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AZ, is it worth it?


Well-known member
Jan 25, 2007
I have never gotten into the AZ bonus point game. I could pick one up for each species, and probably swing over to Tucson this summer for a hunter ed class for another point. In looking at the odds, it seems like 20% go to top bonus point contenders and the rest are handed out from there. Of course, there's the 10% Non-Res cap. So, if there are 25 tags for an area, that's 2 for NR, I assume 1 goes to top bonus points and the other is random?

It looks like you can get decent elk tags in a realistic time frame, and I understand you can't win if you don't play, but is it even remotely realistic to start in AZ right now and pick up a great mule deer tag (Kaibab or Strip) in the next 20 years? Doubtful I'm thinking. Pronghorn look real tough too.
Yes for elk...and if you're applying for elk, may as well throw your hat in the ring for sheep, deer, and pronghorn as well.

Any particular reason why you cant find a great coues deer hunt that would take 3-4 points?

Lots of states to hunt mule deer, not many to hunt coues.

Good luck.
It is definitely worth it, at least for deer and elk. You could probably draw an archery pronghorn tag before you're too old to pull a bow back, too. If you're getting into the game in hopes of a late Kaibab or Strip tag, or an early rifle unit 9 or 10 elk tag, you are probably going to be disappointed. But there is lot of good elk hunting available for just a handful of points. You can draw an archery muley tag north of the ditch fairly easily, and there is always Coues deer.

Unfortunately, there is not a guaranteed "random" tag in the tough to draw units because of the 20% pass rule. Since 20% of the tags go to the top point holders first, and many of the hunts are top-heavy with non-resident applicants, often the non-resident 10% is filled in the 20% draw.

And since it only costs an extra $7.50, you might as well buy sheep points, too.
hell Spitz, go for it. I am, and I'm an eastern tenderfoot. putting in for 2 gun hunts and 3 archery hunts. not expecting to be drawn, but what the hell. gotta at least try. hopefully, between the wyoming draw, and arizona, may get lucky somewhere. might have to think about this sheep stuff. will have to ask about it tomorrow when I call az, again.
Thanks for the responses guys. I was figuring to throw my hat in, looks like I'll be in good company.
hurry Spitz. time runs out tomorrow. got mine in tonight due to some crappy weather down here.

3005, 3037, 3130, 3172, 3173. will get the sheep point this summer. damn western guys are costing me a fortune.:D
Not worth it, stay out and buy your wife a nice present!

Wait, I've never drawn anything in AZ so I guess I can't comment.
I started the sheep draw too late in life to have a reasonable expectation of a draw but I still buy the pints and will start full apllic again next year.
Killed my best Elk on draw after only five tries and still going after another. Never drawn Pronghorn or muley but still buying points and expect to really apply next year.
For good Pronghorn, you might want to look at NM but , at 69, and having hunted from BC to AZ/NM, I only apply for Elk in AZ now.
I'd been putting on getting in on AZ for a few years, but finally got started yesterday. I'm really kicking myself for not starting earlier, but hopefully it won't be too long until I'm hunting there. I'm mainly getting in for elk and deer, but might as well pick up some points for others as well.
If you are young and have even the slightest thought of someday wanting a Desert Sheep, start buying points NOW!! I have no clue why after thoroughly loving my first sheep hunt in AK in 1986 that I was too stupid to start applying for Big Horn and Desert.....
OK Guys I'm new to the AZ application process...Can you not apply for deer and sheep until summer?
OK Guys I'm new to the AZ application process...Can you not apply for deer and sheep until summer?
Correct you cannot apply for Deer till June.A few years ago we were able to apply for both in Feb.We are happy that they moved them seperate,its nice to know what dates we were picked for elk before applying for deer.
A few years ago we were able to apply for both in Feb.

I don't remember ever being able to apply for all four species on Feb? How long ago was this.

Spitz, Tone, Mtlion, you'll be suprised what you can hunt in AZ if you don't hold out for an Early rut rifle or Muzz hunt..............
Stranger things have happened, I drew a lope rifle tag with only 7 points if I recall. But with the new 20% pass rule that won't happen again.
Once you buy the general license you may as well apply for all or most. I am not applying for lope anymore as it probably will not happen and there is better places to hope for a tag.
Stink pigs I have enough points that I am not going to pay for any more since I may not use the ones I have. Bison, I dropped out of as well.
Deer, Elk and Sheep I am definitely going to apply every year.
I don't remember ever being able to apply for all four species on Feb? How long ago was this.

Spitz, Tone, Mtlion, you'll be suprised what you can hunt in AZ if you don't hold out for an Early rut rifle or Muzz hunt..............

AZ402, I'd love to be surprised! LOL

Coues deer is on my list...

BTW When is the sheep deadline?

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