A little help needed from Cameron Hanes

Wasn't it Moosie who prescribed this routine?

I thought I would let you, my friends, in on a little secret I've found for building my arm and shoulder muscles. You might wish to adopt this regimen. 3 days a week works well!

I started out by standing outside the house with a 5 pound potato sack in each hand extending my arms straight out to my sides and holding them there as long as I could.

After a few weeks I moved up to 10 pound potato sacks, then 50 pound potato sacks and finally I got to where I could lift a 100 pound potato sack in each hand and hold my arms straight out for more than a full minute!

Next, I started putting a few potatoes in the sacks, but I would caution you not to overdo it at this level
I like to walk 1-2 miles with a 50lbs backpack when I can but once winter set in I started to do P90X. Like Tony says "Do your best & Forget the rest". I lost 28lbs in about 6wks the first time on P90X and now I would like to lose a few more lbs so I am on it again. Your diet will help you more than anything so start there. Good luck.
I can't hump the steep stuff any more; the best parts of my knees having been damaged in a car/bike T-boner on south Sheridan Blvd.in Denver back in 1970. You can imagine who was on the bike.. Those of you from around Denver know how Jefferson County drivers are. To the point, just start slow and build slow, and you are less likely to do permanent damage. You might think yourself a Superman or someone similar, but if you're like most of us you're just being delusional. My neighborhood is fairly hilly with some inclines steep enough to require braking or gearing down in order to remain legal, so I've laid out about six or seven routes of varying length, none less than two miles and up to five miles. I walk at least three miles per hour, otherwise you're wasting time and shoe leather. Keep those lungs working, toss the smokes if you do such, pick routes with young housewives who like to work in the yard, carry a dog defender (shillelagh), and just keep humping.
Check out Jeff Galloway's website. His walk / run program is a great way to get into running. When I first started it I would run for 10 seconds walk for 50 seconds and repeat for 1/2 hour or more. Each week I gradually increased the running time and decreased the walking time. I ran my first two half marathons last year and am currently training for another. The walk breaks really help prevent the sore knees, shins, etc. and trains your muscles for running longer. Also, the most the most important thing is to go to a running specialty store and have them fit you for a good pair of shoes that are built to match your feet. You will probably spend $80 - $100 but it is money well spent and you can get 300 plus miles out of each pair.
Ex- runner. Don't expect too much too fast. When I was into it I naturally weighed 168 at a little over 6' - 1". That was too heavy. I couldn't loose weight without cutting way back on food and I wasn't a heavy eater. Maybe it was the wife's cooking...she never skimped on fat. But when I could drop 10 lb I really got to feeling light on my feet and I would kind of hit a slide where weight was (too) easy to loose and when I'd hit 153 I'd begin to eat a little more, but, man, did I feel great. I was a middle distance runner and have done the Hood to Coast Relay twice. Even being in pretty good shape compared to the average jogger it still took extra training (working up to 10-mile runs) to be able to do the relay and be an asset to the team. Those were good days.

Hints: Don't expect too much too fast. Being a little faster or going a little longer each week is the goal, but I'm talking about 4 seconds off your mile time or going a quarter mile farther...something that is difficult but doable. Make it fun by planning a race or competing with a friend of similar ability. Don't take more than one day off a week. Being tired is no excuse...I had some really good finishes after feeling really terrible the first mile. Have fun.
Dinkshooter, that rocks -- hahahhaha, great pics! Here is what I will provide you sir. Whatever it is you are doing....just GET YOUR HEART RATE UP, and keep it there. Practice keeping it higher for longer.1/2 mile is fine....running is hard on knees and joints. Elipticle may be better. *If you are running or swimming make sure you go easy, then pick up pace, then sprint before you go into a cool down. Stretching is critical to getting in shape and will make you feel great. I would suggest strength training as well as aerobic/running work. Crossfit was mentioned would be good too.
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IMO the best excersise for hunting is to go 'hunting' without your rifle. Strap on a pack with 40-50lbs and hike around the mountains 2-3 hours, 2-3 days a week or more if you can. Or at least go walk around your neighborhood for the same amount of time. This has worked for me the last 20 years. I should excersise more, but I don't, and haven't felt I really needed to. I did have a 'coming to Jesus' moment on mile 12 of a 15 mile 'day trip' last year. Course it was day 10, and I had 120lbs of gear and sheep in my pack. I wished I was in better shape at the time. Looking back, I think I was in pretty damn good shape considering everything that had transgressed the 9 days before and I still managed to make in time for a plane ride home, and was no worse for the ware the following day.
Fact !!

Don't cut your eating. If you cut back on the number of times you eat, your body will automatically go into a starvation mode, thinking it's not going to get fed. Your motabilism will slow down. Bad.

Eat the same amount of calories, just do it in 6-7 small meals a day.Motabolism speeds up. Body knows it's going to get waht it needs.

After about a month....then curb the calories, but keep up the feeding schedule. And start taking some high quality vitamins.

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