Another day, another attack - Fishing Access Site Funding Attack

Ben Lamb

Well-known member
Aug 6, 2010
Cedar, MI
Just saw from Montana Trout Unlimited that there is a request from the Agency Director & Deputy Director to slash funding for Fishing Access Sites. MT TU was able to secure $700,000 for new FAS', which saw massive use during 2020. Not sure why the Director & Deputy think we need less access, but here we areFast action request: Call the switchboard & request that the FAS funding level stay the same.

Oh good grief! I wonder how many voters are experiencing some serious buyer's remorse in Montana right now...
I suspect there's going to be serious funding cuts everywhere this year due to COVID. Much as I hate to admit it, we need to keep things in context. Probably will be a rough year all around for funding everything. However, $700G is not a grand sum in the overall scheme of things. On the face of it this has the appearance of something petty (e.g. ranchers vs fishermen over high water access). IF the Director promises this is only a temporary cut due to emergency, it might be more palatable ... but no less painful.
I suspect there's going to be serious funding cuts everywhere this year due to COVID. Much as I hate to admit it, we need to keep things in context. Probably will be a rough year all around for funding everything. However, $700G is not a grand sum in the overall scheme of things. IF the Director promises this is only a temporary cut due to emergency, it might be more palatable ... but no less painful.

FWP's revenue stream is solid, with an ending fund balance that keeps them in the black for the next few years. This is needed infrastructure funding that increases access to rivers & lakes.

FWP does not use general fund monies (tax dollars) to fund for these things. It's license revenue, along with federal matching dollars from Dingell/Johnson excise taxes on fishing gear.

There is no fiscal reason to try and remove this amendment, other than not wanting to spend the money on access.
Oh good grief! I wonder how many voters are experiencing some serious buyer's remorse in Montana right now...
The majority of those I've spoken to are completely blind to what is going on in legislature...all purposefully voted Red and have zero F's to give until I explain how their hunting season is going to change without their input.
Sending my messages now, but to your question, I wonder if they are just anti-sportsmen?

This administration has made it clear they have different priorities than sportsmen, sure. There is always a push & pull between the budget director & what advocates want. With the BD moving up to Deputy Director, that perspective is now the perspective of the director's office. I'm sure that because it wasn't in the Gov's budget, they are asking that it be eliminated, but it's kind of tone deaf after 505 & Hank's confirmation.
FWP's revenue stream is solid, with an ending fund balance that keeps them in the black for the next few years. This is needed infrastructure funding that increases access to rivers & lakes.

FWP does not use general fund monies (tax dollars) to fund for these things. It's license revenue, along with federal matching dollars from Dingell/Johnson excise taxes on fishing gear.

There is no fiscal reason to try and remove this amendment, other than not wanting to spend the money on access.
Well, thanks for clearing that up. So fishing license and fishing gear tax dollars didn't drop off during the pandemic? Beginning to look like another landed aristocrats' attack on public use of public game. It can certainly be easily packaged to look that way. Hank needs to take a step back and reappraise which fork in the political road he wants to take. It doesn't take a crystal ball to see the antagonism and bullying of the last federal administration is rapidly losing its luster. Jan 6 was a huge wakeup call. I think (hope!) that kind of politics has run its course in Montana too. Body Slam Gianforte is riding a wave that's already landing on a rocky shore.
Well, thanks for clearing that up. So fishing license and fishing gear tax dollars didn't drop off during the pandemic? Beginning to look like another landed aristocrats' attack on public use of public game. It can certainly be easily packaged to look that way. Hank needs to take a step back and reappraise which fork in the political road he wants to take. It doesn't take a crystal ball to see the antagonism and bullying of the last federal administration is rapidly losing its luster. Jan 6 was a huge wakeup call. I think (hope!) that kind of politics has run its course in Montana too. Body Slam Gianforte is riding a wave that's already landing on a rocky shore.
From my understanding fishing license and gear sales were way up because people were getting outside more to "social distance". Access sites were jam packed with guys with new boats from all over the country here in SW Montana. I even saw rigs from TX up here fly fishing with new drift boats which I'd never seen before

GiantFart is a known hater of public trust especially with his attempted lawsuit against the fishing access site near his home.
All outdoor activities went through a renaissance in 2020, thanks to COVID. Fishing in MT was wall-to-wall on the prime rivers. FAS' were crowded, etc. It's time to increase access to rivers & lakes, not take that funding away.

There's another bill in the Senate that would make a Conservation License mandatory to use an FAS, but it's passage is far from certain. This is much needed funding now, for stream access.
There's another bill in the Senate that would make a Conservation License mandatory to use an FAS, but it's passage is far from certain. This is much needed funding now, for stream access.
Interesting...that would be helpful to cover costs "non-consumptive" users that use those sites and stack the trash at the dumpsters though we all know FWP doesn't have the staff to enforce it. My coworker is a non-hunter and refuses to participate in the recreational permits for DNRC lands and doesn't participate in the AIS stamp even though he owns 4 kayaks and drags them around the state.
All outdoor activities went through a renaissance in 2020, thanks to COVID. Fishing in MT was wall-to-wall on the prime rivers. FAS' were crowded, etc. It's time to increase access to rivers & lakes, not take that funding away.

There's another bill in the Senate that would make a Conservation License mandatory to use an FAS, but it's passage is far from certain. This is much needed funding now, for stream access.
Thanks for clearing that up. So there's no financial excuse for slashing this funding. Good to know I can't give Gianforte the benefit of a doubt ... because I didn't want to anyway. This funding slash is very easily packaged into a personal vendetta of this as$hole governor. I swear to gawd the people in Montana would have voted in a sour sack of stinking dog shit if it had been branded GOP.
Thanks for clearing that up. So there's no financial excuse for slashing this funding. Good to know I can't give Gianforte the benefit of a doubt ... because I didn't want to anyway. This funding slash is very easily packaged into a personal vendetta of this as$hole governor. I swear to gawd the people in Montana would have voted in a sour sack of stinking dog shit if it had been branded GOP.

To be fair, there is no indication that the Gov's office knows this is occurring. However, in my experience directors of agencies do not make requests for legislation or budget issues without signoff from the 2nd floor. If FWP leadership is going rogue, then that's a big problem politically for this Governor.
I know there is a bill to make anyone using a FAS need to buy a license. I forget the bill number and the actual license required, but I wonder if the offset is expected to find the gap. If I find it I'll update.
I know there is a bill to make anyone using a FAS need to buy a license. I forget the bill number and the actual license required, but I wonder if the offset is expected to find the gap. If I find it I'll update.

SB 153 is that vehicle. Amendments are being drafted now to fix some big issues with the bill, so it's not moved yet, but we tried this in 2019 only to get shot down in the senate.

But SB 153 wouldn't impact this budget. It would be available for future efforts, if passed, and allocated by the Legislature. This $700K is for the biennium, and means that if it is stricken, no FAS's for 2 years. That's a lot of time to let key access points go without protection.
To be fair, there is no indication that the Gov's office knows this is occurring. However, in my experience directors of agencies do not make requests for legislation or budget issues without signoff from the 2nd floor. If FWP leadership is going rogue, then that's a big problem politically for this Governor.
Really? When has Gianforte ever worried about problems with his image? GOP are required to make problems with their image. It's the conservative way.
Some of the biggest neighboring landowner complaints about fishing access sites are 1) noxious weeds, 2) litter, and 3) noise/partying.

All of these take money. Tordon isn't free, nor do game wardens work for free. Being good neighbors takes money.

If you like using FAS, please make it known you oppose this and why.

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