Arizona unit 27 late rifle 11pts

They certainly won't know how the draw works if they think a 2nd choice will be drawn without the 1st choice getting looked at.
We are all saying more or less the same thing.
I don’t know about you, but the reason I am saying it, is because there are a lot of people that think they are shooting for the stars by putting a low odds tag first choice and then a safe choice they know they have plenty of points to get as their second choice.

Just last year a guy I know was texting me all excited thinking he may have drawn 23 early rifle. I asked him what is 2nd choice was and how many points he had. His second choice was 3a/3c late rifle and he had like 11 points-or something like that. You can say they ‘looked’ at his first choice if you want but the end result is the same. He had nowhere near the points to draw 23 and plenty to draw 3a/c

A lot of people applying in AZ as NR get hung up on this because it’s not how other states do their drawings.
I agree nr need to more cognizant of their hunt choices and should be spending more time on them. Kind of a two edge sword; you don't want a lesser hunt in the bonus pass but if you drop to the random you give up your point ranking advantage that you had in the bonus pass.
What type of a hunt are you looking for? I have experience with most units in AZ and can make some recommendations to you. If you have decided "this is the year" and you want a tag you have options if you can wait a few more years, those options will expand. i would personally NOT use that many bonus points for a 6A tag. are you settled on a late tag? Do you archery hunt? what type of terrain do you prefer? would you sacrifice quality for quantity or vice versa? The hunts where you can reasonably to expect to see a good number of mature bulls are out of reach for a while
Where it gets convoluted is magazines/podcasts/etc saying an app isn't "in" or "looked at" for the bonus pass. Every app with at least 1 point is in the bonus pass and every app in that pass gets both choices looked at until they've gone thru every app.
Even apps without points gets looked at in the bonus. Every single app gets looked at in the bonus pass.
Actually, they don't; and the reason it's called the "bonus pass".

"In the Bonus Pass, the first and second hunt choices for all applications with maximum bonus points are looked at first. If permits are still available from the 20% allocation, then the next lower bonus point category is looked at; and so on, until all of the 20% allocation is issued or until all applications with 1 or more bonus points are read. Applications with zero bonus points will not be included in the 20% Bonus Pass of the Draw."

addl resource should you want to verify

Amber Munig
Big Game Management Supervisor, Terrestrial Wildlife Branch
Arizona Game & Fish Department
5000 W. Carefree Highway
Phoenix, Arizona 85086
phone: 623-236-7355
fax: 623-236-7929
email: [email protected]
What type of a hunt are you looking for? I have experience with most units in AZ and can make some recommendations to you. If you have decided "this is the year" and you want a tag you have options if you can wait a few more years, those options will expand. i would personally NOT use that many bonus points for a 6A tag. are you settled on a late tag? Do you archery hunt? what type of terrain do you prefer? would you sacrifice quality for quantity or vice versa? The hunts where you can reasonably to expect to see a good number of mature bulls are out of reach for a while
Looking for the best quality hunt for a mature bull. Would rather use rifle to up the odds of success but looks like I am still waiting a few years unless I look to different units

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