American Prairie Reserve - Nothing new

And here Mr LUBBOCK,TX
“If you want to see some terrible hypocrisy, check out Wyoming's One Shot program where the losers have to dress up as squaws and dance around. If you check into it I bet a lot of those folks are the same people complaining the loudest about the APR.” poor dumb racist bassturds, shove this forum shit up your butt!
In all fairness, you guys have been begging for cogency.
Back on topic I'm really having a hard time following the circular logic.

So initially he is posting that APR shouldn't be able to put bison on their place because they are wild animals and not livestock and for sure they shouldn't be able to graze them on BLM land so they are going to for sure lose that court case because they aren't livestock even though the Montana legislature passed a law recently saying they were livestock. (plus all kinds of other scattered nonsense about ferrets and extinct grass and stuff)

Then he posts up information saying that they aren't pure DNA wild bison but have a small % of bovine DNA.

Is he arguing for or against APR treating their bison like livestock? Has he changed his mind and is now saying it is okay?

I really haven't ever understood what he is saying that APR is doing wrong. I guess that they have publicly said they want predators on the landscape? I thought he was against them grazing bison on BLM land but now I'm not sure.
Don't forget about the ferrets.
Read this whole damn thread, for the life of me I can’t figure out what the OP doesn’t like about the AP(R). They suck because they have ferrets? They suck because they do not yet have fully restored grasslands? They suck because they allow some hunting on private land but not unlimited? They suck because virtually all Buffalo could possibly have Republican cattle genes? They suck because…the 10,000 cattle that could be raised on thier 450,000 acres will make a difference in the beef market? (There are 1200 cows in Texas for every cow that could be supported on the APr under ideal conditions so .002% of the Texas cattle total ). They suck because they’re really a bunch of long haired hippie-type, pinko commies? Sheesh, it’s private land connecting a huge swath of public with the express purpose of ecosystem wide conservation that is voluntarily opening itself up to diverse use.

Seems like a win-win-win situation to me; a win for billionaires that want to feel good about themselves, a win for hunters looking for more access and a win for for wildlife. Perhaps a donation is in order now that I know a little more about it.
If only someone was lucky enough to try and harvest an a.p. bison.....

Even more strange is Gila is a hard right guy, that I'm sure believes in private property rights, that is, unless its AP that owns that private land. Then that's different, private property rights should then be taken away.

His whole issue with AP is lathered in hypocrisy.
We have often seen on these pages that modern "conservatives" seem to be pretty wishy-washy on property rights these days (except their own).
“a single human has an average of around 2% Neanderthal DNA”
Here we are squealing about 1% bovine DNA in bison.

Any votes on signing Gila up?

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