Sitka Pre Season Savings

AZ Late Bull-- 2013

Congrats on the bull, looks like you guys made some great memories.

I'll keep that dutch oven/game hen idea in mind if I'm ever hunting on turkey day, looks great.
Great story and great pics.
Time in the great out-of-doors with family - priceless!
Congrats on the elk. Enjoy...
How does a person go about purchasing one of those fine looking hats?
How does a person go about purchasing one of those fine looking hats?

Since I only have six of them left, they are at a premium. I took down the store page of clothing and hats when we changed over from Google checkout to PayPal. Didn't make sense to set up the clothing and hats in the store, for what little inventory was left.

They can be had, if you are able to convince Mrs. Fin to part with one. She keeps them for special requests. I think the last one was $20 to your door, in CONUS. If I am wrong, she is going to have me make up the difference and cover the postage.
I'd like to have an OYOA hat...Mrs. Fin????
Are there going to be Fresh Tracks hats?
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I think the coolest thing is that your son was with you. my most memorable hunts are not my big whitetails I have on the wall from sitting in a tree stand but the hunts where I was with my brother or a close friend and we worked together to get on the animals. I brought my 7 year old daughter with me deer hunting for the first time this last year and can't wait to bring her out to Wyoming for antelope hunting in a couple years. Way to spread the tradition and grow a future hunter to carry on the sport.

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