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A family affair


Well-known member
Aug 6, 2011
My dad and his friend flew in from Michigan to hunt with my brother and I who live in Montana. I'm the only one who has killed antelope bucks, and I was the main guide for us all as I've hunted the area numerous times. My brother started the day off with his first buck, and earned a "beauty mark" in the process thanks to the scope. Later that day, my dads friend missed a chip shot on a nice buck likely because his night force scope was unnecessary complicated for him but that's another story. He's a mellow guy and didn't let it get him down though. I knew four bucks in the two days we had would be a real tall order so I took a small doe for the fun of it and because I love the meat. My brother was a good sport and just carried it over his shoulder which proved to be much easier than us dragging it while i carried the guns and backpacks.

Most satisfying to me was watching my dad get his first antelope. He missed one earlier, and after watching his friend miss the easy buck shot, I made a point to coach him right up to the shot. We belly crawled up a small hill to get about 250 yards away. Anyone who was in central Montana on Sunday can testify the winds were outrageous and i watched him struggle to keep the barrel steady with his forearm in the dirt. Knowing a miss was highly likely with him holding the gun like that, I built a rest with my bino case and a big piece of dried cow dung. Necessity is the mother of invention. Now he was nice and steady, and his 60th birthday present roared with life. The doe immediately tipped over and I think he was more relieved than happy at that point. Overall it was a great weekend and now on to some birds.


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Congratulations to all. May the good natured ribbing live for years for the scope bite and the missed shots. :)
Love the Trophy marks on your brothers eye. Guess tha buck came with a price.
Sounds like a great weekend with the family
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