Caribou Gear Tarp

AZ doves

Walt lister

New member
Jul 26, 2010
Been pretty good out here in AZ, a lot better than last year. 10 bird limit easy to come by.
Ready to go.

Temp in the high 90s by 9:00AM, time to rest the dogs.

Almost ready for the BBQ. My recently aquired 97 year old 20ga model 1912 did the trick.

The dogs belong to my friend Gerard.

Never spoil your birddog.

Almost 82 years old, Jack hits one.

Hot and tired, Jack heads for the car after limiting.

The stock pond we shot at with the Harquahala mtns in the background (almost 6000ft high).

Day before, different area. BBQd these and others that night, MMMMM.

Love these desert waterholes.
Great pics!

Looks like an enjoyable time esp limiting your doves to boot!
Still rummaging through work waiting for my vacation days to arrive... waiting - waiting - waiting. Not necessarily for birds though can certainly relate to having enjoyable times with friends.

Congrats to you and your hunting partners there - Good times.
My wife was in Marana, AZ this weekend. She called and said she heard alot of shooting. Wish I was with her. I hunted one time there on a Thanksgiving weekend and it was absolutely AWESOME! Shot 40 doves in 4 days.
Can't believe I've missed the season for the first time in... maybe forever, or at least since I was old enough to shoot. My fund raising commitment has just finished this evening and my GSP is voting that we go out now or at least first thing tomorrow but I've decided to pack my backpack for Colorado instead and see if I can't arrow an elk. Head out early Wednesday morning and hope to be there in time to be stalking in the late afternoon/evening.

Boy is my dog pissed. I feel bad for him but he'll have an AZ 4 month quail season to look forward to, sandwiched in between my rifle elk, archery deer, numerous fishing trips & (hopefully) an archery javelina hunt between now and February.
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Very cool. When I went to school at ASU, I was after doves and quail every spare minute. Still go back in the winter for some late season shooting.

Congrats on what looks like a grand time.
I was shooting Gamebore 65MM shells. It is a short chamber gun.
Yes, Gerard does live in SoCal.
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Nice pics. Looks like a good time.

When I went to school at ASU, I was after doves and quail every spare minute.
BF, didn't know you were a Sun Devil. I grew up in Tempe and went to ASU for undergrad and graduate school. I miss walking around that campus. ;)
Go Sun Devils!..

They should expand the limit to 20 doves I.M.O..... Lots of Eurasion doves.. they sure are big.

From what I was hearing guys were going out and getting another 10 later in the day...

Anyone else think the limit should be increased?
BF, didn't know you were a Sun Devil. I grew up in Tempe and went to ASU for undergrad and graduate school. I miss walking around that campus. ;)

Well, I am glad I said, "When I went to school at ASU." The two funnest years of my young adulthood. The trail of carnage that followed me and my roommates was something Tempe has probably not seen since 1984-1986.

How you can transfer and start on the Dean's list and two years later be asked to leave after being on academic probation is hard to explain. Let's just say that too much adult beverage, lots of hunting, the finest scenery in the world, and a short stint in a Mexican jail were enough to make even the straightest arrow fly a little crooked.

I blame most of my problems on Jereep, my Uncle Jimmer, roommate CC Campbell, and the instigations of Uncle Larry, AZRed. Probably would have graduated with honors had they not been such beneficial influences on my behavior.

Fortunately, Nevada - Reno (Harvard on the Truckee), was willing to take a chance on a begging young man who promised his indiscretions were behind him. I suspect no other university would have given me that chance, had they made a close review of my recent records.

Ah, but from those events come some of the best stories a young man could ask for, leaving but shallow scars and making for some great friendships and grand memories.

Hope my son isn't reading this. :eek:

But, boy, did the doves and quail ever take it on the chins. Every young man should have the chance to shoot as many doves as we would shoot.
There shouldn't be a limit on Eurasian collared-doves, IMO.

CJ & Oak,

There is no limit on the Eurasian doves, at least in AZ. Unlimited. Year round. From the azgfd regs Note 3:


Drop the hammer on them CJ!
Big Fin, thats about one of the funniest reflections of a college career I have heard in a while...Fortunately my kids take after their mother and are much better students than myself.
My Sun Devil experience started out a lot like Randy's, but improved over the years. I spent my freshman year at a JC as a high achiever--revived a defunct college newspaper as the managing editor, had an office in the English Department and office hours to meet with writers, pulled pretty much all A's, etc--at the ripe old age of 17 while I decided if I really wanted to go to college. I also worked pouring concrete, which helped me decide on following through with school ;)

When I arrived at ASU the next year, my grades tanked something fierce as I was living with 2 girls (just friends) and there was a lot of partying that crippled me too much to even attempt my morning classes. Then I figured my afternoon classes shouldn't get preferential treatment either. One of my roomies got the boot from school for grades and the other was teetering on the edge. My GPA stunk to high heaven. Finally I figured out that I either shouldn't drink on school nights or learn to take classes hung over. I chose door number 2 :cool: It was a good thing I majored in tv production. Never would have survived a real major.

For those of you who have never been to ASU, I heartily suggest coming out in the fall for a football game or in the spring and take a walk through campus. The party image has been toned down a bit but the, ahem, talent is still off the hook ridiculous.

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