Yeti GOBOX Collection

Another dead hunter

I remember the year I took hunter education they told us the most common hunting accident that year was one guy shooting another when they got out of opposite sides of a pickup and were each pulling their gun out while it was pointed at the other.

I saw a classic redneck solution to this one this past weekend.... The guy had one of those hard plastic Kolpin ATV boots/gun cases bolted into the BACK of his pick up, just over the wheel well. The butt of the gun stuck up over the side rail of his pick up about a foot.

It allowed him to road-hunt and jump out of his pick-up and get his gun without worrying about hanging his sling up on the gear shifter, or banging the scope on the steering wheel, or, even worse, having the muzzle bounce off the transmission hump and land down by the gas pedal. :(
It allowed him to road-hunt and jump out of his pick-up and get his gun without worrying about hanging his sling up on the gear shifter, or banging the scope on the steering wheel, or, even worse, having the muzzle bounce off the transmission and land down by the gas pedal.

....hmmmm, sounds a bit like the voice of experience?
Moosie, as gay as orange is.. put it on. It doesn't change the outcome of the hunt at all. Especially put in on your kids.. lots of it. It might help compensate for the stupidity of others.

You'd be suprised how many total $*)Q!#@$ idiots are out there. I was unaware of this until last fall. I typically hunt away from crowds - but last year had some eye openers - a circus on Deckard Flats near Gardiner (detailed in a thread last year) and an encounter in the backcountry of the Gallatin Canyon.

In the Gallatin, while riding a horse with another guy, 6 miles from the trailhead, across an open park, completely in view of an hunter perched on a ridge above us... he blasted a round over our heads. We were on horses and wearing orange. My horse bucked me off - my buddy bolted into the timber as we thought we were being shot at intentionally. I grabbed my horse, pulled my gun from the scabbard put one in the chamber and aimed at the dickhead who fired the shot. I yelled at him asking him what the #*^@#* he was doing..

He yelled back that he was shooting at a coyote.

I told him he better start running because we were coming for him... a few other choice words in there.

My buddy told me to get into the timber.. he's a complete alpha with a bad temper where I'm pretty much always non-confrontational. He thought we needed to take cover for a while and cool down. The guy took off into the trees going the opposite direction. We didn't know what to think of it - the bullet certainly whizzed just over our heads.

Tracks confirmed he was indeed shooting at a coyote about 40 yards infront of us. From the looks of it, he had to have seen both the coyote and us on the horses in his scope when he pulled the trigger. At that point my buddy started to get upset and I had to convince him it wasn't worth it to go after him.

Hunting should require an IQ test, but clearly that would weed out the numbers of guys buying licenses..
I wore orange this year for the first time in a long time. It gave me some good piece of mind even if it was usually just a hat. I plan to pick up a lightweight orange vest before next fall, as has been stated in this thread there are just too many idiots out there.
I am not too sure that wearing orange doesn't just make an easier target.
I too am an experienced been driving logging roads "shineing" animals for a long time.
Sunday I got two sound shots and one movement shot.
I am not too sure that wearing orange doesn't just make an easier target.
I too am an experienced been driving logging roads "shineing" animals for a long time.
Sunday I got two sound shots and one movement shot. hump

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