NEW SITKA Ambient 75

A Proud Father


New member
Jul 26, 2011
Southeast Idaho
On Monday, we finally completed a year long battle. We adopted our Grandson and now he is safe, happy and is now my Son. We adopted his younger sister five years ago and have been caring for her. She has a severe disability, but is the strongest person I have ever known. I am proud to welcome her brother into our home and give him a shot at a great life. It is a very long story, but my wife and I are just happy to be able to share our lives with both of them. Time to go teach him about respecting the outdoors.
That is great news, ID. You should be commended for stepping forward to make a positive difference in the lives of these two young people. I admire you and thank you for making their world a better place.
Wow, what a gift you're giving...I needed a really nice story like that today. Congrats to you all!
We adopted our Grandson and now he is safe

That right there tells me all I need to know. Highest regards and respect to you and your wife. Blessings to the little girl.
You have my respect and admiration, I pray that God will pour out blessings on you and your family. Those kids are very fortunate to have you and your wife in their lives and I would venture a guess that you feel the same about them.
You have done the right thing. Your pay back will be tripled. We just HAVE to do what we do when we can. My hat is off to you sir. And I mean that sincerely.
Congrats to you and your son.I've had custody of my 1st 2 kids for 11 years now,and wouldn't change a thing.Well maybe just one, like getting some child support for them.She used the system to her advantage to get around paying,but I've never had a problem working harder to make sure they have what they need,and then some
Sounds like they are in good hands.Enjoy every minute,they grow so fast.Got my daughter at 4 and just took her for her drivers permit Friday.Time fly's
This world needs more like you! GOD bless and best of luck with the children. They already have a great role model!
Amazing! What a huge sacrifice you made to provide those kids a loving, safe environment. Such a moving thing. Congrats and many many blessings to you and yours!