A mans word aint what it use to be


New member
Aug 22, 2014
Well you learn something new everyday I guess. Found a 150 hp tractor price for 55000 with very low hours on it. I called the guy and we had a deal 55000 but I wanted to look first. He called tis morning and said 1 oclock on Tuesday would work. An hour later he calls back I sold it for 60000. What ever happened to a man honoring his word:mad: So I'm going to have a poll to see if my thinking is right. or if his way of thinking is right.
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Your offer was conditional on a visual inspection. While I completely understand your side, I would also have sold the tractor (cash in hand) rather than pass on a guaranteed sale with hopes of a sale in a few days. You could have easily passed on the sale, so look at it from the sellers side as well.

I also live by my word but I have been burned more than once in the past by such transactions.

I see both sides. If you made a deal he should have honored it. However, that's a lot of money to wait and see if you like it or not. I have had people tell me they want something and that they Will be over the next day to pay for it only to never be heard from again.
No contract....No foul. Offer, Acceptance, Consideration. By making it contingent upon inspection, there was no 'acceptance'. Sorry Dude.
I am a bad guy as well I guess. I don't see that there was ever a "deal" other than you wouldn't pay for something until you saw it. Another guy made the "deal" when he paid for the product.
If you had agreed to purchase it and just wanted to confirm the condition was as advertised I would have told any other interested party it was probably sold and took there number in case you backed out. I sleep good at night but will never be rich!:)

I found four wheeler this spring that was a couple hour drive away but a definite good deal. I told the owner I would pay asking price and be there at 7 PM which I was. He told me (and I believe him) he turned down several hundred dollars over his price while I was in transit. Some peoples word is still good!
Guess I learned a new way too do business. We agreed if hours were right it's mine. And he wanted me to see it had no leaks. No dealer would buy without confirming hours. He would of had the money at 9 tis morning but we have a blizzard going on. I don't really blame him he didn't know what it was worth 70000 to 80000. He could have gave me a shot at 60000.
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if you had agreed to purchase it and just wanted to confirm the condition was as advertised i would have told any other interested party it was probably sold and took there number in case you backed out. I sleep good at night but will never be rich!:)

i found four wheeler this spring that was a couple hour drive away but a definite good deal. I told the owner i would pay asking price and be there at 7 pm which i was. He told me (and i believe him) he turned down several hundred dollars over his price while i was in transit. Some peoples word is still good!

..... :) .....
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Wait a minute, your mad because he sold it to someone else willing to pay closer to its worth????Sounds like your the same type of business man as he is.I guess you can sleep better at night ripping people off that are unsure of products worth.Your mad because you lost 20k by being greedy.Sorry but I definitely don't feel sorry for you
I guess if the 20k was worth it to you, you would have driven thru a little snow and ripped the guy off quicker then the other guy did.Charma at its best right here
so looking for a deal is bad? He priced it and I gave him his asking price. How is that ripping him off. He never asked for more. actually happier then heck last nite. It's what you look for when you buy stuff deals. He farmed his whole life he should know what it was worth.
Well you learn something new everyday I guess. Found a 150 hp tractor price for 55000 with very low hours on it. I called the guy and we had a deal 55000 but I wanted to look first. He called tis morning and said 1 oclock on Tuesday would work. An hour later he calls back I sold it for 60000. What ever happened to a man honoring his word:mad: So I'm going to have a poll to see if my thinking is right. or if his way of thinking is right.

Ever try selling something? Its 10X worse than buying. Guys ask you to hold something for them and meanwhile other guys take their money elsewhere. Then the guy that asked you to hold it finally says "no" and you're left with jack. Lots of people with no legitimate interest that want to dicker with you.

Money talks. Words ain't worth much when everyone can use them for free. You should have greased his palm with $500 to hold it for you.
I am definitely a bargain hunter too. I definitely don't think that you were doing anything wrong by offering what he asked, but I also don't think that he did anything wrong given that he wasn't sure you were going to buy. Can't say I wouldn't be frustrated, but that doesn't make it unfair.
He set the day to look/pay.
I think he should have at least gave me a shot at it for 60000 or more. God knows it was a steal. Say hey I priced it to low someone else offered me 60000 would you match or do better. Think that would have been the nice thing to do.
I have had many 'buyers' for my horses that agreed on a price but wanted to look at them and never showed up. So now I sell to who shows up with the money.
How has it become a whining party? guess you cant answer guys questions. Back to gee the wind was wrong for me to kill the big one today.
Guess this thread is over guys the law has spoke.
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