Another first for the kids


Active member
May 22, 2004
Southern Alberta
Took a drive do some spotting for mulies and ran across this guy courting a couple of young ladies. Brayden aka Fallingrock put his first Antelope on the ground. Maybe we could train the old man to put the spare battery for the camera in the next time so we could get more than 1 picture. |oo I still have to put the tape to it but Brayden is a happy guy today.
Huge congrats to Brayden. Quite a trophy for his first goat. Don't beat yourself up too much powder, at least you got on good photo of it.:D
Well this morning started out at sun-up down in the hills south of town checking to find out where the mulies were hiding. The sun came up at about 6:45 and we were in a spot where we could see for miles around. We spotted several smaller bucks off in the distance and we were watching them for about half an hour as they made their way back to one of the many draws. Brayden looks behind us and spots 3 Antelope out at about 150 yrds just standing there watching us. We glassed the buck for about 10 minutes and Brayden said if it didn't leave soon it would come home with us. I then spotted a decent mulie about a 1/2 mile out so we watched it for about 5 minutes before it went into a draw. Looking back at the Antelope and it had come to about 100 yrds. Brayden lined up took his time and shot right over it's back. It just stood broadside looking at us and Brayden said. "It must be an omen." His second shot dropped it right on the spot. With the temperature already heating up we decided to dress it and head back to town to get it skinned and cooled. The tape stetched out to 62 on Braydens first and I've bought another battery thats going to stay with the truck.
PaPa Moose these are the same fields that are full of little sloughs that we jump shoot Ducks and Geese in.
Yeti GOBOX Collection

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