you look around and talk to folks you will find that there are good ones not interested in trapping you into a mortgage of visits.

I will also have to say that accu-massage is another good option.
If you have a pinched sciatica nerve it is incredibly painful but will eventually feel like it is travelling down the left leg then it will go away. There is no way I would have back surgery unless there was no alternative because a good percentage of them are failures. I used to pinch my sciatica about once a year just by bending the wrong way to pick up a piece of firewood or sneezing. I started working out 3-4 times a week and never had it again. If you tone up your back muscles it will help you.

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