Anyone have the 411 on the Lysite WY area?


Well-known member
Mar 2, 2013
Colorado Springs
So, it looks like I am going to get a shot at a pronghorn hunt in the Lysite area in Mid SEP. This is a private land hunt so access is not an issue. Does anyone have any experience with that area? What should I expect as a "representative" buck for shoot/no shoot decisions? thanks
This year with the good weather providing great horn growth if you have some decent acreage to hunt with a few days to look a bunch of bucks over and are patient down there you should be able to take one 80" or better.

I would look over the bucks you have access to for a day or two and try to narrow down the better ones. From the ones you like, pick the one you like the best and go after him.

As far as score, its pretty apparent with a look at a B&C record book, that true net 80 inch pronghorns are not that common in Wyoming, even in the best areas. Hundreds of buck are killed for every one that gets to be 80". Not many bucks will ever reach 80 inches their entire lives, even given the best conditions. Just a fact.

I look at antelope bucks nearly every day while traveling for work, working in my yard, or out scouting for them. The good weather and horn growth ranting is being grossly over-played. I'm just not seeing significantly better horn growth.

The best thing this weather is doing is going to allow the adults to go into winter in better body condition (big key), and also the fawn survival is going to be excellent. I have been seeing way more does with twins than single fawns this year.

I think a realistic goal is to expect a mid-70's antelope if you look a bunch over. Most shot in Wyoming are not even that.

If you see ones like this...shoot:




If you see one like this, keep looking:

I am not seeing this great horn growth everyone is talking about either. Bucks are looking very normal, a few good ones and lots less than that.

+1 Buzz
That's funny JM77 because the unit we hunt in is close to Lysite and where we took this 84 4/8" officially scored B&C buck last year. Two of my resident buddies drew tags for that unit again this year and already have scouted out a couple that should break 80" and they say there are more in the low to mid 70s than they have seen in several years.


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I have only been speedy hunting once (last year and it was a doe) but saw quite a few. I will also be relying on the folks that will be guiding/driving us around. I am just happy that I am going to get to hunt this year as this might very well be it for the year for me. Can't wait to get up there and get to it
I have only been speedy hunting once (last year and it was a doe) but saw quite a few. I will also be relying on the folks that will be guiding/driving us around. I am just happy that I am going to get to hunt this year as this might very well be it for the year for me. Can't wait to get up there and get to it

Even if you only see one like the last one BuzzH posted, he's a nice trophy here on my wall and is in the mid 70s just to give you an idea of scores. BuzzH seems to have the condescending attitude that he and the wife are the only ones that can shoot a decent animal out there, LOL!
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What's funny about that Top? I'm telling you, from the perspective of a hunter that has lived in Wyo for 52 years and hunted antelope for 43 years, scored hundreds of pronghorns, that I am not seeing anything that tells me there is a spike in horn growth.

Every year big bucks are killed, as there will be this year, and many areas have different moisture levels and vegetation growth. My experience tells me from what I see and hear from credible hunters like Buzz, leads me to believe there is no spike in "great" antelope.

Oh, no offense, but you could use some help on taking photos, or whoever did, because they made your friend's 84" buck look like a "maybe 80". Sorry that's how I see it.
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What's funny about that Top? I'm telling you, from the perspective of a hunter that has lived in Wyo for 52 years and hunted antelope for 43 years, scored hundreds of pronghorns, that I am not seeing anything that tells me there is a spike in horn growth.

Every year big bucks are killed, as there will be this year, and many areas have different moisture levels and vegetation growth. My experience tells me from what I see and hear from credible hunters like Buzz, leads me to believe there is no spike in "great" antelope.

Oh, no offense, but you could use some help on taking photos, or whoever did, because they made your friend's 84" buck look like a "maybe 80". Sorry that's how I see it.

Hey, I don't claim to be a photographer and I'm sorry if the pictures I take don't look like what a buck scores and it's getting a little old between BuzzH and his butt buddy and now you dissing scores. FYI here is the official score sheet stats from the B&C scorer up in Cody:
R--16 4/8, 6 5/8, 6 4/8, 3 7/8, 2 5/8, prong-7 2/8
L---16 0/8, 6 3/8, 6 6/8, 3 6/8, 2 4/8, prong-7 1/8
Tip to tip---8 7/8
Inside spread---13 4/8
Total R---43 3/8
Total L----42 4/8
Difference---1 3/8
Gross---85 7/8"
Net-------84 4/8"
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Hey, I don't claim to be a photographer and I'm sorry if the pictures I take don't look like what a buck scores and it's getting a little old between BuzzH and his butt buddy and now you dissing scores. FYI here is the official score sheet stats from the B&C scorer up in Cody:
R--16 4/8, 6 5/8, 6 4/8, 3 7/8, 2 5/8, prong-7 2/8
L---16 0/8, 6 3/8, 6 6/8, 3 6/8, 2 4/8, prong-7 1/8
Tip to tip---8 7/8
Inside spread---13 4/8
Total R---43 3/8
Total L----42 4/8
Difference---1 3/8
Gross---85 7/8"
Net-------84 4/8"

Here's a little hint on judging an antelopes prongs. The distance from the corner of the eye to end of nose is about 7 1/4 to 7 1/2". That should give a hunter an idea what a 7" prong looks like when they see one.
Good info, thanks Buzz and JM77, always good to hear relevant and current reports from those in the know.
I have only been speedy hunting once (last year and it was a doe) but saw quite a few. I will also be relying on the folks that will be guiding/driving us around. I am just happy that I am going to get to hunt this year as this might very well be it for the year for me. Can't wait to get up there and get to it

You'll have a great time no matter what.

To clarify some things about pronghorn scores, representative animals, etc.

For starters for anyone to make the claim that in a day or two of looking you "should be able to find one over 80" is a joke. An even bigger joke when those making the claim don't even know for sure where you'll be hunting, what kind of access you have, etc. Keep in mind when these types of statements are made, that in the last B&C recording period, there were 129 pronghorns entered in Wyoming that made 80" or better. That's in a 3 year period, so an average of 43 entered per year. Considering that Wyoming issues around 35,000 buck antelope tags/year, and harvest is in the 25,000 range...pretty easy to do the math on how many bucks are entered that officially score 80+. Basically 1 out of every 550-600 antelope killed will be entered and score 80, that's a wake-up call to those throwing numbers around that they don't understand. Are there some additional bucks killed that make 80 net and not entered? Sure, but even assuming that another 40 a year are not entered, you're still looking at 1 out of every 300 antelope bucks killed, officially making 80 net.

So, point being, be very cautious when asking for advice on what you "should" be able to find, score wise, in the area you plan to hunt.

To me, "representative" pronghorn is a pretty wide net to cast. It really depends on what kind of access you have, how much time you have to hunt, how well you can judge them, etc. etc.

But, in very general terms, an HONEST 75 inch buck is a good bar to set for a very good representative buck. These types of bucks will stand out in any hunting unit in Wyoming compared to a vast majority of bucks you'll see. They will likely be in the 14-15 inch range, 6 inch mass below the prong, 5.5 above the prong, and 5 inch prongs. That will get you in the neighborhood of 75.

This is what a 75 inch buck will look like. A friend of mine shot this one a couple years ago. For the unit he was hunting, considering the time he had to hunt, some physical limitations, last week of the season, etc. etc...he would have been crazy to pass it up. I don't remember all the score specifics, but I do know it was 15 inches and pretty close to the numbers I Iisted above on the rest.


When you compare that buck to the one on the bottom of my first post, there is flat no way that the buck in question is anywhere near "mid-70's" It would have to hurry to make 70...small prong, no mass, and no length is never going to add up to 75.

If you're hunting this fall, and you want a representative will see a lot of bucks like that one. If you're looking for mid-70's, don't bother even tapping the brakes on the truck for a second on by to the next one.

The best advice I can give you is to first of all have fun, pronghorn allow for a very fun hunt. Look a bunch over, keep your expectations realistic, and don't worry about score. Remember that killing a true B&C pronghorn is a tall order, they just aren't around every piece of sagebrush out there.

Good luck.
Hey BuzzH--- I see you're still having what I guess you consider fun contradicting most everything some have to say! Yep, not everyone that shoots B&C bucks enter them in the book and there may be a lot more than you say, so maybe think a little before you shoot off your mouth some more, LOL! The buck in my picture and two others friends have shot in the unit I hunt a stones throw from Lysite also made book in the last five years and none have been entered in the book because we choose not to tell where we hunt and that is part of a B&C entry form! You're also full of bull when you score stuff over the net and say this one can't be this and this one can't be that just looking at a little picture! Cripes, you scored a bull on MM that you said was 345" and it ended up with an official score of just under 370". You even argued the bull didn't have a 60" main beam when the guy put a tape showing it did right out for everyone to see on the thread! So much for your expertise on internet scoring, LOL! Why not just tell people that have shot a nice looking animal "good job" and quit trying to be the internet scoring guru that you aren't! Remember that elk debacle that you never did apologize to Michael and the other members for?!!! Yea, and you don't need to come back with any comments about it not being an official tape. It was just done to show you were full of it when you said the beam was lucky to be in the low to mid 50s! PS: I'll make sure to come back to this thread in a couple months and put up the next picture of a buck over 80" that we take since we have tags for that unit again and a couple over 80" have already been spotted on just a couple short scouting trips!


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Hey BuzzH--- I see you're still having what I guess you consider fun contradicting most everything some have to say!

Not true, only pointing out the facts so that a hunter new to pronghorn hunting understands how few 80 inch antelope bucks are taken each year. Its irresponsible for you to make statements that in a couple days looking, in an area you DONT know, that he should be able to find an "80+" antelope. Also clarifying that horn growth has not spiked with these better conditions. But, then again, you're pretty good at giving information on units you've never been to...and you like to brag about that as well:

Topgun, aren't your comments the" pot calling the kettle black"? I've seen you send guys to units you never stepped foot in, knowing there were more obstacles to hunting that unit than what you could learn sitting at a desk in Michigan looking at your cd rom.

And why do you think I'm sending them there, LOL!

Real stand-up guy and you're about the last person anyone should take advice from, on in regard to hunting anything in Wyoming. I would NEVER give anyone advice I didn't know first hand...and never have.

Yep, not everyone that shoots B&C bucks enter them in the book and there may be a lot more than you say, so maybe think a little before you shoot off your mouth some more, LOL! The buck in my picture and two others friends have shot in the unit I hunt a stones throw from Lysite also made book in the last five years and none have been entered in the book because we choose not to tell where we hunt and that is part of a B&C entry form!

This is the first time I've heard that excuse...this week. Funny coming from you, when I've seen you pump the elk hunting in the Bighorns where "your buddies" hunt on several hunting forums. BTW, with counties in Wyoming larger than some States, I'm not too worried about what has to be given as a location on a B&C entry form. You might of known that if you ever had to fill one out.

You're also full of bull when you score stuff over the net and say this one can't be this and this one can't be that just looking at a little picture! Cripes, you scored a bull on MM that you said was 345" and it ended up with an official score of just under 370".

That bull is never going to be entered either right? Wonder why, maybe because it net scores less than 360?
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Not true, only pointing out the facts so that a hunter new to pronghorn hunting understands how few 80 inch antelope bucks are taken each year. Its irresponsible for you to make statements that in a couple days looking, in an area you DON'T know, that he should be able to find an "80+" antelope. Also clarifying that horn growth has not spiked with these better conditions. But, then again, you're pretty good at giving information on units you've never been to...and you like to brag about that as well:

***More BS---I've been all over the unit he's asking about, as it's not that far from where we hunt and has the same basic genetics and weather where we hunt. In fact, a lot of the goats that we hunt late in the season come down from the unit he drew and that's a fact! I also didn't say that he would take one and I didn't say two days, but did say he needed to cover a lot of territory to take a good one. Have you ever been to that unit to say I don't know what I'm talking about? Nope, or you would have said so! Maybe horn growth hasn't spiked on a lot of goats in a lot of areas, but it is certainly helping where we hunt and travel according to my buddy's scouting reports so far. I'm sure you know from all your travels that things can be quite different from spot to spot without going that far, don't you, since you're the expert on everything?

Real stand-up guy and you're about the last person anyone should take advice on in regard to hunting anything in Wyoming. I would NEVER give anyone advice I didn't know first hand...and never have.

***More BS---First of all the statement made by BC that you posted was incorrect and the comment made back was taken out of context because it was a joke, so that's just another poor try at putting those up when you have nothing legitimate to post! I'm also LOL about you calling anyone a stand-up guy with all the condescending BS remarks that you post on both sites. See above comment on the unit asked about! It also looks like you're giving advice similar to mine and we just differ on what he might be able to take and mine is based on being in that unit every year even though we don't hunt it. Also, FYI a lot of the information I give out has nothing to do with areas that I hunt even though I've more than likely been in them with the amount of time I spend out there every Fall not just hunting, but rather involves draw odds, public land accessibility, etc. that can be answered without on the ground hunting experience. You would be amazed how many people I help that come back thanking me for the great time they had out there and that's all I ask of them.

This is the first time I've heard that excuse...this week. Funny coming from you, when I've seen you pump the elk hunting in the Bighorns where "your buddies" hunt on several hunting forums. BTW, with counties in Wyoming larger than some States, I'm not too worried about what has to be given as a location on a B&C entry form. You might of known that if you ever had to fill one out.

***More BS---You have no idea how much I know about Wyoming to continue your continual condescending remarks! Being retired I hunt "WITH" my buddies the entire season when they're out and was with them when every bull and cow was taken since 2006, including the 357 3/8" one in 2010, so I can more than pump that area when I'm out there for a couple months every year just like I will be this year. I'll be up in 45 the first half of next month alone helping on an archery elk hunt and I did extensive scouting all over that unit last Fall while I was out there. That's why I've been able to give a number of people good advice that asked about that unit for a hunt this year. It's amazing how much you can cover when you're out there for two months like I am most years while most guys can only get away for a couple weeks at most. I'll be out for 9 weeks this year and will see areas I'm very familiar with along with a couple new ones that I'm looking forward to seeing.

That bull is never going to be entered either right? Wonder why, maybe because it net scores less than 360?

More BS---Who said anything about entering that bull anywhere? How could he enter it in B&C when it was not up to their minimum score? However, it sure scored way more than your 345" guess. Nice try at CYA because I also see that you didn't say a word about that 60" beam measurement picture, LOL!
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Pretty sure the OP didn't intend for this to become your own personal "measuring contest".

I believe a majority of us come to this forum to share ideas and experiences and learn from those, like Buzz and others, who have a greater depth of knowledge, experience and success.

Your posts in this thread remind me why I quit looking at MM........
Gonna spend a few minutes figuring out how to block posters who provide minimal useful information and have personal ego agendas.
Pretty sure the OP didn't intend for this to become your own personal "measuring contest".

I believe a majority of us come to this forum to share ideas and experiences and learn from those, like Buzz and others, who have a greater depth of knowledge, experience and success.

Your posts in this thread remind me why I quit looking at MM........
Gonna spend a few minutes figuring out how to block posters who provide minimal useful information and have personal ego agendas.

Oh Brother! I made one little post about a unit that I'm very familiar with and what should be available based on what I've seen in the past and the way things are going out in that area based on reports I'm getting from friends that live out there and are scouting the area this summer. What I get back is another BS post by BuzzH showing a nice buck I took that is better than what the picture shows and dissing it just like he has a number of times on this site. It's getting old and too bad that it is being allowed to happen on this great site! Then JM77 comes on and appears to be saying that the B&C buck I posted also isn't what I said it is because my poor photography makes it look like it's no better than 80" even when it was actually officially scored up in Cody. I guess we all now need to state the B&C Scorer's name and ID number and if I have to I guess I can get back to my buddy and see if he still has the score sheet the taxidermist sent him by email. What a bunch of BS and, yes, it's just like over on MM and a lot of it is caused by BuzzH, so maybe you should put him on Ignore because he is usually behind a lot of the crap that happens just like what he started on this thread and you're now accusing me of! Your personal ego comment is a real hoot because the only animal I've ever posted on this site that I've shot was that nice goat and is exactly why I don't because of BS like BuzzH posts and continues to get away with!
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Topgun you may need to take a breath and chew a baby aspirin... ;)

SFC- Don't worry too much about what you should shoot, it's your first buck and it's not like pronghorn tags are hard to get. Here's my first and I'd shoot another one like it the next time I go.

Here's the last one I got.
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