Any South Dakota Bird Hunters........


New member
Jul 17, 2002
Cheyenne, Wyoming
on the board? I'm kicking around the idea of going pheasant hunting in South Dakots this fall. After Thanksgiving my hunting will probably slow down for the next 18 years with the twins coming, so I better do it now.

I'm wondering if there is plenty of places to hunt on public land for pheasant and maybe grouse, or would I be better off going with a guide? I would rather not use a guide, then I can spend a few more days hunting as opposed to spending some bucks for a guide and only hunting a day or two. I would kinda prefer to go around the Rapid City area if that is a good place. If not then I'd consider other places. Anyone have any sugestions?

<FONT COLOR="#800080" SIZE="1">[ 06-11-2003 11:42: Message edited by: Flytier ]</font>
Just had a conversation with Game, Fish and Parks ((605) 394-2391)and they said that there isn't much of a population of pheasents or grouse around Rapid City. She suggested that I contact the Chamberlin office because the local enforcement officer knows which land owners will allow hunting. Here is the Nr. for Chamberlin office: (605)734-4530. If you call and get any hot tips let us all know. We might could do a bird trip together.
Hi, Last year was the first year in 14 of hunting in sd that I missed going. I was surprised to find out it was also the first year the group didn't fill out. I believe you need to find private land to hunt, SD last year started a first weekend season for residents to hunt public land and it is the weekend before regular season of course, so public land is almost all hunted before out of state hunters get the opportunity. Chamberlin even Huron areas we have been succesful.
Thanks for the info, I'll give him a call in the next few days. A trip togather would be fun. Maybe we could get some other board members to come along too. Atleast I have an idea where the better places are. Thanks.
I can agree with the SD official that there isn't much if any bird hunting around Rapid City. I have a farm by the Gregory/Winner/Chamberlain area. I also have a guide service. I know on the onset it looks more expensive to hunt with a guide but by the time you finde an inflated priced motel room and spent most of the day looking for a place to hunt it's not much more. Many corprate hunts have "board meatings" after the hunt and it is a co. righoff. Take a look at my web site
Man is the bird hunting awesome in SD. I grew up in the Black Hills and loved to shoot roosters in the fall. I moved from SD in '98, so things could have changed, but I think you can do well on public land. Yes, residents are allowed to hunt by themselves the first week, but I disagree that all the birds are shot out. In 2001 there were 76,000 resident hunters and over 6 million birds. I can almost promise that there were more than a few birds still around after the first week.
South Dakota hunter stats

I had a place to hunt on private land, but did most of my hunting on public tracts. Obviously some of the easy access public lands get hammered, but there are good opportunities if you are not afraid to put in some miles. Here is a link to pheasant densities from 2001. Where are the birds?

Lots of opportunities for outfitters and you can find tons on the web. Unfortunately I can't afford those $200 birds, but obviously there are people willing to pay it every year. Later in the season you can access lots of private land for a tresspass fee far less than what outfitters charge, but I guess what sage mentioned is true, rooms and meals add up. Still won't catch me doing it though.

You may want try getting some information from (I just checked the site and it is down, but it is just temporary).

There are a couple of SD boys with better and more current information. Nulle is a moderator over there and also runs a pheasant hatchery. I am sure he can help you out.

Good luck and let us know how it works out.

<FONT COLOR="#800080" SIZE="1">[ 06-17-2003 06:23: Message edited by: mtmiller ]</font>
Thanks for the info mtmiller. I briefly checked out hunt chat. Good info. Even a feller from my town is a moderator. Am gertting some good input. Hopefully I'll be able to put it to use this fall.

Sage, I think we'll be chatting. I liked your web site. I'll read more into it when I have more time. Thanks for the tip.

<FONT COLOR="#800080" SIZE="1">[ 06-23-2003 19:59: Message edited by: Flytier ]</font>
I hear the Blue goose is Unlimited there ?!?! Was talknig to someone that claims that a COW DECOY and a guide with alot of private land is the way to go.. Something about 100#'s of meat in 3 days... Not sure if it's Fact of Fiction but the Hunt is 1K (Around with room and board and food.

dunno what you think but Sounds like ALOT of shooting and a cow of a good time
I actually think ther eare Male Blue goose.. But I could be wrong, MAybe that would be a PINK goose ?!?!
Moosie.........I'm going to NoDak to chase roosters since the are on the verge of being extinct here is SW Idaho! Hollar and I'll clue you in.