Anybody else feeling there age?


Well-known member
Dec 12, 2014
Northern Illinois
The last week or so I've pondered on how things have changed since I was a kid and thought well maybe it's just me. Then tonight my 14 year old step son and I went a friendly wrestling match....the little prick flipped me into the oven and onto the floor. Felt like I broke about 15 bones. Not to be out done I didn't unlatch my headlock on him. The whole time thinking I hope this kid gives or I'm getting my ass beat. The whole time in my head was if he beats me I'll have no choice but to break his nose...I kid , kinda. He screamed uncle but I'm the one who has to limp around the job site for the next three days. It's all catching up to me.
Epic! Haha!

I found myself pickled as an old fart when co-workers were talking about kids these days... And the co-workers were born around 2000.

For once, I did not add my two cents - just took a long breath and was satisfied I was still breathing, pondering how many great hairs popped out my ears.
I didn’t notice much difference between between 18 and 35 but now at 38 it’s like the very beginning of tiny changes that only pick up speed over time. I used to be able to go full throttle sunup to sundown, now I’m a couple hours shy. In the past few years picked up some diagnoses, have a little pill I take every morning now.

Helping my daughter brush her teeth tonight she says, “Dad, why do you pop your knees?” “I’m old.”

The little display on my rowing machine said I burned 725 cal in an hour today…seems like a highly inflated calculation to boost people’s confidence. Either that or the default body weight it uses is like 400 lb 😏

I’m bound and determined to be one of those people who hunts well past 70
This weekend there was a small 8K run and 5K run/walk in town that was a fundraiser to benefit the local Gospel mission. Since our church does some work there, I figured I would sign up to add my support, but I haven't run anywhere close to 8K for several years. (I do run irregularly 4-5K at a time.) I survived, but my time of 52 minutes and something didn't impress anyone. The funny thing is that I finished second in the men's 40-49 age group...because there were only two of us in that age group.

I'm entirely happy with my effort, but when I pause to think, I ran a 10K a few years ago that I finished in 46 minutes. I hear you all. No way would I wrestle with my 16-year-old son. On the other hand, I hunted elk with a buddy in Wyoming in January, and one of the things I told him was that I had proven to myself that I could still hunt elk, and I intend to keep doing that for a long time.


Edit to add: I actually think I'm feeling my weight more than my age. I haven't managed my weight well, and I suspect that if I got my weight down I could hunt elk better and run races faster in spite of my age.
Yep I'm 44 and i drive a desk for a living like Big Fin. I could throw 100 plus pounds on my back and get after it all day...... now, I just went backpacking with my coworkers and I had a whopping 35 pounds on my back and I could feel every pound of it for 5.5 miles with 2000 ft elevation gain and lose. I still can throw a quarter on my back for a trip then I take the horse back to get the rest 😂
Yep I'm 44 and i drive a desk for a living like Big Fin. I could throw 100 plus pounds on my back and get after it all day...... now, I just went backpacking with my coworkers and I had a whopping 35 pounds on my back and I could feel every pound of it for 5.5 miles with 2000 ft elevation gain and lose. I still can throw a quarter on my back for a trip then I take the horse back to get the rest 😂
That odd quarter left doesn't pack well on a horse. It'll need two to keep the load balanced. So you're stuck brining a second quarter out on your back? 😉
I’m 45. I liken turning 40 to when a car goes off warranty. Everything worked great, and then suddenly lots of little things start having issues. And thankfully it is little things like needing glasses suddenly. And I wake up stiff and achy and like an older car need time to warm up before I go about my day.

The worst is how long injuries take to heal. My son plays hockey and while skating with him I took a fall and tweaked my ankle. This was in the beginning of April and I still have to be careful not to aggregate it.

Watching my parents and in-laws age, is brutal, however. 🙈
I’ll be 37 in September and the only issue I have is migraines. I can out run and out PT most the 20 year olds at work but the migraines are the real killer for me.
Turned 79 last week and still hunt, would go back out West again if I had anyone to go with but few will commit and follow through on such a venture so I'll just have to be satisfied with memories of years gone by.

Was still working part time until Covid reared it's ugly head and I didn't want to bring it home to my ailing wife so quit. Now that she has passed and I'm at loose ends I'm considering looking for an interesting part time gig again just to have something to do and to experience some more human interaction. Getting about too old to think about chasing the ladies again even if that were a consideration.
I had my realization just a month ago. Went to the Bowlerama with my kid and you know that punching bag that registers how hard you hit it? Well I just couldn’t beat him. I’m past 60, my kid is 24. I tried again and again. I knew he was faster than me, better at rasslin’ and could out hike me but I never realized he had become stronger. He is stronger but I realize I I have also become weaker. Damn.