Yeti GOBOX Collection

Anyone else Sick?


New member
Jan 22, 2003
I was going to go lion/varmit hunting up north this week but i have caught some kinda "bug" sore throat, coughing,headache,runny nose. It sucks as i hardly ever get sick, my wife has it and she says half of the post office has it [where she works] Just wondering if anything like this is happening around your area, maybee i got the "West Phoenix Virus"
Fit as a fiddle
I've got pretty much the same thing, cjcj...I'm improving steadily, though. Mine looks like it'll only last 3 days or so.
All week! Migraines so bad the house is completely blacken out. Chest is congested and the nose is a leaky faucet. Shoot me now!!

CJCJ have you tried zinc lozenges? Don't know why; but, they knock the dog crap out of any cold or flu like thing I contract in just a couple of days.
Couldn't tell if I did, I have so many antibiotics running through me and now my home care nurse tells me some blood count in my liver is 30 points higher than where it should be! Probable cause, antiobiotics! :mad:

One more week and I'm done with this shit!
Hang tough Paul; you have made it this far. You can do another week standing on your head. :D
Just finishing up on it, I did pass the love on to my wife, she should be over it in a couple more days...
My wife ain`t laughing either, still got it bad today, i`ve tried the zinc,throat spray, thera-flu, night/time day/time anytime/ allthetime. guess it will just have to run it`s course, the spray and zinc do help the throat feel better. its strange that this thing isn`t just in Arizona, and it seems from your responces that it`s everywhere.
I had the flu over Thanksgiving and then I had a slight cold a few weeks ago. And that's it. I hopefully won't get sick for the rest of the year...KNOCK ON WOOD.
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