

New member
Sep 23, 2007
Napa CA
This place is dead!! Somebody has to be doing something with money. I've been looking at toying with some stocks.
My 401K accounts are doing much better - over 20% increase YTD. Only another 25% or so to get back to where they were... ;) I left most of the money where it was, since I missed the boat on getting out of the market early. I have changed a lot of my current contributions now back into stock purchases.
I am up 25% exactly yesterday.... and did the opposite of Cali and just sold and put it into bonds. I feel this is a suckers rally and it will drop again. Inflation will go through the roof, unemployment is still in the shitter, consumer confidence is crap, and Obama says we will have trillions on debt like he is proud of it and offers no shame and solution but would rather go on the Demoncrat shopping spree he waited 8 years for. I don't see stocks or the economy going up too fast and this recent rally was a bit fast for me.
I think what you do with your money should all depend on your time horizon. If you think you'll need your 401k money etc within the next 5-7 years then Schmalts plan is right-IMO- keep it safe in bonds.

If you're looking 10-20 years down the road, and are contributing regularly, you want the market to stay low for a while so your money buys more shares/stock. You then expect for it to rise prior to your retirement when you sell for a nice profit.

Stocks can be somewhat more volatile than mutual funds though- which spread the risk and you still can average 7-9 percent which, of course, compounds making a much larger nest egg the longer you leave it.

Lots of different strategies- see what makes sense for you and don't trust anyone with your money but you.

Hope it helps.......

The only thing I am doing right now is 1. saving 15% from every check 10% in savings and 5% in 401K. 2. payed off all debt. 3. I have a goal in mind for my savings, once that goal is meet I will take the 10% and invest into something....dont know exactily what yet... Real estate? long term CD's? just not sure. I am of the opinion that you can invest into almost anything you want as long as you put your mind into it and keep your ecpectations in line with past performance in what ever market you chose.
I agree are exactly right. too many people just want to throw $$$ into the market and let it go...the media has programed people to that. Best to have a plan/stratigy and realistic expectations. The number 1 thing that people need to do/understand is it off...and dont carry much except for standards like mortgage, vehicles etc...use is sparingly and wisely.
As far as bonds...a word to the wise as they get pushed as 'safe/stable' careful about bonds/bond funds at this point...interest rates are at historic lows...the most likely place for them to go in the future is up...and when interest rates go up....bonds/bond funds values typically go down.
So.... anyone have a clue why the market is going up??? Unenployment at a high in decades, inflation going no where but up, I dont get it. I think this years Xmas sales will have to be the reality check for the market
Market is rising because the money we bailed out the banks with is sitting in the federal reserves. The Fed Monetized our debt, or essentially printing it. That money sitting in the safes at the Fed is collecting interest. The Fed is then paying out interest on money they loaned, and these companies are collecting that interest and paying back into the Fed in order to get rid of the red in their books.

Lots of banks that run Credit Card companies are also raising interest rates. This in turn has produced more capital for the companies, again pulling them slightly out of the red.

Cash for Clunker's helped produce a huge profit in Ford, the only company of the big three that didn't take bailout money. There are a few bright spots in the economy, but I don't buy it yet.

Unemployment hit 10.2% but the stock market is rising, but we are also hearing about banks failing and other countries slowly getting rid of their reserves of American Cash/Bonds. I see those numbers on the market rising simply in proportion to the 124% increase in printed money that will hit the markets when the banks start lend in earnest our enemy will be skyrocketing inflation.

The headlines this week was that the Fed was loaning at 0%, which essentially means they are at a bottoming out point of what they can do to control the market.

Big numbers don't matter much when that one number, the one dollar bill, isn't worth nearly what it was, and we don't have the industrial assets to back it up.
As far as bonds...a word to the wise as they get pushed as 'safe/stable' careful about bonds/bond funds at this point...interest rates are at historic lows...the most likely place for them to go in the future is up...and when interest rates go up....bonds/bond funds values typically go down.

Bond values "typically" go down when interest rates go up????? :(:(

Where did you study your Finance?

bond values ALWAYS go down when interest rates go up. That is how you get the Yield to Maturity, the coupon rate plus the appreciation rate. So, if you don't change the coupon rate, the only variable to change is the market value to provide an appreciation to maturity that provides the new, higher interest rate.

If that is too complicated for you, then look at it this way, if somebody like Schmaltz thinks buying bonds at historic low iinterest rates is a good idea, then you should take comfort in it being a bad idea.
Bond values "typically" go down when interest rates go up????? :(:(

Where did you study your Finance?

bond values ALWAYS go down when interest rates go up. That is how you get the Yield to Maturity, the coupon rate plus the appreciation rate. So, if you don't change the coupon rate, the only variable to change is the market value to provide an appreciation to maturity that provides the new, higher interest rate.

If that is too complicated for you, then look at it this way, if somebody like Schmaltz thinks buying bonds at historic low iinterest rates is a good idea, then you should take comfort in it being a bad idea.

Jose, where but an online GED, did you unearth such a brilliant albeit condescending rejoionder to such an innocuous platitude? ....fuggin duh....quit skatin;...LMAO just live to pick apart a statement based on 1 word?
I think the point was made in what I degree is in Economics...and 'ALWAYS' is a no-no in economics if you ever studied it deeper than 101/102 or CNN/FoxNews or typical media.
Case in point...if you are holding a high yield corp bond and ir drop...but bad reports come out on the corp you are holding debt to...then you can see you nav go down even though ir are going down as I said in Ecomonics 'always' and 'never' are seldom used teaches you to 'think' before you shoot your mouth off. ;)
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Bond values "typically" go down when interest rates go up????? :(:(

Where did you study your Finance?

bond values ALWAYS go down when interest rates go up. That is how you get the Yield to Maturity, the coupon rate plus the appreciation rate. So, if you don't change the coupon rate, the only variable to change is the market value to provide an appreciation to maturity that provides the new, higher interest rate.

If that is too complicated for you, then look at it this way, if somebody like Schmaltz thinks buying bonds at historic low interest rates is a good idea, then you should take comfort in it being a bad idea.

Its a good Idea when you feel the economy is far worst off than the feds want you to think it is. The feds will not make any big raise in rates as the economy cannot handle it right now. Bond heavy mutual funds have been doing just fine FYI just live to pick apart a statement based on 1 word?
I think the point was made in what I degree is in Economics...and 'ALWAYS' is a no-no in economics if you ever studied it deeper than 101/102 or CNN/FoxNews or typical media.
Case in point...if you are holding a high yield corp bond and ir drop...but bad reports come out on the corp you are holding debt to...then you can see you nav go down even though ir are going down as I said in Ecomonics 'always' and 'never' are seldom used teaches you to 'think' before you shoot your mouth off. ;)

If you had actually taken a few economics classes, then you would be familiar with the term "Ceteris paribus". You make a weak attempt to bail yourself out of an erroneous statement about interest rates with the introduction of other variables, company specific bad news, or some sort of hesitant qualification nonsense about "always" being a "no-no".

The pricing of bonds and the change in price of bonds is a pretty simple mathematical operation, and, as math, it is quite easy to use terms like "Always" as opposed to your nonsensical "typically" term.

You might want to go back and study some Latin to understand simple economic discussions, Ceteris paribus.:D
JC...I'm very familiar, and have forgotten more about econ than you ever hoped to know.
You obviously cant stand it to be one-upped...which makes you a poor debater as you grasp at straws to diss the other person instead of debating based on facts.
I'll review quickly...I made an open general then came back and made a specific point to critique of my statement pinned to '1' specific word. I then made a rebuttle pointing out based on "1" incorrect word in your statement (you used 'always'), a very simple situation in which YOU WERE never mentioned 'all other things being equal'...and since you made such a deal about it, I decided to show a specific example showing YOUR point was wrong. Get a life might try something new...LIKE HUNTING!
Duckhead... :)

I wouldn't argue with guner...

His incessant need to belittle and never answer questions is his hallmark, no matter how wrong or off the mark he is on a topic, he will never admit defeat, he thinks it shows weakness of character...

It's like teaching a pig to sing, it wastes your time and annoys the pig

If any of you are really curious as to the order of investments you want to stick your money into, look back to the sequence of events from the 70's - 90's...

Our economic woes should and probably will follow along fairly closely to that scenario...

Start your research sometime just before Carter comes into power all the way thru the long term advantages that Regan put into place on trickle down that came to fruition in the 90's and ended when the Socialist Democrats and Klinton got their way to damage the free market system and start inhibiting growth...

Klinton was also the one who was the biggest cause for the woes we are living now...

Nobammy is only compounding the problem and compounding it he is by leaps and bounds...

I believe we will be seeing harder times by far than most anyone living today can remember...

The hard times will go on for years after we finally if ever recover from nobammy's reckless behavior with our economy and way of life...

Words to the wise...

Do what you can to get out of debt, pay with cash and don't buy things you can't easily afford...

The credit companies love legalized slavery, and most Americans are duped into getting Shanghaied by them...
Another bit of advise about guner (JC), he only hunts if he can pay someone to show him how and especially where... :)
Take a look at SGCP ! Its a junior mining company that has been actually producing the last couple years or so. GOLD and Diamonds! Sierra Leone properties and much much more! Look it up! Its gonna explode in about a month or so! ;)
Take a look at SGCP ! Its a junior mining company that has been actually producing the last couple years or so. GOLD and Diamonds! Sierra Leone properties and much much more! Look it up! Its gonna explode in about a month or so! ;)

Please don't start posting crap about penny stocks and how they are going to "explode". Penny stocks are like the worst "investment" one could ever make, certainly one of the easiest ways to lose money.

Here is SGCP's Income (or lack of Income) Statement....

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Yeah and take a look at the Carbon Credit income not to mention lumber and rice sales off the owned land that will be in as soon as SL1, 2 and 3 are sold. Has a target price of $1.77 a share per yahoo finance and that was before all sl1 was APPROVED and SL2 and 3 even being applied for. Obviously don't dump all your $$ into penny stocks. I spent $620 and already have my money back plus $130 with 264K free shares!

Your family don't even admit they know you when out in public, do they? :D
Your family don't even admit they know you when out in public, do they? :D

Not too many here would know him in public. He is too ashamed to post a picture of himself and hides in the shadows. My guess he is afraid his ass would get kicked as much as it did when he was in school

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