PEAX Equipment

Application burnout


Well-known member
Jan 9, 2001
Laramie, WY
Anyone else about tired of applying for tags yet?

Finished up applications in MT, WY, and AZ for my wife and I...good grief.

Wish I could get as tired of drawing tags as applying for them.
I only get enough time off for one hunt out west per year, so only one application usually. Just finished helping the last guy in our party for Wyoming Antelope last night. Good luck to all.
I think it's exciting......until it says "Thank you, payment processed." and my funds get a little smaller...

It's a relentless game.
I haven't been doing it long enough to be burnt out yet but I could see how it could be a problem.

My biggest problem is trying to apply in different states while only trying to draw one tag. One of these years I'm going to hit two different tags and get in trouble with the wife. :)
My checking account is more burned out than I am. Application season is exciting in January but after 4 months of shelling out money and not drawing tags it is starting to get old.
Anyone else about tired of applying for tags yet?

Finished up applications in MT, WY, and AZ for my wife and I...good grief.

Wish I could get as tired of drawing tags as applying for them.

Critters rejoice when you don't get drawn.:hump:
I don't have a problem with the application. It's waiting for the results that wears on me.

I only put in 6 apps in 3 states this year though. I know some who have dozens of apps and tens of thousands of dollars out at a time.
May gets pretty brutal when you have been swinging and missing since January like happened to me last year when I didn't draw anything until late June. I definitely had a sigh of relief drawing AZ elk in March this spring and getting to skip a few states worth of applications especially those real desperate ones like ID limited entry elk and deer and the Kentucky elk powerball.

I will say there is some level of entertainment with the anticipation of the draws during a time of year I have little else going on.
yeah seriously.... I'm still procrastinating to apply for B tags in MT and my Iowa PP. Way down to the wire now but the $75 for the B tag has me like ugh is it worth it...
If you're going all the way to MT, you might as well fire one more bullet at a white tail doe. More tags is always better
Be glad when it's over. We don't even do much, but it has taken a lot of effort to put together a reasonable plan for us this year. Between my wife and I we should have 7 buck tags; 4 archery, 3 rifle, 2 states.
Funny you'd ask the question Buzz. Yeah...I was feeling something that was wearing me down. I think you put a name to the emotion. Good grief is right. Since we're all in the of luck to everyone!
All this application talk...prolly should head to the bank with my stack of refund checks from Colorado.

I often wonder when I head to the bank to get a couple 2K plus cashiers check payable to the Colorado Division of Wildlife, etc. if they think I'm paying a fine?

In more good news, Wyoming will have a "leftover draw" this year instead of first come first serve...great, more applications.

Please, just one time, make me have to prioritize one sheep tag over another...
Oh ya. 2 deer doe tags and hopefully 2 antelope doe tags. Eleven total. Dang, hadn't added them up.
I am right there with you guys ready for it to be over already. Only two more draw results for me to wait out. Batting zero right now. Maybe it's because a Montana sheep tag is on it's way soon.
Anyone else about tired of applying for tags yet?

Finished up applications in MT, WY, and AZ for my wife and I...good grief.

Wish I could get as tired of drawing tags as applying for them.

Hahaha I just trolled over here looking to post the exact same thing!..................after finally completing my last two, Wyoming deer/lope & Arizona deer/sheep. Feels so good to be done with it. Spent these last two trying to pick hunts around my AZ elk hunt & expected Iowa tag. Got about a 70% chance in Iowa and really want that as I've scouted a ton. Picked a WY lope hunt I can do on my return drive from AZ. Right off I-80 and very near a town where I could keep elk frozen. I really like the WY lope long season dates and good selection of units right off my highway route. Didn't spend much time selecting AZ sheep units with such a small chance even with 20 points. Can now get back to important matters and just wait on results.
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Yes, I definitely get research and application burnout. Here in NZ I apply for 5 ballots, as well as hunting year round. I apply for points and tags in a couple of western states. But it's now the research that takes the time. Canada and Hawaii have been my recent focus. But hey I wouldn't have it any other way. Being able to hunt overseas is a great motivator :)

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